A. Purpose
The use-specific standards in this section are intended to provide additional standards for certain permitted and special exception
in order to mitigate any adverse impacts on
, on the immediate neighborhood, and on the community.
B. Applicability
These requirements are in addition to those required of principal
in Article 6: Dimensional Standards of the and are applied only when required in a
for a particular
. The use specific standards prevail when a conflict with another standard, including a dimensional standard from Article 6, occurs.
1. Provisions Relating to
in General
a. All
shall be
at least 50 feet from all
, except corrals, which must be
ten feet from all
b. All stables, barns, and
sheds or
shall be
at least 100 feet from any
2. Provisions Relating to Livestock
a. No more than two horses or two head of cattle are permitted per each 36,000 square feet of
b. A stock-tight fence and necessary cattle guards shall be erected and maintained along the boundaries of any area where livestock is kept or grazed. This provision does not apply to
where the
property is zoned IR or to open range as determined under Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.).
c. All horses, cattle, sheep, goats, or similar
shall be confined within a stock-tight fence in an area of no less than 400 square feet per
. Such fenced-in area shall be
ten feet from the rear
where it abuts an IR, RH, SR, SH, RX-1, or RX-2 ; 40 feet from the rear where it abuts any other ; and 40 feet from a side
. A
of ten feet is permitted on the side yard where the
property owners have a written recorded agreement to this effect, but in no event shall a corral be closer than 50 feet to any residence or living quarters on an
3. Provisions Relating Specifically to Hogs
a. Hogs are prohibited.
b. No more than one hog weighing more than 50 pounds is permitted per each 36,000 square feet of
c. Hog-raising
that exceed the permitted number of hogs in Section 4.9.2.A.3.b is permitted if sponsored by the 4-H Club, Future Farmers of America, or other similar nonprofit organization, provided that a letter of authorization from the sponsoring organization is submitted confirming that the
is sponsored by the organization, describing the
and stating its length of time.
d. Hogs shall be penned at least 500 feet from any
4. Riding Stables or Riding Schools
a. All stables, barns, and
sheds or
shall be
at least 200 feet from any interior
with residential zoning, except that the distance may be measured to the boundary of the
to be served as a
b. Outside audio amplification is prohibited.
B. Community
1. Permitted Activities and Uses.
The following activities and uses are permitted on a Community use:
a. Growing and harvesting of agricultural products;
b. The keeping of is permitted as an accessory use to the growing and harvesting of agricultural products in accordance with Section 6.6.5.E, Keeping of . Permission from the property owner is required and a sign must be posted identifying the person responsible for caring for the and his or her contact information;
are permitted as a principal or accessory structure in accordance with mechanical heating or cooling as defined in Section 11.4.8, Definitions - G. Heating or cooling systems associated with greenhouses shall be located a minimum distance of 200 feet from every property line, or as a second option, the applicant may provide a mitigation plan that may include screening or other treatment to comply with Section 16-31, Excessive Noise, of the Tucson Code. Compliance with the second option may require the heating or cooling systems and/or greenhouse to have a greater perimeter yard than that required of a principal building by the zone. Applicants using the second option must demonstrate compliance with this standard prior to issuance of a building permit.
, including those that are cooled solely by an evaporative cooler, are not required to provide a wider perimeter yard than that required by the zone;
d. On-site sale of agricultural products grown on-site is permitted as an accessory use in accordance with Section 6.6.5.F.;
f. Outdoor activity, including the outdoor display of products grown on-site, is permitted.
g. Any area used for keeping tools and equipment shall be screened from the street.
C. Crop Production
Greenhouses are permitted in accordance with Section 4.9.2.B.1.c.
D. Stockyard Operation
1. A commercial feedlot use shall be
at least 500 feet from any
2. Livestock auction yard.
a. All
, holding pens and areas, and show areas shall be
at least 300 feet from any
b. Generation of dust shall be minimized.
c. Outdoor audio amplification that would create a
properties is prohibited.
E. Urban Farm
1. Permitted Activities and Uses
The following activities and uses are permitted on an Urban Farm use:
a. Growing and harvesting of agricultural products;
b. The keeping of
as an accessory use in accordance with Section 4.9.2.B.1.b;
c. Greenhouses are permitted in accordance with Section 4.9.2.B.1.c;
d. On-site sale of agricultural products grown on-site is permitted as an accessory use in accordance with Section 6.6.5.F.;
e. During an on-site sales event, a temporary booth or canopy may be located within the front yard setback of the property provided site visibility is maintained and is exempt from Section 6.6.1.C; and,
f. Outdoor activity, including the outdoor display of products grown on-site, is permitted.
2. Nuisance Mitigation
Urban Farms are required to comply with the following standards:
a. Dust, Fumes, Vapors, Gases, and Other Forms of Air Pollution
No emission shall be permitted that can cause damage to health,
, vegetation, or other forms of property or that can cause any excessive soiling of the air.
b. Illumination
Illumination of buildings and open areas shall be located and directed so as to eliminate glare toward streets and adjoining properties and shall comply with the requirements of the Tucson Code, Chapter 6, Outdoor Lighting Code.
c. Liquids and Solid Waste
No waste shall be discharged into the streets, drainage-ways, or on property possibly creating a danger to the public health and safety, and no waste shall be discharged in the public sewage system that might endanger the normal operation of the public sewage system.
d. Noise
The sound level of any individual operation shall not exceed the levels permitted in Section 16-31, Excessive Noise, of the Tucson Code.
e. Odor
Emission of odorous gases or other odorous matter shall not be permitted in such quantities as to be offensive to owners or occupants of adjoining property or in such a manner as to create a nuisance or hazard beyond the property lines.
f. Vibration
No vibration shall be permitted that is discernible beyond the property lines to the human sense of feeling for a duration of three minutes or more in any one hour of the day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. or of a duration of 30 seconds or more in any one hour between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
g. Heavy Machinery
The use of heavy machinery (e.g. tractors, plows, etc.) is permitted, but is restricted to use between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and must be in compliance with the other nuisance mitigation requirements as applicable.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015)