General Provisions
152.01 Title
152.02 Purpose; application and jurisdiction
152.03 Definitions
152.04 Subdivision outside the corporate limits within a mile and one-half
152.05 Entitlement of record upon approval
152.06 Water and sewer main extension policy
152.07 Condominium subdivisions
Procedures to be Followed for Submitting a Subdivision Plan
152.20 Pre-application
152.21 Preliminary plat
152.22 Final plat
152.23 Construction plans, specifications and other requirements
152.24 Bonds, fees and certificates
Design Standards
152.35 Alleys
152.36 Blocks
152.37 Drainage report
152.38 Easements
152.39 Gas mains and appurtenances
152.40 Lots
152.41 Power lines
152.42 Sanitary sewers and appurtenances
152.43 Sidewalks
152.44 Stormwater management standards
152.45 Storm sewers and conveyance
152.46 Streets
152.47 Street lighting
152.48 Street names, signs and numbering
152.49 Sump pump drain line system
152.50 Telephone and cable television lines
152.51 Water mains and appurtenances
152.65 Construction inspections and deviations from the plans and specifications