General Provisions
151.01 Scope
151.02 Definition
Permit Provisions
151.15 Permit required; application
151.16 Plans and other pertinent data to be submitted
151.17 Fee
Standards for Construction
151.30 Location of swimming pool
151.31 Design and construction requirements
151.32 Recirculation types required
151.33 Recirculation system and appurtenances
151.34 Disinfection
151.35 Inlets
151.36 Electrical requirements
151.37 Inspections
Standards for Operation
151.50 Operation and maintenance
151.51 Inspection; abatement; appeal
151.52 Records
151.53 Interference with enjoyment of property rights prohibited
151.54 Shielding lights
151.55 Unnecessary noise
151.56 Bathing suit required
151.99 Penalty