(A)   Prior to filing a preliminary plat, the subdivider may confer with the Plat Officer so general information about the subdivision and its location may be conveyed to the Planning Commission. The pre-application is optional and does not require formal application, nor any fee, nor the filing of a plat with the village.
   (B)   Ten copies of any pre-application materials requested shall be submitted to the Plat Officer no later than the fifteenth day of the month prior to the meeting at which the Planning Commission shall review the pre-application materials.
   (C)   The Plat Officer may request all or a portion of the following at the time of pre-application:
      (1)   Land characteristics and existing condition of the site;
      (2)   A sketch plan of the proposed subdivision layout showing the following:
         (a)   Street and lot layout and other features in relation to existing conditions;
         (b)   Number of lots with typical widths and depths; and
         (c)   Available utilities.
      (3)   Any additional information and data necessary for proper consideration of the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 16-102, passed 4-4-2016)