(A)    No person not a member of the Board of Trustees shall address the Board of Trustees without the consent of a majority of the Trustees present, unless otherwise provided for by law or rule of the Board.
('77 Code, § 30.008)
   (B)    When a Trustee wishes to present a communication, petition, order, resolution, or other original matter, he shall first obtain recognition by the presiding officer, and shall briefly state its nature before presenting the same.
('77 Code, § 30.011)
   (C)    No Trustee, without leave of a majority of Trustees present, shall speak more than once upon the same subject, until every Trustee desirous of speaking shall have spoken. No Trustee shall speak longer than five minutes at any one time except by consent of a majority of the Trustees present.
('77 Code, § 30.012)
   (D)    While a member is speaking, no member shall hold any private discourse.
('77 Code, § 30.013)