1420.01   Duties of Building Commissioner; determination of fees.
1420.02   Building and engineering plan examination, permit and inspection fees.
1420.03   Miscellaneous building/engineering permit and inspection fees.
1420.04   Procedural compliance bond required.
1420.05   Use and occupancy permit required.
1420.06   Public rights-of-way bond required.
      Required submission of plans of public buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
      Fees for plan approval - see Ohio R.C. 3791.07
      Building permits for drainage ditches - see S.U. & P.S. 1022.02
      Limitations on issuance - see P. & Z. 1212.05
      Conditions for issuance - see P. & Z. 1228.08
      Zoning requirements - see P. & Z. 1242.03, et seq., 1258.20, 1266.11
      Applications, plans and drawings - see B. & H. Ch. 1416
      Capital Facilities Utilization Charge - see C.O. 1046.24
   (a)   The Building Commissioner or his duly authorized representative shall examine and approve all plans and specifications and authorize the issuance of a permit or certificate required by the Building and Housing Code and shall designate thereon the character and other legal data and requirements related to the building, structure or other element of construction or use covered by such permit or certificate. The Building Commissioner or his duly authorized representative shall fix the nonrefundable permit or inspection fee to be paid prior to the issuance of such permit or certificate and shall advise the Finance Department of such fee for collection and a receipt to be given for same. The fees to be paid shall be as set forth in this Chapter.
   (b)   The Building Commissioner shall maintain active membership in the International Code Council (ICC) and shall utilize the type of construction method, gross area modifier and use group classification therein published semi-annually by ICC and known as the "Building Valuation Data" hereafter known as “BVD” which is a part of the Permit Fee Schedule to determine the fees established by this Chapter, except where specific fees are set. Such gross area modifier and type of construction factor shall be multiplied by the factors hereinafter set out in this Chapter to determine fees, except where specific fixed fees are stipulated in this Chapter.
   (c)   For purposes of this chapter, the Building Commissioner may utilize the following abbreviations to identify Codes:
The Strongsville Dwelling Code (Chapter 1402 of these Codified Ordinances).
The Ohio Building Code (Chapter 1404 of these Codified Ordinances).
The Residential Code of Ohio (Chapter 1402 of these Codified Ordinances).
The Strongsville Planning and Zoning Code (Part Twelve of these Codified Ordinances).
   (d)   The Building Commissioner shall utilize BVD and the Tables set forth hereafter identified as numbers 1420.02.1, 1420.02.2, 1420.02.3, 1420.02.4, 1420.02.5 and 1420.02.6 and associated formulae to determine fees under this Chapter where indicated in the fee schedule(s) by the abbreviations for the applicable formula.
   (e)   For purposes of this Chapter, the following words shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended:
      (1)   “Building Valuation Data or “BVD” published by the International Code Council means the “average construction costs per square foot table” and is one of the factors used for determining permit cost in the City of Strongsville.
      (2)   “Gross area” or “GA” is the sum of the gross floor area of all floors in the proposed building or structure. Where an owner or applicant proposes an alteration or change of use, gross area shall be determined by the Building Commissioner based on the actual area affected by the alteration or change of use which may extend beyond the limits of construction.
      (3)   “Square Foot Construction Cost” or SFCT as determined by the “Building Valuation Data Table” provides average construction costs per square foot. The square foot construction cost table presents factors that reflect relative value of one construction classification/occupancy group to another so that more expensive construction is assessed greater permit fees than less expensive construction.
      (4)   PF-total permit fees.
(Ord. 2016-113. Passed 5-16-16.)
   The following fees shall be paid by the applicant for the occupancies and items listed below at the time an application is made and/or at the time such fees are determined, but in any event no later than at the time of issuance of the permit:
Table 1420.02.1-RESIDENTIAL
New 1, 2 & 3 Family a
Building Permit
GA x SFCT x 0.011 = PF
GA x SFCT x 0.011 = PF
Value Range Table
Electrical Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
HVAC Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
Plumbing Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
1% State Tax
Plus 1% of all the fees above b
Plus 1% of all the fees above b
Plus 1% of all the fees above b
Building Plan Review Fee
12% x PF,
$50.00 minimum
12% x PF,
$50.00 minimum
12% x PF,
$50.00 minimum
Engineering TOPO Review Fees
12% x PF
12% x PF
Engineering Inspection Fees
12% x PF
12% x PF
Grading Compliance Deposit
Sewer Cap Fee
Sewer Cap Range Table f
Tree Planting Fee
Tree Planting Range Table d
Recreation Cap Improvement Fee
$800.00 e
Right of Way Deposit
Excessive Loads Fee
Compliance Deposit
$500.00 selectable
based on scope
$500.00 selectable
based on scope
Certificate of Occupancy/Completion
Total permit fees
Total permit fees
Total permit fees
Table 1420.02.1-RESIDENTIAL
Electrical Permit
$100.00 Flat Fee plus 1% State Tax b
HVAC Permit
$100.00 Flat Fee plus 1% State Tax b
Plumbing Permit
$100.00 Flat Fee plus 1% State Tax b
Value Range Table c ( x 50%) = PF b
Includes building and topographical review
Value Range Table c
(x 50%)=PF, $50.00 minimum
Includes building and topographical review
Pool/Spa Above Ground
$100.00 Flat Fee b
Includes building, electrical and gas if applicable
In-ground Pool
$200.00 Flat Fee b
Includes building, electrical, topographical review and gas if applicable
$50.00 Flat Fee
Value Range Table c (x 50%)=PF
$50.00 Flat Fee b      
Includes building, engineering and topographical review
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Includes building, engineering and topographical review
$50.00 Flat Fee b
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Rain Barrel/Water Garden
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Dye Test Inspection
$50.00 Flat Fee b
$100.00 Flat Fee b
Water Control
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Value Range Table c (x 50%)=PF
Hot Water Tank
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Residential Demolition Building
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Residential Demolition Engineering
$50.00 Flat Fee
a.   Building Valuation Data or “BVD” published by the International Code Council utilizes the “average construction costs per square foot table” and is one of the factors used for determining permit cost in the City of Strongsville. The average construction cost per square foot table presents factors that reflect relative value of one construction classification/occupancy group to another so that more expensive construction is assessed greater permit fees than less expensive construction.   
b.   A 1% fee is added to the building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits that are governed by the Residential Code of Ohio, pursuant to H.B. 175 and sections and of Rule 4101:8-1-03 of the Ohio Administrative Code adopted by the Board of Building Standards.
c.   Refer to the Building Value Range Table 1420.02.3 for appropriate permit fees.
d.   Refer to the Tree Planting Fund Range Table 1420.02.5 for appropriate permit fees.
e.   Recreation capital improvement fee as determined by Strongsville C.O. 1224.06 and Planning Commission Approval.
f.   Sewer Capitalization Rate Range Table 1420.02.6
Table 1420.02.2 - COMMERCIAL
Commercial Structure and Use Permit Fees a,b,f
Building Permit
GA x SFCT x 0.010 = PF
GA x SFCT x 0.010= PF
Value Range Table
Electrical Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
12% x PF
HVAC Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
12% x PF
Plumbing Permit
12% x PF
12% x PF
12% x PF
3% State Fee
Plus 3% of all the fees above b
Plus 3% of all the fees above b
Plus 3% of all the fees above b
Building Plan Review Fee
12% x PF,
$250.00 minimum
12% x PF,
$250.00 minimum
12% x PF,
$250.00 minimum
Engineering TOPO Review Fees
12% x PF,
$250.00 minimum
12% x PF,
$250.00 minimum
Engineering Inspection Fees
12% x PF
12% x PF
Grading Compliance Deposit
Sewer Cap Fee
Sewer Cap Range Table f
Sewer Cap Range Table f
Tree Planting Fee
Tree Planting Range Table d
Tree Planting Range Table d
Tree Deposit Fee
Right of Way Deposit
Excessive Loads Fee
Compliance Deposit
Certificate of Occupancy/Completion
Total permit fees
Total permit fees
Total permit fees
Commercial Miscellaneous Permit Fees b,c,e,f,g
Electrical Permit
Value Range Table c plus 3% State Fee b
HVAC Permit
Value Range Table c plus 3% State Fee b
Plumbing Permit
Value Range Table c plus 3% State Fee b
Demolition Building
$100.00 Flat Fee - Building Fee,
$100.00 Review Fee
$200.00 Flat Fee - Engineering
Demolition Interior
$200.00 Flat Fee - Building Fee,
$100.00 Review Fee
Fire Suppression
Value Range Table c  b
Review Fee - 12% of
Permit Fee, $150.00 minimum
Fire Alarm/Hood
Value Range Table c  b
Review Fee - 12% of
Permit Fee, $150.00 minimum
Sign Permit
$50.00 Flat Fee b
Electrical $50.00 Flat Fee plus 3% Fee Tax b
Value Range Table c
Includes building and topographical review
In-ground Pool
$250.00 Flat Fee
Includes building, electrical, topographical review and gas if applicable
Value Range Table c
Value Range Table c
Includes building, engineering and topographical review
Value Range Table c
Includes building, engineering and topographical review
Re-Roof Range Table g
$50.00 Flat Fee
$100.00 Flat Fee
Water Control
$50.00 Flat Fee
Value Range Table c (x 50%) = PF
a.   Building Valuation Data or “BVD” published by the International Code Council utilizes the “average construction costs per square foot table” and is one of the factors used for determining permit cost in the City of Strongsville. The average construction cost per square foot table presents factors that reflect relative value of one construction classification/occupancy group to another so that more expensive construction is assessed greater permit fees than less expensive construction.
b.   A 3% fee is added to the building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits that are governed by the Ohio Building Code, pursuant to H.B. 175 and sections and of Rule 4101:8-1-03 of the Ohio Administrative Code adopted by the Board of Building Standards.
c.   Refer to the Building Value Range Table 1420.02.3 for appropriate permit fees.
d.   Refer to the Tree Planting Fund Range Table 1420.02.5 for appropriate permit fees.
e.   Recreation capital improvement fee as determined by Strongsville C.O. 1224.06 and Planning Commission Approval.
f.   Sewer Capitalization Rate Range Table 1420.02.6.
g.   Refer to Commercial Re-roof Range Table 1420.02.4 for appropriate fees.
Building Permit Value Range Table 1420.02.3
Valuation Range
From - To Base Fee Plus This Additional Rate Permit Fees
$00.00 - $500.00 $50.00 + $0 = $50.00
$500.01 - $2,000.00 $50.00 + $3.00 per $100.00 = Permit Fee
$2,000.01 - $25,000.00 $95.00 + $15.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
$25,001.00 - $50,000.00 $440.00 + $10.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
$50,000.00 - $100,000.00 $690.00 + $7.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
$100,001.00 - $500,000.00 $1040.00 + $6.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
$500,001.00 - $1,000,000.00 $3440.00 + $5.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
$1,000,001.00 - $1,000,000,000.00 $5940.00 + $4.00 per $1000.00 = Permit Fee
Commercial Re-Roof Range Table 1420.02.4
Square Feet Of Roof Coverage
From - To Base Fee Plus This Additional Rate Permit Fee
0-Sq. Ft. - 5000-Sq. Ft. $50.00 + $0 = $50.00
5001 Sq. Ft. - 10,000,000 Sq. Ft. $100.00 +$50.00 per 5000.00 Sq.Ft. = Permit Fee
(Ord. 2021-122. Passed 9-7-21.)
Tree Planting Fund Range Table 1420.02.5
Ground Surface Area Displaced By a New Building or Structure
From - To Base Fee Plus This Additional Rate Permit Fee
0-Sq.Ft. - 400 Sq. Ft. $0 + $0 = $0
400.01 Sq. Ft. - 2000 Sq. Ft. $450.00 + $0 = $450.00
2000.01 Sq. Ft. - 4000 Sq. Ft. $450.00 + $0 = $900.00
4000.01 Sq. Ft. - 10,000,000 Sq. Ft. $900.00 + $450.00 per 2000 Sq. Ft. = Permit Fee
in excess of 4000 Sq. Ft.
or portion thereof
(Ord. 2022-045. Passed 3-21-22.)
Sewer Capitalization Rate Range Table 1420.02.6
Size of Water Line (in inches)
Sewer Tap Fee
0 - 1.0
(Ord. 2021-122. Passed 9-7-21.)
   (a)   In addition to the fees set forth in this Chapter, the Building Commissioner shall collect on behalf of the Board of Building Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Ohio a fee equal to three percent (3%) of those fees imposed for permits governed by the OBC, and a fee equal to one percent (1%) of those fees imposed for permits by the Residential Code of Ohio, the acceptance and approval of plans and specifications, and for the making of inspections pursuant to OAC Section 4101:2-1-50 and 4101:8-1-03.
   (b)   When an inspection is required and made and the work is found to be either incomplete or not in compliance with the applicable building code(s), or at a variance with the approved plans and specifications, a charge for each re-inspection required to verify compliance shall be made at the rate per inspection of fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (c)   The fee required for review, approval and inspection regarding the alteration or change of drainage and watercourses as set out in Section 1438.10 shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
   (d)   The inspection fee for landfill operations under Section 1452.05 shall be at the rate per inspection of fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (e)   Where work has been commenced without the application for or issuance of a permit and payment of the required fee, a penalty fee of triple the amount of the ordinary fee otherwise required in this Chapter shall be charged for a subsequent application for permit.
   (f)   All other fees required by other chapters of the Codified Ordinances shall be charged as set out therein.
(Ord. 2013-162. Passed 7-15-13.)
   (a)   Bond Requirement. In addition to the fees set forth in this Chapter, every owner or building permit applicant, whether an individual, corporation or partnership, erecting, altering or adding a building in this Municipality, at the time of permit issuance, shall post a procedural compliance bond or cash deposit as hereinafter set out to guarantee the satisfactory performance of all of the permit holder's obligations required by the Codified Ordinances of the City and this Building Code in the construction and erection of the building and the site which is the subject of a building permit. Homeowners accepting responsibility for required permits, obtaining the permits and acting as the contractor for work performed on the single family dwelling in which they reside are exempt from the procedural compliance bond requirements.
   (b)   Bond Amount.
      (1)   For each SDC occupancy at the rate of:         $1,000.00
      (2)   For each OBC Use Group Occupancy at the rate of:    $2,000.00
   (c)   Bond Form. The bond required by this section shall be posted with the City in cash at the time of the issuance of the permit.
   (d)   Forfeiture. All or a portion of the bond shall be forfeited if one or more of the following conditions occur:
      (1)   Such building or structure is not completed within one year from the date of the issuance of the permit; or
      (2)   Such building or structure is occupied without authorization prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy; or
      (3)   All required inspections under this Building Code have not been requested or permitted; or
      (4)   Any other obligation of the permit holder established by law is not met.
   (e)   Return. The bond shall be returned to the permit holder upon satisfactory performance of all requirements of this Building Code applicable to the project.
   (f)   Time Extensions. If the execution and completion of the building or structure or any of its site amenities within the time frame set forth in subsection (d) hereof is unavoidable and found to be justified by the Building Commissioner, the partial or full forfeiture of the bond may be waived and the original bond may stand until full execution and completion of the project within a reasonable time as determined by the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 2021-122. Passed 9-7-21.)