1242.01 Intent.
1242.02 General procedures.
1242.03 Building permit required.
1242.04 Withholding permits.
1242.05 Required drawings.
1242.06 Applications for permits.
1242.07 Conditional use permits.
1242.08 Determination of similar uses.
1242.09 Certificate of occupancy.
1242.10 Enforcement.
1242.11 Injunction.
1242.12 Violation of regulations.
1242.13 Transfer of common land prohibited.
1242.14 Cultivation, processing, or retail dispensing of medical marijuana prohibited in all districts.
1242.99 Penalty.
Administrative board; powers and duties - see Ohio R.C. 713.11
Notice and hearing on Municipal zoning regulations - see Ohio R.C. 713.12
Violation of zoning ordinances may be enjoined - see Ohio R.C. 713.13
Amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. 1244
Board of Zoning Appeals - see P. & Z. Ch. 1248
Administrative procedures for administering, interpreting and enforcing this Zoning Code are herein established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To provide for the review of an application for a building permit;
(b) To provide for the inclusion of necessary facilities, services and other uncommon uses through conditional use permits;
(c) To provide for the inclusion of uses which are uncommon but which have characteristics similar to permitted main uses;
(d) To assure that in the construction of new buildings, alterations or change of use, all required provisions have been complied with by requiring a certificate before occupancy;
(e) To provide for the enforcement of this Zoning Code through measures where there is noncompliance and for the keeping of records of actions in regard to the enforcement of this Code; and
(f) To provide supplementary administrative procedures in conformity with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and this Zoning Code.
In administering this Code, the provisions shall be regarded as establishing minimum requirements and shall be used specifically to further the underlying purposes, objectives and intent set forth in the preamble to each chapter.
The relationship of this Code to other laws, rules and regulations and the relationship if two or more specific provisions of this Code apply to the same subject are set forth in Section 1240.03.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(a) Administration. The administration of this Zoning Code is vested in the following officials, commissions and boards of the City of Strongsville:
(1) Planning Commission;
(2) Building Commissioner; and
(3) Board of Zoning Appeals.
(b) Compliance. Compliance with the provisions of this Code shall be obtained by:
(1) Applying for and the issuance of a building permit, including the following, if applicable:
A. Application for a conditional use permit;
B. Application for determination of similar use;
C. Application and approval of a development plan; and
D. Appeals for an interpretation or a request for a variance.
(2) Application for a certificate of occupancy issued upon completion of the building or the land improvement.
(c) Enforcement. Enforcement of the provisions of this Zoning Code shall be obtained by inspection and order for removal of violations. Failure to comply with such order shall constitute an offense which may be followed with civil action.
(Ord. 1978- 165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978- 165. Passed 10-16-78.)
Excavations for buildings or site improvements shall not be started, and buildings or structures, or parts thereof, shall not be erected, altered or moved, until a building permit has been applied for and issued by the Building Commissioner.
(a) Approval of Development Plans. Whenever such a plan has been submitted by the developer as required by this Zoning Code, the preliminary plan and final plan of the development area shall have been approved by the Planning Commission and, in the case of a Planned Development Area, by Council, before a building permit may be issued by the Building Commissioner.
(b) Compliance With Zoning Regulations. Permits for the construction of a building or land improvement not requiring a development plan, or for a change in use, may be issued by the Building Commissioner only if the work described in an application clearly complies with all provisions of this Zoning and other codes of the City. If the proposed building or use does not clearly comply, the Building Commissioner shall refer the matter to the Planning Commission for final determination.
(c) Conditional Use Permit. Whenever a determination for a conditional use is required, a building permit for the building or use requiring a conditional use permit shall not be issued until such permit has been applied for and issued by the Planning Commission.
(d) Determination of Similar Use. Whenever a determination for a similar use is required, a building permit for the building or use shall not be issued until the inclusion of such use as a permitted use has been made by the Planning Commission and confirmed by Council.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(a) Amendment Pending. No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued during the period in which an amendment which would affect the building or use applied for has been recommended by the Planning Commission or introduced by Council. However, an application for a permit or certificate shall not be withheld for more than ninety days after the application was officially submitted.
(b) Nonconforming Lot. No building permit shall be issued for a one or two-family building unless the residential lot shall abut upon a public street; the utilities, pavement and all other required improvements have been constructed, or their construction guaranteed; the lot is located in a duly recorded subdivision or approved by the Planning Commission with no plat required.
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
In addition to drawings required by the provisions of the Building Code, application for a building permit shall be accompanied by:
(a) Plat. A plat showing dimensions of the lot to be developed, lot number, a topographic survey or adequate topographic data, and evidence that the lot has been surveyed and certified by a registered surveyor or engineer;
(b) Site Plan. A site plan, prepared by a registered architect or engineer, drawn to scale, showing the location of proposed and existing buildings, driveway and parking areas, proposed finished grades and the location and use of buildings on adjoining lots within distances specified in other sections of this Zoning Code. For residential developments the size and location of a garage shall be shown.
(c) Other Drawings. Such other drawings and information as may be required by the provisions of Chapter 1252 - Residential Districts; Chapter 1253
- Single-Family Detached and Cluster Development; Chapter 1254 Senior Residence Districts; Chapter 1256 - Public Facilities Districts; Chapter 1258 - Business Districts; Chapter 1260 - Office Building Districts; Chapter 1262 - Research-Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial and Aviation Field Districts; Chapter 1264 - Planned Recreation Development Areas (PRDA Districts); Chapters 1266 and 1268 - Planned Development Areas (PDA Districts); Chapter 1270 - Off-Street Parking and Loading; and Chapter 1272 - Signs.
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
(a) Application. Application for building permits and accompanying drawings shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner. After processing the same, as to general conformity to the Building Code, he shall submit to the Planning Commission those applications which require its approval, and to the Board of Zoning Appeals those applications that require an interpretation required by such Board.
(b) Approval. The Building Commissioner, having received reports of approval from Council, the Planning Commission and the Board, as may be applicable, and finding that the drawings, specifications and all documents comply with this Zoning Code and other relevant codes of the City, may issue, upon payment of required fees, a building permit.
(c) Disapproval. If Council, the Planning Commission, the Board or the Building Commissioner does not recommend approval of the application, they shall suggest changes in the drawings as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Zoning Code. In such instances, conferences with applicants may be held and the application revised or resubmitted, as may be required.
(d) Revision and Lapse of Approval. The application may be revised by the developer and resubmitted through the same procedure required for the original application.
Failure to secure a building permit for all or a portion of the development covered in an approved application within one year after the application is approved shall make null and void such approval unless an extension of time is granted by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)