Following affirmative action by Council, the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall notify the developer of such action and authorize him to proceed with the preparation of a preliminary development plan of the shopping center.
(a) Preliminary Development Plan. The preliminary development plan shall contain the following:
(1) Location, orientation and exterior dimensions of all main and accessory buildings;
(2) Location and dimensions of vehicular and service entrances, exits and drives;
(3) Location, arrangement and dimensions of automobile parking spaces, width of aisles, width of bays and angle of parking;
(4) Location, arrangement and dimensions of truck loading and unloading spaces and docks;
(5) Location and dimensions of pedestrian entrances, exits, walks and walkways;
(6) Topography and general drainage system;
(7) Location and dimension of all walls and fences;
(8) Location, size, height, orientation and design of all free-standing signs;
(9) Location of all buildings, streets and other topographical features within 500 feet of the proposed shopping center boundary; and
(10) Location, dimensions and arrangement of areas to be devoted to planted lawns, trees or any other purpose.
(b) Action by Planning Commission. Within not more than thirty days from the date on which the preliminary development plan is filed with the Secretary, the Planning Commission shall review, approve or disapprove such plan in writing, stating, in the case of disapproval, the reasons for such disapproval, and in all cases giving due notice to the applicants. In the case of disapproval, the applicant may submit to the Planning Commission an amended plan which shall include those changes made necessary to accomplish compliance with the conditions for approval stated by the Commission.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
A complete final development plan covering the entire Shopping Center District shall be prepared by the developer and filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission within not more than:
(a) One calendar year from the effective date of any ordinance designating an area as a Shopping Center District at a neighborhood shopping center;
(b) Two calendar years from the effective date of any ordinance designating an area as a Shopping Center District at a community shopping center; and
(c) Five calendar years from the effective date of any ordinance designating an area as a Shopping Center District at a regional shopping center.
Council may extend the time period provided in this section for good cause.
The final development plan shall be a refined version of the preliminary development plan and shall incorporate all conditions stipulated by the Commission in its approval of the preliminary development plan.
Within not more than thirty days from the date on which the final development plan is filed with the Secretary, the Commission shall review and approve or disapprove such plan. If the Commission finds that a proposed final development plan of a shopping center is in substantial compliance with and represents a detailed expansion of the preliminary plan heretofore approved, that it complies with all of the conditions which may have been imposed in the approval of such preliminary development plan, that it is in accordance with the design criteria and provisions of this Zoning Code which apply particularly to any plan of a Shopping Center District, and that all applicable provisions of the Subdivision Regulations have been complied with, the Planning Commission shall then approve such final development plan.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
If the developer of a planned shopping center in any Shopping Center District wishes to make any change, alteration, amendment or extension to any approved final development plan, he shall submit such request to the Planning Commission. If, in the opinion of the Commission, the requested change is in substantial compliance with the final development plan, the Commission shall approve such change and notify the Building Commissioner who shall issue a building permit accordingly.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
A developer, having obtained approval of any final development plan of a shopping center, may accomplish the development in progressive stages as may be approved by the Planning Commission.
If the development of a shopping center is to be carried out in progressive stages, each stage shall be so planned that the foregoing requirements and the intent of this Zoning Code shall be fully complied with at the completion of any stage. Each stage of development shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission before a building permit can be issued.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)