Liquefied Petroleum Gas
1503.01   Purpose.
1503.02   Definitions.
1503.03   Applicable rules, regulations and safety requirements.
1503.04   Permit required.
1503.05   Manufacturing of L.P.G.
1503.06   Bulk storage.
1503.07   General regulations in all districts.
1503.08   Regulations in residential districts.
1503.09   Regulations for commercial districts.
1503.10   Prohibition of transfer.
1503.11   Regulations for General Commercial and Industrial Districts.
1503.12   Regulations for Light and Heavy Industrial Districts.
1503.13   Storage limits in General Commercial and Industrial areas.
1503.14   Storage limits in Light and Heavy Industrial zoned areas.
1503.15   Storage limits in other areas.
1503.16   Other considerations.
1503.17   Tank container systems.
1503.18   Temporary use during construction.
1503.19   Plan requirements.
1503.20   Fences.
1503.21   Area requirements.
1503.22   Special uses.
1503.23   Annexed areas.
1503.24   Conflict.
1503.25   Liability.
1503.26   Permit fees.
1503.99   Penalty.
Liquefied petroleum gases - see Ohio Fire Code 1301:7-7-30