General Provisions
   150.01   International Building Code adopted by reference
   150.02   International Residential Code adopted by reference
   150.03   NFPA 70 National Electrical Code adopted by reference
   150.04   International Plumbing Code adopted by reference
   150.05   Illinois Plumbing Code adopted by reference
   150.06   International Property Maintenance Code adopted by reference
   150.07   International Fire Code adopted by reference
   150.08   International Mechanical Code adopted by reference
   150.09   International Energy Conservation Code adopted by reference
   150.10   Illinois Energy Efficient Building Code adopted by reference
   150.11   International Fuel Gas Code adopted by reference
   150.12   International Swimming Pools and Spa Code adopted by reference
   150.13   International Green Construction Code adopted by reference
   150.14   Illinois Accessibility Code adopted by reference
   150.15   American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities adopted by reference
Fee Schedule for Inspections and Permits
   150.40   Permit required
   150.41   Payment of transportation impact fee
   150.42   [Reserved]
   150.43   [Reserved]
   150.44   [Reserved]
   150.45   New construction
   150.46   Base fee for gross floor area
   150.47   Additional fees
   150.48   Water meter fee
   150.49   Building permit fees for remodeling work
   150.50   Electrical
   150.51   HVAC
   150.52   Plumbing
   150.53   Demolition
   150.54   Swimming pools
   150.55   Fences
   150.56   Decks
   150.57   Parking lots
   150.58   Moving buildings
   150.59   Fire and lawn sprinkler systems
   150.60   Signs
   150.61   Work started without permit
   150.62   Permit extension
   150.63   Inspection fee
   150.64   Certificate of occupancy fee
Restrictions on Hours of Construction
   150.70   Restrictions on hours of construction
   150.71   Construction activities defined
   150.72   Activities exempted
Vacant Residential Dwellings
   150.80   Vacant dwellings; owner required to act; enforcement authority
   150.81   Registration required
   150.99   Penalty
   Code Hearing Department, see 32.50 et seq.
   Fees for annexations, vacations, review of plans, and the like, see § 38.01
   Rates and charges for waterworks and sewerage service, see 51.06
   Fees involving zoning regulations, see § 154.274