The appointment of each member of the disability awareness and accessibility review board shall be for a term of three years, with three members to initially serve a one-year term, and three members to initially serve a two-year term, so that there will be a staggering of terms.
(Ord. 40-20, passed 4-15-2020)
At its first regular meeting of the year, the board shall elect from its members a chair, a vice-chair, and a secretary, each of whom shall serve until the first regular meeting of the board the following year. The vice-chair shall act in the absence of the chair. A successor shall be elected immediately, as determined by the board, if a vacancy creates an unfilled officer position.
(Ord. 40-20, passed 4-15-2020)
The disability awareness and accessibility review board shall meet at those times and places as may be determined by the board, by standing or special rule, or on call of the chair. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. The city ADA coordinator or designee shall act as staff to the board.
(Ord. 40-20, passed 4-15-2020)