(a) Signs use private land and the sight lines created by public rights-of-way to inform and persuade the general public by a message. The purpose of this subchapter is to prevent the uncontrolled use of signs.
(b) These regulations provide standards for the erection and maintenance of on-premises signs. The principal feature of this section is the restriction on the total sign area permissible per site. All signs shall be erected and maintained in accordance with the following standards:
(1) Substitution of noncommercial message.
A. The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by this sign ordinance may substitute noncommercial copy in lieu of any other commercial or noncommercial copy. This substitution of copy may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over noncommercial speech or favoring of any particular noncommercial message over any other noncommercial message. This provision prevails over any more specific provisions to the contrary.
B. All noncommercial messages are considered on-premises signs and are entitled to the privileges that on-premise signs receive under this Code.
1. Noncommercial message: Messages not classified as commercial messages, which include, but are not limited to, messages concerning political, religious, social, ideological, public service, and informational topics.
2. Commercial message: Speech or graphics advertising a business, provision, commodity, service, or entertainment.
(2) Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this sign ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this sign ordinance. The city council hereby declares that it would have adopted the sign ordinance in each section, subsection, sentence, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid.
(c) The general objectives of these standards are to promote safety, welfare, communication, and quality and to achieve the following:
(1) Safety. To promote the safety of persons and property by providing that signs:
A. Do not create a hazard due to collapse, fire, collision, decay, or abandonment.
B. Do not create traffic hazards by confusing or distracting motorists; or by impairing the driver's ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, or other vehicles; or to see and interpret any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
C. Do not create a nuisance to persons using the public rights-of-way.
D. Do not constitute a nuisance to occupancy of adjacent and contiguous property by their brightness, size, height, or movement.
(2) Communications efficiency. To promote the efficient transfer of information, consistently and predictably, by providing that:
A. Businesses and services may identify themselves.
B. Customers and other persons may locate a business or service.
C. No person or group is arbitrarily denied the use of the sight line from public rights-of-way for communication purposes.
D. Signs are sized based upon the adjacent streets’ class and speed; roadways with higher speeds need to provide information to people in a shorter amount of time, generally warranting more sign allowance.
(d) Landscape quality and preservation. To protect the public welfare and to enhance the appearance and economic value of the landscape by providing that:
(1) Similar development "forms" retain the same sign standards.
(2) Sign standards represent how the land is developed, consisting of structure form, corridor form, and zoning districts.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.010) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155
(a) The sign standards shall apply to every zoning district for the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Sign terminology shall be defined within § 160.005.
(b) Measurement standards.
(1) Sign height shall be measured from the grade (as defined) immediately below the sign.

(2) Sign area shall be measured by the area of the largest single face of the sign within a perimeter which forms the outside shape, including any frame which forms an integral part of the display, but excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which the sign may be placed. If the sign consists of more than one section or module, all areas will be totaled.

(c) Sign faces. Sign faces that are erected back to back and do not exceed a forty-five-degree (45°) angle are considered one sign. Sign faces which exceed a forty-five-degree (45°) angle are considered two signs.

(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.020) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 79-14, passed 10-14-2014)
(a) Only signs described as allowed herein shall be issued a permit in the following districts [§ 155.030 Permits required]. Except as otherwise provided within the title, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, alter, relocate, or maintain any sign without first obtaining a sign permit from the department of planning and building services.
(b) The sign area and height set forth shall apply to all signs on the premises except as provided in § 160.576 [Exemptions]. The signs shall also comply with the requirements of § 160.573 [Regulations and limitations of temporary signs] and § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]. Prohibited signs as described herein, § 160.578 [Prohibited signs], will not be granted sign permits.
(1) Open Space, UT [1-2], BCF [4], WM [3] Forms.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Building sign area of one square foot for each two lineal feet of building frontage.
2. Freestanding signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 40 square feet and eight feet in height per street frontage for lots with street frontage of 100 feet or less and 60 square feet and eight feet in height per street frontage for lots with street frontage exceeding 101 feet.
b. One sign shall be allowed per street frontage.
i. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
iii. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
a. Banners.
b. Portable signs.
4. Identification signage when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]: Public institution.
B. The following signs are unauthorized within the district:
1. Roof signs.
2. Projecting signs.
3. Window signs.
(2) AD [1-4] and DD [1-7] Forms.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. a. Each dwelling unit: A one-square-foot wall sign.
b. Bed and breakfast establishment: Signage shall be no more than four square feet in area (either wall or freestanding signage), not to exceed six feet in height, and shall not be illuminated.
2. Identification signage when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
a. Public institution.
b. Residential tract.
B. The following signs are unauthorized within the district:
1. Roof signs.
2. Projecting signs.
3. Nonresidential identification signs.
4. Portable signs.
5. Window signs.
6. Banners.
(3) NF [1-2] and MD [1-3] Forms.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Wall sign area not to exceed total sign area of 50 square feet per frontage.
2. Freestanding sign area not to exceed total sign area of 50 square feet, six feet in height, and in conformance with the provisions below:
a. One sign shall be allowed per street frontage. A second freestanding sign will be allowed for a lot with two or more frontages.
b. Freestanding signs are spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
c. When a premises has two 88-foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
d. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
f. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
a. Portable signs.
b. Banners.
4. Identification signage when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
a. Residential tract.
b. Nonresidential tract.
c. Public institution.
B. The following signs are unauthorized within the district:
1. Roof signs.
2. Projecting signs.
3. Window signs.
4. Joint tenant.
(4) BCF [1-2] and RE1 Forms.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Building signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Wall, roof, and projecting. Building sign area of one square foot for each two lineal feet of street frontage or one square foot for each lineal foot of building frontage shall be allowed. When a building has multiple frontages, an additional sign area of one square foot for each three lineal feet of street frontage or one square foot for each two lineal feet of building frontage shall be allowed for other street frontages. Allowable sign area is not transferable from one frontage to another.
b. Additional building sign standards:
i. Projecting sign.
(A) May project no more than five feet from the building face.
(B) Shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet above grade level above any yard or sidewalk and 16 feet above any road, alley, or drive.
(C) May project no more than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(D) Shall not project over public rights-of-way.
ii. Roof sign.
(A) Shall rise no higher than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(B) Shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet in sign area.
c. Freestanding signs in conformance with the provisions below:
i. Freestanding signs shall not exceed a total sign area of 40 square feet and eight feet in height for lots with street frontage of 100 feet or less and 60 square feet and eight feet in height for lots with street frontage exceeding 101 feet.
ii. In addition to the allowable signage, one additional freestanding sign will be allowed for each additional 300 linear feet of the street frontage.
iii. Monument signs will be permitted a 15% increase in the allowed sign area.
iv. Freestanding signs shall be spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
v. When a premises has two 88-foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
vi. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
viii. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
i. Portable signs.
ii. Window signs.
iii. Banner.
E. Allowed identification signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
i. Public institution.
ii. Nonresidential tract.
iii. Joint tenant.
iv. Residential tract.
(5) RE [2-5] & MU [1-3] Forms.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Building signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Wall, roof, and projecting. A building sign area of one square foot for each one lineal foot of street frontage or two square feet for each one lineal foot of building frontage shall be allowed. Allowable sign area is not transferable from one frontage to another.
b. On any RE2, RE3, RE4, MU1, MU2, or MU3 form where multiple tenant strip malls have a building depth over two and a half times the building frontage (width), and the lot has only one street frontage, the building signage will be based on the depth rather than the width, of the building.
c. Additional building sign standards:
i. Projecting sign.
(A) May project no more than five feet from the building face.
(B) Shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet above grade level above any yard or sidewalk and 16 feet above any road, alley, or drive.
(C) May project no more than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(D) Shall not project over public rights-of-way.
ii. Roof sign.
(A) Shall rise no higher than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(B) Shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet in sign area.
B. Freestanding signs in conformance with the provisions below with a maximum permitted sign area and height as set forth below:
Street Frontage | 1-50' | 51-100' | 101-150' | 151-200' | 201-250' | 251-299' | 300' |
Sign area | 32 | 64 | 96 | 128 | 160 | 192 | 200 |
Sign height | 20 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
1. Freestanding signs shall be limited to one per street frontage, except that businesses on frontages of 264 feet or more may erect two freestanding signs. However, the total sign area of both signs may not exceed that allowed for the street frontage.
2. In addition to the allowable signage, one additional freestanding sign will be allowed for each additional 300 linear feet of the street frontage.
3. Freestanding signs shall be spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
4. When a premises has two 88- foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
5. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
7. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
C. Allowed temporary signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.573 [Regulations and limitations of temporary signs]:
1. Window signs.
2. Banners.
3. Portable signs.
D. Allowed identification signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
1. Nonresidential tract.
2. Joint tenant.
3. Public institution.
4. Residential tract.
(6) RE6 Form.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Building signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Wall, roof, and projecting. Building sign area of three square feet for each one lineal foot of street frontage shall be allowed. When a parcel has multiple frontage, an additional sign area of one square foot for each additional one lineal foot of street frontage shall be allowed for other street frontages. No more than three square feet of sign area for each one lineal foot of street frontage shall face any one frontage.
b. Additional building sign standards:
i. Projecting sign.
(A) May project no more than five feet from the building face.
(B) Shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet above grade level above any yard or sidewalk and 16 feet above any road, alley, or drive.
(C) May project no more than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(D) Shall not project over public rights-of-way except in the downtown RE6 Form.
ii. Roof sign.
(A) Shall rise no higher than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(B) Shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet in sign area.
c. Freestanding signs. With a maximum permitted sign area and height as set forth below:
Street Frontage | 1-100' | 101-150' | 151-200' | 201-300' | 300' |
Sign area | 32 | 48 | 64 | 80 | 100 |
Sign height | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
i. Freestanding signs shall be limited to one per street frontage, except that businesses on frontages of 264 feet or more may erect two freestanding signs. However, the total sign area of both signs may not exceed that allowed for the street frontage.
ii. Freestanding signs shall be spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
iii. When a premises has two 88-foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
iv. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
vi. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
vii. In addition to the allowable signage, one additional freestanding sign will be allowed for each additional 300 linear feet of the street frontage.
B. Allowed temporary signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.573 [Regulations and limitations of temporary signs]:
1. Portable signs (including sandwich signs) [§ 117.066 Objects allowed in the right-of-way upon notice].
2. Banners.
3. Window.
C. Allowed identification signs are as follows when in conformance with provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
1. Nonresidential.
2. Public institutional.
(7) WM [1-2] Form.
A. The following signs are allowed within the district:
1. Building signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Wall, roof, and projecting. Building sign area of one square foot for each three lineal feet of street frontage shall be allowed. When a parcel has multiple frontage, an additional sign area of one square foot for each additional four lineal feet of street frontage shall be allowed for other street frontages. No more than one square foot of sign area for each three lineal feet of street frontage shall face any one frontage.
b. Additional building sign standards:
i. Projecting sign.
(A) May project no more than five feet from the building face.
(B) Shall have a minimum clearance of ten feet above grade level above any yard or sidewalk and 16 feet above any road, alley, or drive.
(C) May project no more than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(D) Shall not project over public rights-of-way.
ii. Roof sign.
(A) Shall rise no higher than five feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
(B) Shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet in sign area.
2. Freestanding signs. With a maximum permitted sign area and height as set forth below:
Street Frontage | 1-100' | 101-150' | 151-200' | 201-300' | 300'+ |
Sign area | 37 | 55 | 92 | 107 | 115 |
Sign height | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
a. Freestanding signs shall be limited to one per street frontage except that businesses on frontages of 264 feet or more may erect two freestanding signs. However, the total sign area of both signs may not exceed that allowed for the street frontage.
b. Freestanding signs shall be spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
c. When a premises has two 88-foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
d. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
f. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
3. Allowed temporary signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.573 [Regulations and limitations of temporary signs]:
a. Portable signs.
b. Banners.
4. Allowed identification signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
a. Nonresidential tract.
b. Public institution.
B. The following signs are unauthorized within the district:
1. Window.
2. Joint tenant.
(8) BCF3 Form.
A. The following signs are allowed and authorized within the district:
1. Building signs in conformance with the provisions below:
a. Wall, roof, and projecting. Building sign area 1 square foot for each 2 lineal feet of street frontage or 1 square foot for each lineal foot of building frontage shall be allowed. BCF3 forms where multiple tenants have a building depth over two and a half times the building frontage (width), and the lot has only one street frontage, the building signage will be based on the depth rather than the width of the building. When a building has multiple frontages, an additional sign area of 1 square foot for each 3 lineal feet of street frontage or 1 square foot for each 2 lineal feet of building frontage shall be allowed for other street frontages. Allowable sign area is not transferable from one frontage to another.
b. Projecting sign.
i. May project no more than 5 feet from the building face.
ii. Shall have a minimum clearance of 10 feet above grade level above any yard or sidewalk and 16 feet above any road, alley, or drive.
iii. May project no more than 5 feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
iv. Shall not project over public rights-of-way.
c. Roof sign.
i. Shall rise no higher than 5 feet above the top of a parapet or roof.
ii. Shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet in sign area.
2. Freestanding signs in conformance with the provisions with a maximum permitted sign area and height as set forth below:
Street Frontage | 1-100' | 101-150' | 151-200' | 201-300' | 300'+ |
Sign area | 48 | 64 | 80 | 100 | 120 |
Sign height | 20 | 20 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
a. Freestanding signs shall be limited to one per street frontage except that businesses on frontages of 264 feet or more may erect two freestanding signs. However, the total sign area of both signs may not exceed that allowed for the street frontage.
b. In addition to the allowable signage, one additional freestanding sign will be allowed for each additional 300 linear feet of the street frontage.
c. Freestanding signs shall be spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
d. When a premises has two 88-foot frontages and elects to erect only one freestanding sign, the sign area may be increased by 20%.
e. Freestanding signs shall be located only in a front or side yard.
g. Freestanding signs shall not rotate.
a. Portable signs.
b. Window signs.
c. Banner.
4. Allowed identification signs are as follows when in conformance with the provisions of § 160.575 [Regulations and limitations for identification signs]:
a. Public institution.
b. Nonresidential tract.
c. Joint tenant.
d. Residential tract.
B. The following signs are unauthorized with this form: Signs prohibited by this code as noted in § 160.578.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.030) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 29-87, passed 5-4-1987; Ord. 37-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 72-88, passed 8-1-1988; Ord. 94-90, passed 10-1-1990; Ord. 5-91, passed 1-7-1991; Ord. 83-91, passed 11-4-1991; Ord. 39-94, passed 5-2-1994; Ord. 81-94, passed 9-6-1994; Ord. 28-94, passed 4-4-1994; Ord. 94-95, passed 7-3-1995; Ord. 68-96, passed 6-3-1996; Ord. 45-98, passed 5-4-1998; Ord. 119-98, passed 11-9-1998; Ord. 14-00, passed 3-6-2000; Ord. 88-01, passed 10-1-2001; Ord. 21-03, passed 3-3-2003; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 33-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019; Ord. 16-21, passed 2-2-2021; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)
(a) The regulations and limitations of temporary signs shall be as follows.
(1) Permits are required for the following temporary signs. Permit fees will cover inspection costs necessary to administer the temporary nature of these signs, on-site inspections and confirming their condition, and that they have been removed within the permitted time frames. Additional inspections will result in citations and fines.
(3) Temporary signs presently in use that do not comply with these ordinance provisions shall be removed within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance.
(b) Portable signs.
(1) Generally.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, portable signs may only be allowed in the UT [1-2], BCF [1-4], NF [1-2], MD [1-3], RE [1-6], MU [1-3], and WM [1-3] Forms. Based upon the lot sizes, setbacks, and impacts to adjacent properties, portable signs are not authorized within the single-family district/form and neighborhood commercial.
1. Portable signs shall be limited to no more than 32 square feet.
2. Portable sign permits are allowed up to 60 permit days per calendar year at any one business location. Separate permits shall be required for each sign. Permits may be issued for terms of either 15 or 30 days, and permit holders will be charged with the full term of which the permit is issued. Subsequent permits shall not be issued until 30 days have elapsed following the expiration of 15-day permits and 60 days following a 30-day permit. Permits for two or more portable signs may be issued at a particular business location if the permits are of equal duration and run concurrently.
3. [Portable] inflatable signs. High-flying, helium, ground, and roof inflatable signs may be displayed under the following conditions.
a. Sign area exception: The maximum size of a ground-mounted inflatable will be 15 feet by 30 feet. The maximum size of a roof- mounted inflatable will be 25 feet wide by 30 feet high. The maximum volume of a high-flying inflatable will be 500 cubic feet.
b. Inflatable permits are allowed up to 60 permit days per calendar year at any one business location. Separate permits shall be required for each sign. Permits may be issued for terms of seven days, and permit holders will be charged with the full term of which the permit is issued. Subsequent permits shall not be issued until 30 days have elapsed following the expiration of seven-day permits. Permits for two inflatable signs may be issued at a particular business location if the permits are of equal duration and run concurrently.
c. Cabling, tie-downs, or tether lines will not be located on or across public property.
d. High-flying inflatables will not be located in any airport approach zone and will not interfere with utility lines, antennas, or towers.
4. [Portable] noninflatable signs. Noninflatable signs (including but not limited to windfeathers and nongovernmental flags) may only be displayed under the following conditions:
a. Shall not exceed 32 square feet in total area per sign.
b. Noninflatable permits are allowed up to 60 permit days per calendar year at any one business location. Separate permits shall be required for each sign. Permits may be issued for terms of either 15 or 30 days, and permit holders will be charged with the full term of which the permit is issued. Subsequent permits shall not be issued until 30 days have elapsed following the expiration of 15-day permits and 60 days following a 30-day permit. Permits for two noninflatable signs may be issued at a particular business location if the permits are of equal duration and run concurrently.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.040) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 29-87, passed 5-4-1987; Ord. 16-88, passed 3-7-1988; Ord. 81-94, passed 9-6-1994; Ord. 68-96, passed 6-3-1996; Ord. 71-97, passed 10-6-1997; Ord. 45-98, passed 5-4-1998; Ord. 15-02, passed 3-4-2002; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 33-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)
The regulations and limitations of permitted signs shall be as follows:
(a) Permits are required for the following changeable signs: banners exceeding 100 square feet per business location whether on building or freestanding sign, and window signs exceeding the 25 square feet exempt by ordinance.
(b) Permit fees will cover inspection costs necessary to administer the nature of these signs, on-site inspections, and confirming their condition, location, and size. Additional inspections will result in fines.
(c) Permits are for the sign area and sign location, not for the sign content. Therefore, sign content may change within the same permit based upon approved area and location.
(e) Changeable signs presently in use that do not comply with these ordinance provisions shall be removed within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance.
(1) Changeable signs: Banner.
Banners shall be permitted under the following conditions in the Open Space, UT [1, 2], MD [1-3], NF [1-2], BCF [1, 2, 3, 4], WM [1-3], MU [1-3] and RE [1-6] Forms:
1. Permits are not required for banners on a building or freestanding sign, as long as the total square footage area of all the banners at the business location do not exceed 100 square feet.
2. Banners shall only be attached to freestanding signs, building walls, parking lot lights, or streetlights in the RE 6 form [downtown central business zoning district].
3. Banners exceeding a total square footage of 100 square feet will be counted towards the allotted sign area allowed. Freestanding banners will be counted towards freestanding signage and building banners will be counted towards building signage. A sign permit is required for each banner.
4. If a banner is attached to a light pole, it is restricted to 13 square feet per banner; two banners per pole.
5. Banners which exceed the total square footage of 100 square feet per business location and up without obtaining a sign permit will result in citations and fines.
(2) Changeable signs: Window.
A. Window signs shall be permitted under the following conditions in the BCF [1-2], MU [1-3], and RE [1-6] Forms:
1. Permits are not required for window signage up to 25 square feet of area per business location. A sign permit shall be required for window signage exceeding the 25 square feet maximum area.
2. Window signage exceeding a total square footage of 25 square feet will be counted towards the allotted building signage allowed and require sign permits.
3. Window signage which exceeds the total 25 square footage and without obtaining a sign permit will result in citations and fines.
(3) Changeable signs: Drive-through signs.
A. Drive-through signs shall be permitted under the following conditions in the MU [1-3] and RE [1-6] Forms:
1. Permits are not required for drive-through signage up to 48 square feet of area per order station. A sign permit shall be required for drive-through signage exceeding the 48 square feet area.
2. Drive-through signage exceeding a total square footage of 48 square feet per order station will be counted toward the allotted freestanding signage allowed and require sign permits.
3. Drive-through signage which exceeds the total square footage of 48 square feet per order station and without obtaining a sign permit will result in citations and fines.
(4) Changeable signs: Motor vehicle service stations.
A. Motor vehicle service station signs shall be permitted under the following conditions in the MU [1-3] and RE [2-5] Forms:
1. Permits are not required for motor vehicle service station signage up to 12 square feet of area per frontage. A sign permit shall be required for motor vehicle services station signage exceeding the 12 square feet area.
2. Motor vehicle service station signage exceeding a total square footage of 12 square feet per frontage will be counted toward the allotted freestanding signage allowed and require sign permits.
3. Motor vehicle service station signage which exceeds the total square footage of 12 square feet per order station and without obtaining a sign permit will result in citations and fines.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 33-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)
(a) Permits are required for the following: Residential tract identification sign. [in the AD, DD, MD forms]
(1) Shall be limited to 48 square feet in area and 8 feet in height.
(b) Permits are required for the following: Nonresidential tract identification signs. [in the RE, BCF1, BCF3, WM & MU forms]
(1) Shall be limited to 100 square feet in area and 10 feet in height.
(2) Signs will not be allowed on lots less than ten acres in size.
(c) Permits are required for the following: Public institution identification sign. [BCF1, BCF2, BCF3 forms] Places of worship, schools, day care centers, institutional, and public uses.
(1) Shall be limited to 48 square feet in area and 8 feet in height.
(2) Subject to:
A. Two signs per institution.
B. Hours of sign illumination shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
C. Conformance with § 160.577 [Illumination].
D. Use of this subsection prohibits other freestanding signs permitted under § 160.575(b) above.
(d) Permits are required for the following: Joint tenant tract identification sign. Joint tenant identification signs shall be permitted under the following conditions in the MMU1, MMU2, MMU3, C-4, S-2, PO-PUD, DT-PUD, and V-PUD districts (with the RE5, RE4, RE3, BCF 3 forms).
(1) Additional joint tenant identification signs are limited to alternative sign plans per § 160.602.
(2) Joint tenant shall not exceed 200 square feet and 30 feet in height.
(3) An additional sign will be allowed for each ten acres of subdivision up to a total of four joint signs. Acres calculated within commercial subdivision or subarea.
(4) Allowed on common property.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 33-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023)