Regulations regarding the illumination of signs shall be as follows.
(a) Shading. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shielded, shaded, or directed so that the light intensity shall not adversely affect surrounding or facing premises or safe vision of operators of vehicles on public or private roads.
(b) Electronic message sign.
(1) Electronic message sign displays shall be limited to displays which are gradual movements, including, but not limited to, dissolve, fade, scrolling, or traveling. However, sudden movement is prohibited, including, but not limited to, blinking and flashing.
(2) All electronic message center signs in a NF1 Form shall require additional standards as indicated below.
A. Electronic message center portion of the sign shall be shut off between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.;
B. The electronic message center portion of the sign shall be no more than 30 percent of the total allowable square footage of the wall or freestanding sign;
C. All freestanding signs shall be monument in style;
D. Freestanding sign faces that include an electronic message center shall be located perpendicular to an arterial or collector street;
(3) Any permitted signs may be, or may include as an individual component of the total sign area, electronic message signs.
(4) Electronic messages or graphic displays may be changed at periodic intervals by gradual entry and exit display modes, provided that messages and animation shall be displayed at periodic intervals by various modes, such as fade, dissolve, scrolling or traveling.
(5) All electronic message signs shall come equipped with automatic dimming controls that automatically adjust the sign's brightness in direct correlation with ambient light conditions.
(6) No electronic message sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light as measured using a foot candle (Lux) meter at a preset distance depending on sign area, measured as follows:
Area of Sign | Measurement |
(sq. ft.) | Distance (ft.) |
Area of Sign | Measurement |
(sq. ft.) | Distance (ft.) |
10 | 32 |
15 | 39 |
20 | 45 |
25 | 50 |
30 | 55 |
35 | 59 |
40 | 63 |
45 | 67 |
50 | 71 |
55 | 74 |
60 | 77 |
65 | 81 |
70 | 84 |
75 | 87 |
80 | 89 |
85 | 92 |
90 | 95 |
95 | 97 |
100 | 100 |
For signs with an area in square feet other than those specifically listed in the table (e.g., 12 sq. ft., 400 sq. ft., etc.), the measurement distance may be calculated with the following formula:
Measurement Distance = (Area of Sign Sq. Ft. x 100).
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.070) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 118-89, passed 11-20-1989; Ord. 5-91, passed 1-7-1991; Ord. 02-07, passed 1-2-2007; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 33-18, passed 5-2-2018)
The following signs are prohibited and shall be removed within the time periods specified:
(a) Miscellaneous signs and posters. The tacking, pasting, or otherwise affixing of signs of a miscellaneous character, visible from a public way, located on walls of buildings, barns, sheds, trees, poles, posts, fences, or other structures is prohibited, and the sign shall be removed upon notice.
(b) Painted wall signs. Painted wall signs shall be prohibited except that existing signs may remain, provided the signs are maintained. Signs that are not maintained shall be removed or renovated within 60 days upon notice.
(c) Parking of advertising vehicles prohibited. No person shall park any vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way, or public property, or on private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way, which has attached thereto or located thereon any sign or advertising device for the basic purpose of providing advertisement of products or directing people to a business or activity located on the same premises or any other premises. This is not intended to prohibit any form of vehicular signage such as a sign attached to a bus or lettering on a motor vehicle.
(d) Nuisance signs. Signs that imitate an official traffic sign or signal or that are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of illumination that may be confused with or construed as a traffic control device or that hide from view any traffic, street sign, or signal shall be removed upon notice. Signs that cause a safety or health issue to the public, including creating unsafe traffic conditions by confusing or distracting motorists; or by impairing the driver's ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, or other vehicles; or health concerns to occupants of adjacent and contiguous property by their brightness, size, height, or movement.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.080) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 1-00, passed 1-3-2000; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 38-21, passed 4-6-2021)
Any sign existing on the date of adoption of this chapter that does not conform with the provisions of this Code is eligible for characterization as a "legal nonconforming sign" and is permitted to remain except as specified below.
(a) The sign has been altered in a fashion exceeding the allowed maintenance standards in subsection (d) below or relocated.
(b) The sign has been brought into compliance with this subchapter.
(c) The sign is abandoned.
(d) Nonconforming signs may be maintained, altered, modified, or reconstructed provided that such changes do not increase the overall sign area or height. Nonconforming signs or portions thereof may be removed for maintenance, modifications, or reconstruction so long as they are replaced in their original positions and orientations upon completion of the work. The alteration of a sign via the addition of changeable copy or the addition of an electronic message center shall not constitute a change to the sign structure so long as the overall sign area is not enlarged; a new sign permit will be required for inspection purposes.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.090) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 37-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
Signs shall be maintained in a safe and legible condition at all times, including the replacement of defective or damaged parts, painting, repainting, cleaning, and other services required for maintenance of the signs. Unsafe signs shall be removed or brought into compliance immediately upon written notice.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.57.100) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 37-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
(a) Right to approval of permits for conforming signage. If a sign that is the subject of a sign permit complies with all applicable regulations of this Code, the city must issue a permit for the sign.
(b) Appeal from denial. Denial of any request for a sign permit is an administrative decision and is appealable in accordance with the provisions of § 160.583 [Appeals] of this Code.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the municipality affected by any decision of the administrative officer. Such appeal shall be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of the board, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and with the board of adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
(a) Like on-premises signs, off-premises signs use private land and the sight lines created by public rights-of-way to inform and persuade the public. In an effort to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, the purpose of this chapter is to prevent the uncontrolled use of off-premises signs.
(b) To fulfill this purpose, the objectives of these regulations are to preserve the overall landscape quality as well as protect sensitive land uses, protect the value of adjacent lands, and promote the safety of those using the public rights-of-way. To these ends, this subchapter provides for Billboard/Off-Premises Sign Opportunity Overlay District in which off- premises signs shall be located.
(c) General standards for maintenance, size, illumination, and separation are provided to promote communication efficiency balanced with safety on public ways. Off-premises signs are along roadways with higher volumes of traffic and need to provide information to people in a shorter amount of time. Signs cannot create traffic hazards by confusing or distracting motorists or by impairing the driver’s ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, or other vehicles.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.58.010) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 37-87, passed 6-1-1987; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 88-15, passed 9-1-2015; Ord. 32-24, passed 4-2-2024)
Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155