Required driveways may be permitted to pass through a front yard at a perpendicular angle to the street to reach parking, loading and stacking spaces in the side or rear yards.
(a) Where residential driveway access is onto a principal arterial or minor arterial street, as designated on the city's functional classification street map, a turnaround with a maximum area of 240 square feet for a one-stall garage; 205 square feet for a two-stall garage; and 168 square feet for a three-stall garage may be located adjacent to the driveway. However, it shall not be used as a parking space.
(b) Where residential driveway access is onto a public or private street, a circular driveway may be permitted subject to:
(1) The lot's minimum street frontage is 74 feet.
(2) One of the entrances is utilized as a common driveway to the garage, except where the garage access is from another street.
(3) The inside curve radius of the driveway meets the required front yard setback.
(4) The maximum driveway width is 15 feet.
(5) The minimum driveway width is 12 feet.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.51.140) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 60-94, passed 7-5-1994; Ord. 82-94, passed 9-6-1994; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
Where an official line has been established for the future widening or opening of the street or major thoroughfare upon which a lot abuts, then no building shall be erected with a street wall nearer the street right-of-way than the official line.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.51.160) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013)
(a) No monument style sign or other sign with its face less than eight feet above grade in all DD forms and 12 feet above grade in all other forms or any fence, wall, shrub, evergreen or coniferous tree, or other obstruction to vision exceeding three feet in height above the established street grade shall be erected, planted or maintained within the area of a corner lot that is included between the lines of the intersection streets and a straight line connecting them at points 30 feet distant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines.
(b) Exception: In the DTPUD, POPUD, or S-2 zoning districts, where the traffic engineer deems that the potential for a traffic hazard is minimal, the requirement for the intersection vision clearance area may be waived.
(c) This section does not authorize or prohibit parking strip plantings or landscaping or require the City Engineer to issue any parking strip permits inconsistent with § 96.010.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.51.170) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 100-94, passed 11-7-1994; Ord. 45-00, passed 5-1-2000; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 22-16, passed 4-5-2016; Ord. 23-16, passed 4-5-2016; Ord. 61-16, passed 6-7-2016; Ord. 16-21, passed 2-2-2021; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022)
(a) No monument style sign or other sign with its face less eight feet above grade in all DD forms and than ten feet above grade for all other forms or any fence, wall, shrub, evergreen or coniferous tree or other obstruction to vision exceeding three feet in height above the established street grade shall be erected, planted or maintained within the area from the curb line to ten feet behind the curb line.
(b) Exception: In the DTPUD zoning district, where the traffic engineer deems that the potential for a traffic hazard is minimal, the requirement for the intersection vision clearance area may be waived.
(c) This section does not authorize or prohibit any parking strip plantings or landscaping or require the City Engineer to issue any parking strip permits inconsistent with § 96.010.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.51.171) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 29-87, passed 5-4-1987; Ord. 100-94, passed 11-7-1994; Ord. 45-00, passed 5-1-2000; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 22-16, passed 4-5-2016; Ord. 61-16, passed 6-7-2016; Ord. 16-21, passed 2-2-2021; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022)
(a) Purpose and intent. Parking should be convenient but not dominate the cityscape. To the greatest degree possible, parking facilities should be part of the designed environment, function safely and smoothly for uses, and minimize negative impacts and provide for the best stormwater management practices. Due to the unique characteristics of residential districts, a separate section for general conditions for residential parking is found in § 160.553 of this chapter.
(b) Permits required.
(1) It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, or add parking spaces or parking lots, unless a permit is obtained by the department of planning and building services in accordance with § 160.705.
(2) All work conducted on nonstandard parking lots constructed prior to 2014 requires a permit.
(c) Permits not required. Seal coating, restriping, overlay, and other minor surface work does not require a permit unless the parking lot is nonstandard.
(d) Location. Parking spaces shall be located according to the following standards. All required parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the use for which they are required, except as otherwise provided in the list below:
(1) Required off-street parking spaces may be located within 250 feet of the lot for which it is required if an accessory permitted special use permit has been obtained in conformance with the standards set in all forms except DD1, DD2, DD3, DD4, DD5, and DD6 forms.
(2) Required off-street parking spaces may be located further than 300 feet of the lot for which it is required in any PUD based upon an approved initial development plan.
(3) No parking spaces are allowed to be located in the required front yard setback except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(4) No parking spaces are allowed to be located in any required side yard except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(5) Parking spaces may be located in any required rear yard except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
(e) Access to parking spaces. Each parking space shall be directly accessible via a driveway providing necessary vehicular maneuvering to provide ingress or egress to and from the parking space. Driveways are not considered parking spaces.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.55.010) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 53-87, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 72-88, passed 8-1-1988; Ord. 46-90, passed 5-21-1990; Ord. 02-08, passed 1-7-2008; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 34-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 16-21, passed 2-2-2021)
Traffic code, see title VII
(a) Rules for computing required parking spaces. Established/existing forms, buildings, or uses which require a higher number of spaces due to the 2013 Shape Sioux Falls zoning ordinance shall be considered nonstandard uses (see § 160.468).
(1) A change in form shall require the minimum number of parking spaces of the form as described in this chapter.
(2) A change in use within the same established form shall require an increase in required parking if the use is identified in Table 1 below.
(3) Unless otherwise indicated, parking calculations are based upon gross floor areas. Gross floor area does not include porches, garages, or enclosed areas devoted to off-street parking or loading and space in a basement when the space is used for storage or incidental uses. Required parking is considered as a minimum number of parking spaces.
(4) The total number of parking spaces shall be provided as set forth in the parking calculation tables. When the use is not identified in Table 1, the minimum parking is calculated based on the form found in Table 2.
(5) Within the MU1, MU2, and MU3 Midtown Mixed-Use zoning forms, shared parking can be used to reduce the overall number of required parking spaces. The shared parking reduction is based on a rotating use utilization percentage applied to individual uses within the same building. The shared parking reduction can be found in Table 3.
(6) Table 1: Parking calculations table (uses).
Use | Calculation |
Use | Calculation |
Assisted living center facility, community residential home, congregate housing, and nursing facilities. | One parking space for every ten (10) beds; where facilities are licensed by the state of South Dakota, parking is based on the number of beds on the face of the license. |
Auditoriums, theaters, and public assembly. | One parking space for every four seats. |
Bed and breakfast. | 1/2 space per guest room in addition to the requirements of the single-family home. |
Bowling alley. | Three spaces per alley. |
Campgrounds, community gardens. | No parking is required. |
Car wash. | One parking space for each 1,500 square feet. |
Cultural facilities. | Ten parking spaces plus one additional space for each additional 300 square feet in excess of 2,000 square feet. |
Day care centers. | Five parking spaces plus one parking space for every 10 persons for which the facility is licensed. |
Elderly or handicapped. | 0.75 spaces for each dwelling unit. |
Elementary schools. | Ten parking spaces plus one parking space for each teacher and staff member. |
High school, college, or university. | One space for every 475 square feet on the first floor. |
Hotel or motel. | One space for each sleeping room or suite and one space for each 1,500 feet of common space, areas, meeting rooms, or other accessory uses. |
Indoor private recreation facilities. | One parking space for each 900 square feet. |
Licensed manufactured home park. | In addition to the minimum parking of the form, one space for every 40 homes. |
Medical office buildings. | Buildings in which 20% or more of the gross floor area is occupied by members of the healing profession. One parking space for each 200 square feet used for medical purposes. |
Middle school. | One space for every 300 square feet of all gymnasium, cafeteria, or general assembly areas. |
Motor vehicle sales, display, and rental. | One space for every 300 square feet except as provided below: Indoor display: One parking space for each 600 square feet. |
Places of worship, funeral establishment, mortuary. | One parking space for each four persons in the main auditorium or sanctuary. |
Private recreation facilities. | One parking space for each 900 square feet. |
On-sale alcoholic beverage establishment and full-service restaurant. | One parking space for each 75 square feet or one parking space for each three seats, whichever is greater. |
Outdoor private recreation facilities. | One parking space for each 400 square feet of outdoor activity areas (volleyball courts, basketball courts, etc.). |
Retail and services - furniture, appliance, or home improvement business. | One parking space for each 600 square feet. |
Retail and services with more than one tenant. | One parking space for each 200 square feet. |
Self-storage facility including residential compatible self-storage. | No parking required, except two parking spaces are required where there is an office located on site. |
(7) Table 2: Parking calculations table, forms.
Form | Calculation |
Form | Calculation |
DD1, DD2*, DD3*, DD4, DD5, DD6, DD7, AD1*, AD2* | Minimum of one parking space per dwelling unit. Two spaces for each dwelling unit with three or more bedrooms unless the home was constructed before 1983. |
AD3, AD4, MD1, MD2, MD3 | One (1) space for each dwelling unit of one bedroom or studio. 1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit of two bedrooms. Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit of three bedrooms or more. |
NF1 | Five (5) spaces plus one space for every 600 square feet. |
NF2 | Five (5) parking spaces. |
BCF1 | One space for every 300 square feet . |
BCF2 | One space for each bedroom or one space for every 10 beds. |
BCF3 | One space for every 500 square feet. |
BCF4 | One space for every 500 square feet. |
RE1 | One parking space for every 200 square feet. |
RE2, RE3, RE4 | One space for every 300 square feet. |
RE5 | One parking space for every 400 square feet. |
RE6 | Based upon a PUD Initial Development Plan and Standards. Public parking areas may be counted toward standards. |
WM1, WM2 | (1) A minimum of two spaces shall be provided. (2) For structures 50,000 square feet or less, one space for every 1,500 square feet. (3) For structures greater than 50,000 square feet, one space for every 1,500 square feet up to 50,000 square feet and then one space for every 4,000 square feet above 50,000 square feet. |
Open1, Open2, Open3 | Five spaces plus one space for every 300 square feet. |
UT1, UT2 | One space for every 1,500 square feet of utility area. |
(8) Table 3: Mixed-Use Parking Table (MU1, MU2, and MU3 Forms).
Land Use | Calculation | Shared Parking Utilization Ratio | |
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. | ||
General retail and services | One space for every 300 square feet. | 90% | 30% |
Office | One space for every 300 square feet. | 90% | 10% |
On-sale alcohol or full-service restaurant | One space for every 75 square feet or one for every three seats. | 60% | 90% |
Multi-Family Housing | 1.5 spaces for every dwelling unit. | 30% | 90% |
*If the home was built before 1983, the existing driveway may be widened up to 20 feet to accommodate vehicular parking as long as it is constructed from and maintains a 3 feet distance from the property line (or adjacent property). This does not impact properties that already have adequate space to accommodate a legal parking pad.
(1992 Code, App. B, § 15.55.020) (Ord. 42-83, passed 6-27-1983; Ord. 72-88, passed 8-1-1988; Ord. 70-92, passed 8-3-1992; Ord. 72-94, passed 8-1-1994; Ord. 78-01, passed 9-4-2001; Ord. 121-05, passed 11-21-2005; Ord. 128-05, passed 12-19-2005; Ord. 130-07, passed 8-6-2007; Ord. 8-10, passed 2-16-2010; Ord. 91-12, passed 12-4-2012; Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 48-16, passed 5-3-2016; Ord. 34-18, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. 16-21, passed 2-2-2021; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022; Ord. 30-23, passed 5-2-2023; Ord. 106-23, passed 11-7-2023)