Upon application for rezoning to the planned development district, the petitioner shall present an initial development plan to the planning commissions for review, and to board of county commissioners and city council for their approval showing the following information:
   (a)   Project name and legal description;
   (b)   A preliminary subdivision plan; and
   (c)   The proposed development scheme showing the following information:
      (1)   The proposed land uses, including the number and type of proposed residential buildings, the proposed number of dwelling units per building, the number and type of any proposed nonresidential buildings and their square footage;
      (2)   The proposed maximum density of the development, which shall not exceed the density allowed in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make those densities undesirable;
      (3)   The proposed minimum setbacks which shall be no less than those required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the setbacks undesirable;
      (4)   The proposed maximum height which shall be no greater than that required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the heights undesirable;
      (5)   Proposed design features illustrating compatibility to the surrounding environment and neighborhood; and
      (6)   Anticipated subarea development sequence.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 13.03) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)