(a) Initial development plan.
(1) When a petitioner wants to request a rezoning to the planned development district, it shall be submitted to the Lincoln County planning department, showing the information specified in § 158.237, a minimum of 30 days prior to the joint meeting of the county and city planning commissions at which consideration is desired. After the planned development request has been reviewed, the planning commissions shall make a recommendation to the board of county commissioners and city council on the requested rezoning. The board of county commissioners and city council shall then act to approve or deny the request.
(b) Final development plan.
(1) Prior to construction on any lots in the planned development, the petitioner shall present a final development plan showing the information specified in § 158.238, to the planning commissions, who shall have the sole authority to approve, deny or amend the plan.
(2) The final development plan may be submitted in conjunction with the initial development plan for concurrent approval on any subareas the developer is ready to commit to a final plan. All the information required for both an initial and final development plan must be shown for the area submitted for concurrent approval, except that the developer may reference the requirements of one of the traditional zoning districts as the development standard for a particular subarea.
(c) Amendments.
(1) Major amendments. Major amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved as an amendment to the zoning regulations, requiring the planning commissions’ review and board of county commissioners and city council approval.
(2) Minor amendments.
A. Minor amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved by the planning commissions at a hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the posting of a sign on the property.
B. Minor amendments to the initial development plan may also be made by the submission and approval of a final development plan which is changed from the approved initial development plan. Any amendments shall be shown as a change from the initial development plan on the final development plan, and further these changes shall be made on the initial development plan.
(3) Minimal amendments. Minimal amendments to the final development plan shall be submitted to the planning director on a reproducible development plan showing the requested changes. The planning director may then approve the change in writing, if he or she deems it appropriate.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 13.02) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)