General Provisions
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Definitions
Licensed Manufactured Home Parks
   152.015   Duty of licensee and occupants
Licensed Manufactured Home Parks; License
   152.030   Required; term, renewal, annual inspection and fee
   152.031   Revocation or refusal
   152.032   Transfer
Licensed Manufactured Home Parks; Permits and Inspections
   152.045   Manufactured home placement permit
   152.046   Detached accessory buildings and structures
   152.047   Service buildings and equipment
   152.048   Carports, cabanas, enclosed vestibules, canopies and decks
   152.049   Work exempt from building code regulations
   152.050   Inspections
Licensed Manufactured Home Parks; Park Standards
   152.065   Placement of manufactured homes
   152.066   Water supply
   152.067   Waste disposal
   152.068   Garbage disposal
   152.069   Electricity
   152.070   Fire protection
   152.071   Park identification sign
   152.072   Street and space numbering
Licensed Manufactured Home Parks; Administration and Enforcement
   152.085   General
   152.086   Placement permit revocation
   152.087   Abandoned manufactured homes
   152.088   Notice of removal of manufactured homes
   152.089   Appeals
   Building, see ch. 150
   Electricity, see ch. 55
   Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
   Floodplain management, see ch. 156
   Health and sanitation, see ch. 92
   Licenses, see ch. 110
   Motor vehicles, see §§ 73.001 through 73.007, 93.025 through 93.035
   Planning, see ch. 154
   Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
   Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155
   Streets and sidewalks, see ch. 96
   Subdivisions, see ch. 157
   Traffic code, see title VII
   Utilities, see title V
   Zoning, see ch. 160
Statutory reference:
   Power to regulate the use of house trailers, see SDCL 9-31-1
§ 152.001 TITLE.
   This chapter will be known as the licensed manufactured home park ordinance of Sioux Falls.
(1992 Code, § 24-1) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
§ 152.002 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city through the regulation of the location, planning, design, layout, construction and operation of licensed manufactured home parks and manufactured homes. All licensed manufactured home parks established after September 23, 1985, will be in conformity with this chapter. All existing licensed manufactured home parks will follow these guidelines when increasing or decreasing their size and whenever a manufactured home is added or eliminated.
(1992 Code, § 24-2) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
§ 152.003 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGENCY. The planning and building services department including the zoning division.
   CABANA. A factory-built room enclosure erected or constructed attached to a manufactured home for residential use by the occupants of a manufactured home.
   CODES. Any codes or other regulations that the city council or its departments have adopted which include, but are not limited to, zoning code, property maintenance code, fire code, health code, building and residential code, plumbing code, mechanical and fuel gas code and electrical code. The codes will be controlling when work is to be done in a given area where the code is applicable.
   DATA PLATE. The data plate which verifies the following: manufacturer’s name, trade/model name, year of manufacturer, serial number, HUD Construction Code Label(s) and HUD construction zones. Per 1976 HUD regulation, this form is to be affixed inside the home on or near the main electrical breaker box and is printed on paper or foil stock eight and one-half inches by 11 inches to eight and one-half inches by 14 inches in size.
   DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING. An incidental freestanding building located on the same lot which it serves and used solely for storage of personal equipment and possessions of the manufactured home occupants.
   LICENSE. A licensed manufactured home park operator’s license.
   LICENSEE. The person to whom a manufactured home park license has been granted.
   LICENSING ENTITY. The city council.
   MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit which is fabricated in one or more sections at a location other than the home site by assembly line-type production techniques or by other construction methods unique to an off-site manufacturing process. A MANUFACTURED HOME/MOBILE HOME is designed to be towed on its own chassis or be site delivered by alternative means. Every section shall bear a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. For manufactured homes built prior to June 15, 1976, a label certifying compliance to the Standard for Manufactured Homes, NFPA 501, ANSI 119.1, in effect at the time of manufacture is required.
   MANUFACTURED HOME PARK, LICENSED. A contiguous parcel of land, under the same ownership where lots are rented for the temporary placement of manufactured homes, with all necessary facilities and services, and is licensed by the city.
   MANUFACTURED HOME SPACE. A parcel of land designated and approved for the placement of a single manufactured home.
   PARK OCCUPANT. A person living in a manufactured home located in a licensed manufactured home park.
   PARK OPERATOR. The person to whom a manufactured home park license has been issued or who is managing the licensed manufactured home park for someone who has been issued a license.
   PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. Sections 150.095 and 150.096 of this Code, also known as the adopted International Property Maintenance Code as amended.
   REQUIRED YARD. A yard of a manufactured home as set out in a licensed manufactured home park layout plan.
   RESIDENTIAL RENTAL UNIT. Any dwelling unit which is rented or offered for rent as living quarters within a licensed manufactured home park.
   SERVICE BUILDING. An accessory building to a licensed manufactured home park for related services.
   SERVICE EQUIPMENT. The plumbing, mechanical and electrical equipment including piping, wiring, fixtures and other accessories which provide sanitation, lighting, heating, ventilation, cooling, refrigeration, fire protection and facilities essential for the habitable occupancy of a manufactured home or accessory building or structure for its designated use and occupancy.
   UTILITIES. Water and sewer, gas or electrical distribution system which is available for connection to manufactured homes in a licensed manufactured home park.
   YARD. An open space, other than a court on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
   ZONING ORDINANCE. The revised zoning ordinance of the city, as codified in chapter 160.
(1992 Code, § 24-3) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 103-94, passed 11-21-1994; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995; Ord. 26-04, passed 3-1-2004; Ord. 87-11, passed 11-21-2011)
   Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 10.002