All manufactured homes will be positioned in compliance with chapter 160 of this Code.
(1992 Code, § 24-14) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water will be provided in each licensed manufactured home park capable of furnishing a minimum of 125 gallons per day per manufactured home space. Where a public supply of water of the quality is available, connection will be made thereto and its supply will be used exclusively. The development of an independent water supply to serve the manufactured home park will be made only after express approval has been granted by the agency.
(1992 Code, § 24-15) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Utilities, see title V
(a) All plumbing in the licensed manufactured home park will comply with the plumbing code as adopted by the city and also applicable state codes.
(b) All waste from showers, toilets, laundries, faucets and lavatories will be wasted into a sewer system extended from and connected with an approved sewer system or private disposal system which has the approval of the agency.
(1992 Code, § 24-16) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Plumbing, see §§ 150.301 et seq.
Utilities, see title V
(a) The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the manufactured home park will be so managed as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident hazards or air pollution. All refuse will be stored in flytight, weathertight, rodentproof containers, which will be provided in sufficient number and capacity to prevent any refuse from overflowing.
(b) Racks or holders will be provided for all refuse containers. The containers will be stored on four-inch thick concrete slabs or in racks, the bottoms of which are at least 18 inches above ground. The container racks or holders will be designed to prevent containers from being tipped to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to facilitate cleaning around them.
(c) Insect and rodent control measures to safeguard public health, as recommended by the agency, will be applied in the licensed manufactured home park. Skirting of manufactured homes will be done in a manner so as to prevent rodent harborage.
(1992 Code, § 24-17) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Garbage and trash, see ch. 57
It will be the responsibility of the licensed manufactured home park operator to provide and maintain the park electrical wiring system in compliance with the electrical code and specifically with the following.
(a) Service equipment will be weatherproofed in safe condition and adequate for the load served.
(b) Supply cords and receptacles will be approved for the purpose, in safe condition and have overcurrent protection at not more than their rating. Supply cords will not be spliced except in an approved box under the manufactured home.
(c) Manufactured home chassis will be grounded through a separate grounding conductor in the supply cord. Any other method of grounding will be only by special permission of the electrical inspector.
(d) Overhead conductors will have a clearance of three feet from the manufactured home and any projection such as a television antenna.
(1992 Code, § 24-18) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Electricity, see ch. 55
(a) The licensed manufactured home park area will be subject to the fire protection rules of the agency.
(b) All LP tanks will be secured against overturning with a minimum safety factor of four based on a loading in any direction equal to four times the filled weight of the container. LP tanks over 100-gallon capacity will be installed on a concrete base.
(c) Safety relief valves of LP containers will have direct ventilation with the atmosphere. The delivery side of the gas pressure regulator will be equipped with a safety relief device set to discharge at a pressure not less than two times and not more than three times the delivery pressure of the regulator.
(d) Oil storage tanks will be supported by either noncombustible framing or if of wood, not less than two-by-four-dimension stock. Oil tanks up to 500 gallons will be vented to the atmosphere by one and one-fourth inch diameter vents. Oil tanks installed for gravity flow of oil to heating equipment will be installed so that the top of the tank is no higher than eight feet above the appliance oil control and the bottom of the tank is not less than 18 inches above the appliance oil control. Listed automatic pumps (oil filter) will be mounted no higher than eight feet above the appliance oil control and not less than 18 inches above the appliance oil control. A readily accessible, approved manual shutoff valve will be installed at the outlet of an oil supply tank. The valve will be installed to close against the supply.
(e) Manufactured homes will have fuel piping materials and systems compatible with type of fuel supply based on accepted national standards or when applicable, city and state codes.
(f) LP or natural gas services will not be installed under manufactured homes. Services installed under manufactured homes will be properly vented to the atmosphere. Connections from natural gas supply to manufactured homes will be by approved flexible connectors.
(g) Skirting installed around a manufactured home will be either fire retardant or approved by the agency.
(h) Combustible storage may not be permitted under manufactured homes.
(1992 Code, § 24-19) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
It will be the responsibility of the manufactured home park licensee as a condition for issuance of a manufactured home park license to erect and maintain at the main entrance of the licensed manufactured home park a sign displaying the manufactured home park name and office address. The size, height and location of the sign will be approved by the agency.
(1992 Code, § 24-20) (Ord. 76-85, passed 9-23-1985; Ord. 93-95, passed 7-3-1995)
Signs and outdoor advertising, see ch. 155