   4-1-1   Code Administrator II
   4-1-1.1   Geographical applicability
   4-1-2   Standard codes; adopted; exceptions
   4-1-3   Same; definitions; generally
   4-1-4   Same; basic code defined
   4-1-5   Same; building official defined
   4-1-6   Same; corporation counsel defined
   4-1-7   Same; Department of Building Inspection defined
   4-1-8   Same; municipality defined
   4-1-9   Restriction of employees
   4-1-10   International Building Codes; portions excluded
   4-1-10.1   International Residential Code; portions excluded
   4-1-11   International Building Code; continuation of existing uses and structures
   4-1-12   Same; wood frame construction
   4-1-13   Same; sign; bond
   4-1-14   Same; demolition; removal; lot regulation
   4-1-15   Same; signs; inspection
   4-1-16   Same; bond
   4-1-17   International Residential Code; garage; accessory building
   4-1-18   Finished grade
   4-1-19   Fire limits; established
   4-1-20   Entries; notices; orders
   4-1-21   Building Code; variances
   4-1-22   Same; fees
   4-1-23   Permit; subdivision of land
   4-1-24   Permits; fees; required
   4-1-25   Same; fees; amount
   4-1-26   Same; application for solid waste containers
   4-1-27   Same; fees; refund; new permit
   4-1-28   Same; fees; estimated cost; defined
   4-1-29   Same; completion of work
   4-1-30   Violations; penalties
   4-1-31   Permit; failure to request; notice; delinquent fee
   4-1-32   Building contractor; defined
   4-1-33   Registration; required
   4-1-34   Registration; procedure
   4-1-35   Notice to applicant or building contractor; how given
   4-1-36   Regulations; orders; compliance; required
   4-1-37   Registration; revocation; procedure
   4-1-38   Appeal
   4-1-39   Violation; penalty
Statutory reference:
   City regulation of construction, see Neb. RS 16-234
   Adoption of standard codes by reference, see Neb. RS 18-132 et seq.