General Provisions
4-2-1 Definitions; generally
4-2-2 Same; area of city jurisdiction defined
4-2-3 Same; electrical code defined
4-2-4 Same; electrical equipment defined
4-2-5– 4-2-9 Reserved
Administration of Law
4-2-10 Electrical Inspector; power; duties
4-2-11 Same; entry; tests; electric power; wires
4-2-12 Dangerous equipment; conditions; notice
4-2-13 Electrical Inspector; defense
4-2-14 Electrician; state license; required; exceptions
4-2-15 Same; supervision
4-2-16 Construction permit; required; exceptions
4-2-17 Same; application
4-2-18 Same; fees
4-2-19 Electrical contractor; bond
4-2-20 Permit; posting
4-2-21 Same; expiration; renewal
4-2-22 Same; revocation
4-2-23 Same; work; conformance
4-2-24 Inspections; required
4-2-25 Same; notice to Electrical Inspector; leaving work open
4-2-26 Same; time; notice to applicant
4-2-27 Failure to request permit and inspection; delinquent fee
4-2-28– 4-2-32 Reserved
Electrical Code
4-2-33 National Electrical Code; adopted
4-2-34 Same; branch circuit conductors; other
4-2-35 Same; changes in existing installations
4-2-36 Same; service disconnecting means
4-2-37 Repealed
4-2-38– 4-2-41 Reserved
Violations; Penalty
4-2-42 Violations; penalty