Sec. 1-4 Definitions.
Sec. 1-6 Title of Office.
Sec. 1-7 Interpretation of Language.
Sec. 1-8 Grammatical Interpretation.
Sec. 1-9 Acts by Agents.
Sec. 1-10 Interpretation of Section Numbers.
Sec. 1-11 Repeal Shall Not Revive Ordinances.
Sec. 1-12 Effective Date of Ordinances.
Sec. 1-14 Construction.
Sec. 1-15 General Penalties.
Sec. 1-16 Town Seal.
Sec. 1-17 Errors and Omissions.
Sec. 1-19 Town Flag.
Sec. 1-20 Applicability.
Sec. 1-21 Prohibited Conduct.
Sec. 1-22 Acceptance of Gifts/Gratuities, Meals, Entertainment, and Campaign Contributions.
Sec. 1-23 Financial/Personal Interest Disclosure.
Sec. 1-24 Ethics Officer and Committee.
Sec. 1-25 Procedure.
Sec. 1-26 General Provisions.