General Provisions
   34.001   Purpose
   34.002   Compliance
   34.003   Definitions
   34.004   Ethics
   34.005   Purchasing Agent; authority and duties
   34.006   Department director’s or supervisor’s responsibilities
   34.007   Authority to enter into and execute contracts
   34.008   Competitive procurement
   34.009   Participation in state procurement unit agreement, contracts
   34.010   Sales tax
   34.011   Expenditure of state or federal funds
Purchases; Authorization Requirements
   34.025   Purchases of specific amounts
   34.026   Avoidance of approval and written contract requirements
   34.027   Sole source procurement
Competitive Sealed Bids
   34.040   Requirement
   34.041   Negotiation of adjustments
   34.042   Content of invitation for bids
   34.043   Amendments to invitation for bids
   34.044   Pre-opening modification of withdrawal of bids
   34.045   Late bids, late withdrawal and late modifications
   34.046   Receipt, opening and recording of bids
   34.047   Mistakes in bids
   34.048   Bid evaluation and award
   34.049   Tie bids
   34.050   Multi-step sealed bidding
   34.051   Purchase of items separately from construction contract
   34.052   Exceptions to process
   34.053   Proposal preparation time
   34.054   Form of proposal
   34.055   Public notice
   34.056   Pre-proposal conferences
   34.057   Evaluation of proposals
   34.058   Oral presentations
   34.059   Award
   34.060   Exceptions to competitive sealed proposal process
   34.061   Emergency exemption
   34.062   Protests