General Provisions
33.001 911 emergency number; surcharge
33.002 Notary service; Recorder services
33.003 Board of Equalization Standards of Practice
Cash Receipt and Deposit Policy
33.015 Purpose
33.016 Cash receipts at separate individual locations
33.017 Deposits with Treasurer
33.018 Real property tax payments
33.019 Assessor’s tax payments
Investment Policy
33.030 Introduction
33.031 Scope
33.032 General objectives
33.033 Delegation of authority
33.034 Authorized financial institutions, depositories and brokers/dealers
33.035 Safekeeping and custody
33.036 Authorized deposits or investments of public funds
33.037 Performance standards; evaluation
33.038 Reporting; disclosure
Transient Room Tax
33.050 Title
33.051 Purpose
33.052 Statutes adopted by reference
33.053 Definition
33.054 Tax imposed; amount
33.055 Exclusions
33.056 Contributions and donations
33.057 Audits
33.058 Remittance of tax
33.059 Appeals
33.060 Penalties and interest
Sales and Use Tax
33.075 Title
33.076 Purpose
33.077 Sales tax
33.078 Use tax
33.079 Contact with state’s Tax Commission
Method of Sale; Tax Sale Rules
33.090 Definitions
33.091 Public notice
33.092 Bidder registration requirement
33.093 Redemption rights and procedures
33.094 Prohibited conduct
33.095 Conflict of interest prohibitions and disclosure requirements
33.096 Criteria for accepting or rejecting bids
33.097 Sale ratification procedures
33.098 Method and procedure of payment, fees and premiums
33.099 Procedures for contesting bids and sales
33.100 Criteria for striking properties to the county
33.101 Procedures for disclosing properties withdrawn from the sale
33.102 Disclaimer by county with respect to tax sale
Fee Schedule
33.115 Fees by statute, by policy and by schedule
33.116 Adopting and amending fee schedules
33.117 Commission, department heads and elected officials powers; fees
33.118 Fees for Recorder, Sheriff and surveyors
33.119 Common fees for all county offices
33.120 Fees of the Assessor’s Office
33.121 Fees of the Attorney’s Office
33.122 Fees of the Planning and Zoning Department
33.123 Fees of the Clerk/Auditor’s Office
33.124 Fees of the Economic Development/Visitor Services Department
33.125 Fees of the emergency medical services
33.126 Fees of the public library
33.127 Fees for non-departmental services
33.128 Fees of the Landfill Department
33.129 Fees of the Public Health Department
33.130 Fees of the Recorder’s Office
33.131 Fees of the Road Department
33.132 Fees for the Sheriff’s Office
33.133 Fees for the Surveyor’s Office
33.134 Fee waivers
33.135 Return of fees
33.136 Additional fees
33.999 Penalty