(a) General. The face of all cut and fill slopes, in excess of 3 feet in vertical height, but only final slopes of any borrow pit, shall be planted and maintained with a ground cover or other planting to protect the slopes against erosion and instability. Planting shall commence as soon as slopes are completed on any portion of the site and shall be established upon all slopes prior to the final approval of the grading. In order to minimize the period during which a cut or filled surface remains exposed, such planting shall provide for rapid short term coverage of the slope as well as long term permanent coverage. Planting materials and procedures shall conform to regulations adopted by the County Official. Other plant materials as specified by a landscape architect may be approved by the County Official. The permittee shall maintain such planting until it is well established as determined by the County Official, and at least until coverage of 70%, as compared to the native background plants, is achieved.
(b) Minimum Requirements. In addition to planting with ground cover, slopes in excess of fifteen feet in vertical height shall be planted with shrubs having a one gallon minimum size or trees having a five gallon minimum size. The maximum spacing for shrubs and trees shall be ten feet on center each way. The planting pattern, but not the minimum quantity, may be varied upon the recommendation of landscape architect and approval by the County Official.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) General. Except for agricultural grading permits and borrow pits, all slopes to be constructed shall be provided with an irrigation system which shall be used to promote the growth of the slope plantings to protect the slopes against erosion. Slopes for borrow pits shall be planted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable use permit and reclamation plan under Chapter 7 of this Division. The owner shall be responsible for installation and maintenance of the irrigation.
(b) Minimum Requirements.
(1) Plans for the irrigation system shall be in accordance with County of San Diego Standard Specifications for Sprinkler Irrigation Systems and shall be approved by the County Official prior to installation.
(2) The irrigation system shall be located relative to existing and proposed property lines to insure that the irrigation system and the slopes sprinkled thereby will both be within the same property boundaries. The irrigation system shall be supplied or be readily converted so as to be supplied through the metered water service line serving each individual property.
(3) The irrigation system shall provide uniform coverage for the slope area at a precipitation rate not exceeding the intake rate of the soil. A functional test of the irrigation systems shall be performed to the satisfaction of the County Official prior to final approval of the rough grading.
(4) Check valves shall be installed in the irrigation system to prevent erosion from low sprinkler heads.
(5) Adequate back flow protection devices shall be installed in each irrigation system. Such devices shall be protected against physical damage during construction operations.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
The County Official may modify or waive the requirements for planting and/or irrigation systems if he or she finds that said requirements would be unreasonable or unnecessary for any of the following reasons:
(a) the area is subject to periodic inundation,
(b) water is unavailable to the area such that irrigation would be impractical or impossible,
(c) the area is naturally devoid of vegetation, or
(d) the area consists of cut slopes which are not subject to erosion due to their rocky character or slopes which are protected with pneumatically applied concrete mortar or are otherwise treated to protect against erosion and instability to the County Official's satisfaction.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) All grading, except grading for a borrow pit, in excess of 5,000 cubic yards shall be performed under the general supervision and coordination of a civil engineer hired by the applicant, who shall assume and perform the duties specified in Section 87.422 throughout grading operations until completion and approval of all work pursuant to Section 87.428. Such grading shall be designated "supervised grading", and such an engineer shall be known as the "Permit Compliance Engineer."
(b) Grading not supervised in accordance with this section shall be designated "regular grading."
(c) For grading of 5,000 cubic yards or less, the permittee may elect to have the grading performed as either supervised grading or regular grading.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
The following requirements are applicable to regular and supervised grading:
(a) The County Official shall cause the work to be inspected to the extent he or she deems necessary and may require inspection of excavations and fills and compaction control by a soils engineer. Rough and final grading inspection approvals sought for lots within major subdivisions shall be issued subject to any limitations imposed by section 81.404. At a minimum, the following inspections shall be required:
(1) Initial Site Inspection: A site inspection shall be performed prior to grading permit issuance.
(2) Rough Grading Inspection: Upon completion of rough grading and prior to issuance of a building permit, an inspection of the rough grading, and in particular the drainage and erosion control measures, shall be performed. All required landscaping shall be planted and irrigation systems installed prior to the rough grading inspection. The permittee shall complete and submit to the County Official a compaction report prior to or at the time of this inspection. The County Official shall approve the rough grading if he or she determines, based upon the inspection and the compaction report, that the rough grading complies with the requirements of the grading permit, section 81.404 in the case of grading completed for a major subdivision, and this Division.
(3) Final Grading Inspection: Upon completion of all grading, and prior to occupancy of any building or structure, a final grading inspection shall be performed. The County Official shall review the reports submitted pursuant to paragraph (c) below and shall determine that planting is established and that all irrigation systems are operational. The County Official shall approve the final grading if it conforms to all requirements of the grading permit, section 81.404 in the case of grading completed for a major subdivision, and this Division.
(b) The County Official may require sufficient inspection by the soil engineer to assure that the soil engineer has adequately considered all geological conditions. These inspections may be required to include, but need not be limited to inspection of cut slopes, canyons during clearing operations for ground water and earth material conditions, benches prior to placement of fill, and possible spring locations. Where geologic conditions warrant, the County Official may require periodic geologic reports.
(c) Reports of a soil engineer certifying the compaction or acceptability of all fills shall be filed with the County Official. The reports shall include but need not be limited to:
(1) inspection of cleared areas and benches prepared to receive fill and removal of all soil and unsuitable materials;
(2) the placement and compaction of fill materials;
(3) the bearing capacity of the fill to support structures;
(4) the inspection or review of the construction of retaining walls, subdrains, drainage facilities and devices, storm water protection devices, buttress fills, and other similar measures;
(5) excavation for and back filling of retaining walls; and
(6) where potentially expansive soils are present at either cut or fill grade, written recommendations regarding treatment given or to be given to such soils.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03; amended by Ord. No. 10179 (N.S.), effective 11-11-11)
The following requirements shall apply to "supervised grading" as referenced in Section 87.420:
(a) Requirements Applicable to the Permit Compliance Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the Permit Compliance Engineer to oversee and coordinate all field surveys, setting of grade stakes in conformance with the plans, and site inspection during grading operations to assure that the site is graded in accordance with the permit, this Division and the San Diego County Watershed Protection and Stormwater Management Ordinance (Division 7 of Title 6 of this Code). This responsibility shall not include the superintendency of the contractor's equipment or personnel. The Permit Compliance Engineer shall file reports with the County Official, as follows:
(1) Said reports shall be filed at the following intervals:
(aa) weekly, during all times when grading of 200 cubic yards or more per week is active on the site;
(bb) monthly, at all other times; and
(cc) at any time when requested in writing by the County Official.
(2) Such reports shall certify to the County Official that the Permit Compliance Engineer has inspected the grading and related activities and has found them to substantially comply with the approved grading plans, the grading permit including any conditions thereof, this Division, and other applicable County ordinances, except with regards to any areas of noncompliance which the engineer shall specify in detail. The reports shall contain all matters required in a standard Report of Grading Activities form which the County Official shall publish.
(b) Other Requirements. Soils reports shall be required and geology reports may also be required as specified in Sections 87.421(b) and (c). In addition to the copies filed with the County Official, copies of such reports shall be sent by the permittee to the Permit Compliance Engineer. The soil engineer shall make such tests and inspections as necessary to assure that the recommendations given in the soils report and incorporated in the grading plan or specifications or the permit have been followed.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03; amended by Ord. No. 9634 (N.S.), effective 4-23-04)