Fills constructed predominantly of large rock will be permitted only if the specifications for such fill are prepared by and construction done under the direction and supervision of a soil engineer. Large rock fills will not be permitted within six feet of finish grade or within two feet of the bottom of any utility pipeline.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) Cuts and fills shall be set back from property lines and buildings shall be set back from cut or fill slopes in accordance with Figure No. 1 of this section.
(b) Fill placed above the top of an existing or proposed cut or above a natural slope steeper than three horizontal to one vertical shall be set back from the edge of the slope a minimum distance of six feet.
(c) The setbacks established by this section are minimum and may be increased by the County Official if he or she deems it necessary for safety or stability or to prevent possible damage from water, soil or debris.
(d) The County Official may reduce the required setback in either of the following cases:
(1) where he or she determines the necessity for the setback eliminated or reduced by the construction of retaining walls or because the owner has the right to extend slopes onto the adjacent property; or
(2) after receipt of a report by a soil engineer certifying that he or she has investigated the property and that in the engineer's opinion the reduction in the setback will not endanger any public or private property or result in the deposition of debris on any public way or interfere with any existing drainage course.

(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) The ponding of water shall not be permitted above cut or fill slopes or on drainage terraces. Adequate drainage facilities shall be provided to prevent such ponding.
(b) All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry surface waters to the nearest practical street, storm drain, or other watercourse approved by the County Official or other appropriate governmental agency.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) The permittee and the owner shall make adequate provisions to prevent any surface waters from damaging the face of any excavation or fill. All slopes shall be protected from surface water runoff from above by berms, swales or brow ditches unless the County Official determines such berms, swales or brow ditches are unnecessary to provide such protection and waives this requirement.
(b) Where grading operations are to be conducted for any time during the period from November 11 through April 30, the County Official may require the incorporation of additional erosion control measures, including but not limited to the application of geotextile fabrics, erosion control blankets, particularly if slope plantings required by Section 87.418 have not become established.
(c) If any part of grading work on any site is ceased for any reason for a period in excess of 10 calendar days or prior to the onset of precipitation (50% chance of ½ inch or more of rain), the County Official requires that additional stormwater measures be implemented to disturbed soil areas, as required by Section 67.811, in order to prevent damage such as erosion or sedimentation to the site, slopes, adjoining properties, public rights of way or watercourses.
(d) The active disturbed soil area of a project site shall be no more than 50 acres for an individual grading permit/improvement plan or combination of grading permits under associated Tentative or Final Map (i.e. TM XXXX-1 through 3), unless otherwise approved by the County Official. 125% of the required Stormwater BMP materials shall be maintained on site to protect the disturbed soil area.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03; amended by Ord. No. 9926 (N.S.), effective 4-11-08)
All areas designed for buildings shall be graded to provide at least one percent grade toward the approved disposal area unless waived by the County Official where the terrain is so flat as to make such grade unnecessary or impractical.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)
(a) All berms, swales and brow ditches shall be designed and constructed, and when required, shall be paved or otherwise improved to the satisfaction of the County Official.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in Section 87.402, all swales and ditches shall have a minimum grade of two percent, a minimum depth of one foot and shall be paved for a width of at least three feet with a minimum thickness of three inches of portland cement concrete or two inches of pneumatically applied concrete mortar or shall be improved with other material or by other treatment approved by the County Official as equal. The paving of such swales or ditches may be waived by the County Official after receipt of a report by a soil engineer certifying that in the engineer's opinion the paving is unnecessary.
(c) If the drainage discharges onto natural ground, the County Official shall require that such natural ground be protected from erosion.
(Added by Ord. No. 9547 (N.S.), effective 5-9-03)