Types Of Signs Permitted | Maximum Area Per Sign Face | Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1 | Minimum Setback2 | Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type |
Types Of Signs Permitted | Maximum Area Per Sign Face | Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1 | Minimum Setback2 | Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type |
Awning/canopy signs | 1 square foot per linear foot of storefront (sign area only) | See note 1 | May extend 6 feet from face of building, but shall not cross a property line | 1 per first floor door/window |
Canopy, drive-through | 40% of canopy face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per canopy face |
Construction sign | 64 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet | 1 per street frontage |
Flat sign (storefront orientation)5 | 2 square feet per linear foot of store frontage4 | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per business or storefront |
Marquee sign | 1 square foot per linear foot of store frontage | See note 1 | See Subsection 21A.46.070. O | 1 per storefront |
Monument sign3 | 1 square foot per linear foot of street frontage | 20 feet 8 feet | 4 feet None | 1 per street frontage |
Nameplate | 2 square feet | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per building entry |
New development sign | 200 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet | 1 per street frontage |
Pole sign3 | 1 square foot per linear foot of street frontage; 200 square feet maximum for a single business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses | 35 feet | 10 feet with a maximum 6 foot projection. No extension across a property line is permitted | 1 per street frontage |
Political sign | 32 square feet | 8 feet | 5 feet | No limit |
Private directional sign | 8 square feet | 4 feet | 5 feet | No limit |
Projecting Business Storefront Sign | 6 square feet per sign side; total of 12 square feet | NA | May extend 4 feet from face of the building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.6 | 1 per leasable space or entry |
Public safety sign | 8 square feet | 6 feet | 5 feet | No limit |
Real estate sign | 64 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet | 1 per street frontage |
Sexually oriented business signs | See Section 21A.36.140 | |||
Wall sign or flat sign (general building orientation) | 1 square foot per linear foot of building face4 | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per building face |
Window sign | 25% of total frontage window area per use | See note 1 | n/a | No limit |
1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter.
2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs.
3. See Subsection 21A.46.090.D.6.a.
4. A single-tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign.
5. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors.
6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy.
5. Sign Type, Size And Height Standards For The New Automotive Dealership Localized Alternative Sign Overlay District: For purposes of this localized alternative sign overlay district only, the following definitions shall apply:
BUSINESS: Each of the following shall constitute a separate business or storefront: new automobile franchise, service business for new automobile franchise, parts business, manufacturer certified used automobile business in conjunction with new automobile franchise, cafe, car wash, and such other separate business units operated on the property and affiliated with the new automotive dealership business operating on the property.
PROPERTY: That certain real property constituting approximately eleven (11) acres located at 1530 South and 500 West, Salt Lake City, and more particularly described as Sidwell parcel number 15-13-152-002.
Types Of Signs Permitted | Maximum Area Of Signage | Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs
2 | Minimum Setback
3 | Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type |
Flat sign (storefront orientation)
5 | 2 square feet per linear foot of store frontage
4 | See note 2 | n/a | 1 per business or storefront |
Pole sign | 1 square foot per linear foot of street frontage; 200 square feet maximum for a single business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses | 35 feet or 25 feet above pavement grade of the adjacent freeway per subsection 21A.46.070T of this chapter | 10 feet with a maximum 6 feet projection. No extension across a property line is permitted | 1 per each 150 linear feet of street frontage with each sign separated by at least 100 feet, provided that a manufacturer franchise be displayed only once on a pole sign on the property |
Wall sign or flat sign (general building orientation) | 1 square foot per linear foot of building face4 | See note 2 | n/a4 | 1 per building face |
1. All other sign types and standards not specifically listed in the automobile dealership overlay shall be regulated under the standards within the applicable zoning district.
2. For height limits on building signs, see subsection 21A.46.070J of this chapter.
3. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs.
4. A multiple franchise automobile dealership may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat and wall signs, subject to a maximum combined area of signage not to exceed 3 square feet per linear foot of building face.
5. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors.
6. Supplementary Regulations:
a. Lot Frontage Requirements: A minimum lot frontage of one hundred feet (100') shall be required for pole signs or monument signs. (Ord. 64- 24, 2024: Ord. 72-21, 2021: Ord. 47-15, 2015: Ord. 9-14, 2014: Ord. 59-12, 2012: Ord. 23-10 § 15, 2010: Ord. 71-04 §§ 23, 24 (Exh. F), 2004: Ord. 17-04 § 3 (Exh. B), 2004: Ord. 14-03 §§ 1, 2, 2003: Ord. 53-00 §§ 6-9, 2000: Ord. 35-99 §§ 77, 78, 1999: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
The following regulations shall apply to signs permitted in the Transit Station Area District. Any sign not expressly permitted by these district regulations is prohibited.
A. Sign Regulations For The TSA Transit Station Area District:
1. Purpose: Sign regulations for the TSA District are intended to provide for appropriate signage oriented primarily to pedestrian and mass transit traffic.
2. Applicability: Regulations in subsection A3 of this section shall apply to all lots within the TSA District.
3. Sign Type, Size And Height Standards:
Types Of Signs Permitted | Maximum Area Per Sign Face | Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1
| Minimum Setback2 | Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type | Limit On Combined Number Of Signs3 |
Types Of Signs Permitted | Maximum Area Per Sign Face | Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1
| Minimum Setback2 | Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type | Limit On Combined Number Of Signs3 |
Awning/canopy signs | 1 square foot per linear foot of storefront (sign area only) | See note 1 | May extend 6 feet from face of building, but no more than 2 feet from back of curb6 | 1 per street frontage | None |
Construction sign | 64 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet or on construction fence | 2 per building | None |
Flat sign (general building orientation) | 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building face5 | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per building face | None |
Flat sign (storefront orientation)4 | 1.5 square feet per linear foot of store frontage5 | See note 1 | n/a | 1 per business or storefront | None |
Marquee sign | Subject only to subsection 21A.46.070O of this chapter | 1 per storefront | None | ||
Monument sign | 100 square feet | 12 feet | None | 1 per street frontage | |
Nameplate, identifying building name | 3 square feet | 8 feet | n/a | 1 per building | None |
New development sign | 80 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet | 1 per development | None |
Political sign | 32 square feet | 8 feet | 5 feet | No limit | None |
Private directional sign | 8 square feet | 4 feet | 5 feet | No limit | None |
Projecting business storefront sign | 4 square feet per side; 8 square feet total | Sign face limited to 2 feet in height1 | May extend 4 feet from the face of the building, but no more than 2 feet from back of curb6 | 1 per business entry to the street | None |
Projecting parking entry sign | 4 square feet per side; 8 square feet total | See note 1. Sign face limited to 2 feet in height | May extend 4 feet from the face of the building, but no more than 2 feet from back of curb6 | 1 per driveway or parking lot entry | None |
Public safety sign | 8 square feet | 6 feet | 5 feet | No limit | None |
Real estate sign | 64 square feet | 12 feet | 5 feet | 1 per building | None |
Window sign | 25% of total frontage window area per use | See note 1 | n/a | No limit | None |
1. For height limits on building signs, see subsection 21A.46.070J of this chapter.
2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs.
3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined.
4. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors.
5. A single-tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign.
6. Public property lease and insurance required for projection over property line.
(Ord. 46-17, 2017)
The following regulations shall apply to signs permitted in the form based and form based mixed use zoning districts. Any sign not expressly permitted by these district regulations is prohibited.
A. Sign Regulations for the Form Based and Form Based Mixed Use Districts:
1. Purpose: Sign regulations for the form based and form based mixed use zoning districts are intended to provide appropriate signage oriented primarily to pedestrian and mass transit traffic.
2. Applicability: This subsection applies to all signs located within the form based and form based mixed use zoning districts. This subsection is intended to list all permitted signs in the zone. All other regulations in this chapter shall apply.
B. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards:
1. A-Frame Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
A-frame sign | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners may have 2. | |
Width | Maximum of 2 feet. Any portion of the frame (the support structure) may extend up to 6 inches in any direction beyond the sign face. | |||||||
Height | Maximum of 3 feet. Any portion of the frame (the support structure) may extend up to 6 inches in any direction beyond the sign face. | |||||||
Placement | On public sidewalk or private property. | |||||||
Obstruction free area | Minimum of 8 feet must be maintained at all times for pedestrian passage. |
2. Awning or Canopy Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Awning or canopy sign | P | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per window or entrance. |
Width | Equal to the width of the window. | |||||||
Projection | No maximum depth from building facade, however design subject to mitigation of rainfall and snowfall runoff, conflict avoidance with tree canopy, and issuance of encroachment permits where required. The awning or canopy can project a maximum of 2 feet into a special purpose corridor. | |||||||
Clearance | Minimum of 10 feet of vertical clearance. | |||||||
Letters and logos | Allowed on vertical portions of sign only. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or a public street. Signs can face a special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
3. Construction Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Construction sign (see definition in this chapter) | P | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per construction site. |
Height | Maximum of 8 feet. Maximum of 12 feet in FB-MU and MU-8. | |||||||
Area | Maximum of 64 square feet. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or a public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor, but must be located on private property. |
4. Flat Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Flat sign | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners may have 2. | |
Width | Maximum of 90% of width of leasable space. No maximum width in FB-MU and MU-8. | |||||||
Height | Maximum of 3 feet. No maximum height in FB-MU and MU-8. | |||||||
Area | 1-1/2 square feet per linear foot of store frontage. | |||||||
Projection | Maximum of 1 foot. |
5. Flat Sign (building orientation):
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Flat sign (building orientation) | P | P | Quantity | 1 per building face. | ||||
Height | May not extend above the roof line or top of parapet wall. | |||||||
Area | 1-1/2 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. |
6. Marquee Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Marquee sign | P | P | Quantity | 1 per building. | ||||
Width | Maximum of 90% of width of leasable space. | |||||||
Height | May not extend above the roof of the building. | |||||||
Area | 1-1/2 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. | |||||||
Projection | Maximum of 6 feet. May project into right of way a maximum of 4 feet provided the sign is a minimum of 12 feet above the sidewalk grade. |
7. Monument Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Monument sign | P | P | Quantity | 1 per building. | ||||
Setback | 5 feet. | |||||||
Height | Maximum of 20 feet. | |||||||
Area | 1 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. |
8. Nameplate Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Nameplate sign | P | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners may have 2. |
Area | Maximum of 3 square feet. |
9. New Development Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
New Development sign | P | P | Quantity | 1 per street frontage. | ||||
Setback | 5 feet. | |||||||
Height | 12 feet. | |||||||
Area | 200 square feet. |
10. Private Directional Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Private directional sign (see definition in this chapter) | P | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | No limit. |
Height | Maximum of 5 feet. | |||||||
Area | Maximum of 8 square feet. | |||||||
Restriction | May not contain business name or logo. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
11. Projecting Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Projecting sign | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners may have 2. | |
Clearance | Minimum of 8 feet above sidewalk/walkway. | |||||||
Area | 6 square feet per side, 12 square feet total. | |||||||
Projection | Maximum of 4 feet from building façade. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
12. Projecting Parking Entry Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Projecting parking entry sign (see projecting sign graphic) | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per parking entry. | ||
Clearance | Minimum of 8 feet above sidewalk/walkway . | |||||||
Height | Maximum of 2 feet. | |||||||
Area | 4 square feet per side, 8 square feet total. | |||||||
Projection | Maximum of 4 feet from building facade for public and private streets. Maximum of 2 feet within the special purpose corridor. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
13. Public Safety Sign:
Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Public safety sign (see definition in this chapter) | P | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | No limit. |
Height | Maximum of 6 feet. | |||||||
Area | 8 square feet. | |||||||
Projection | Maximum of 1 foot. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
14. Real Estate Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Real estate sign | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners may have 2. | |
Height | Maximum of 12 feet. | |||||||
Area | 32 square feet. 64 square feet in FB-MU and MU-8. | |||||||
Location permitted | Private property or public street. Signs can face the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. |
15. Window Sign:

Sign Type | FB-UN1 | FB-UN2 | FB-M U | FB-SC | FB-SE | MU-8 | Specifications | |
Window sign | P | P | P | P | P | Quantity | 1 per window. | |
Height | Maximum of 3 feet. | |||||||
Area | Maximum of 25% of window area. |
(Ord. 64-24, 2024: Ord. 38-24, 2024: Ord. 75-23, 2023: Ord. 23-16, 2016)
The following regulations shall apply to signs permitted in the manufacturing districts. Any sign not expressly permitted by these district regulations is prohibited.
A. Sign Regulations For The Manufacturing Districts:
1. Purpose: Sign regulations for the manufacturing districts are intended to provide for appropriate identification of industrial and manufacturing uses. Signage should enhance the aesthetics of the districts, rather than clutter the area. Supportive commercial signage should be in scale with industrial signage.
2. Applicability: Regulations in subsection A3 of this section shall apply to all lots within the M-1, M-2 and M-1A districts.
3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: