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Salt Lake City Overview
Salt Lake City, UT Code of Ordinances
Salt Lake City, UT Policies and Procedures Manual
21A.46.010: Purpose Statement
21A.46.020: Definitions
21A.46.030: General Sign Permit Requirements
21A.46.040: Exempt Signs
21A.46.050: Signs Exempt From Permits And Permit Fees
21A.46.052: Signs Exempt From Specific Criteria Except Fees And Permits
21A.46.055: Temporary Portable Signs
21A.46.060: Signs Specifically Prohibited In All Zoning Districts
21A.46.070: General Standards
21A.46.075: Neon Public Parking Signs
21A.46.080: Sign Regulations For Residential Districts
21A.46.090: Sign Regulations For Mixed Use And Commercial Districts
21A.46.095: Sign Regulations For Transit Station Area District
21A.46.096: Sign Regulations For The Form Based And Form Based Mixed Use Districts
21A.46.100: Sign Regulations For Manufacturing Districts
21A.46.110: Sign Regulations For Downtown Districts
21A.46.115: Sign Regulations For Gateway Districts
21A.46.120: Sign Regulations For Special Purpose Districts
21A.46.125: Vintage Signs
21A.46.130: Localized Alternative Sign Overlay District
21A.46.140: Nonconforming Signs
21A.46.150: Permits, Inspection And Enforcement
21A.46.160: Billboards
21A.46.170: Street Banners On Utility Poles In The Public Way
21A.46.180: Construction Impact Area Mitigation Signs
   A.   Purpose: The regulations of this chapter are intended to:
      1.   Eliminate potential hazards to motorists and pedestrians by requiring that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that promotes the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Salt Lake City;
      2.   Encourage signs which, by their good design, are integrated with and harmonious to the buildings and sites, including landscaping, which they occupy;
      3.   Encourage sign legibility through the elimination of excessive and confusing sign displays;
      4.   Preserve and improve the appearance of the City as a place in which to live and to work, and create an attraction to nonresidents to come to visit or trade;
      5.   Allow each individual business to clearly identify itself and the nature of its business in such a manner as to become the hallmark of the business which will create a distinctive appearance and also enhance the City's character;
      6.   Safeguard and enhance property values;
      7.   Protect public and private investment in buildings and open space; and
      8.   Permit on premises signs as provided by the specific zoning district sign regulations included in this chapter. (Ord. 13-04 § 22, 2004: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
21A.46.020: DEFINITIONS:
   A.   Word Usage And Interpretation:
      1.   In this chapter, the words, terms, phrases and their derivatives shall have the meanings as stated and defined in this chapter.
      2.   Words not defined in this chapter but defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title, or in the Building Code as adopted by the City in title 18 of this Code, shall have those definitions.
   B.   Defined Terms: For the purposes of this chapter, sign types and related terms shall be defined as follows:
   A-FRAME SIGN: A temporary and/or portable sign constructed with two (2) sides attached at the top allowing the sign to stand in an upright position.
   ANIMATED SIGN: A sign, excluding electronic changeable copy, which involves motion or rotation of any part by mechanical or artificial means or which displays flashing or intermittent lights.
   AWNING: A structure constructed of fabric or metal placed so as to extend outward from the building, providing a protective shield for doors, windows and other openings, with supports extending back to the building, supported entirely by the building. The maximum vertical drape of the front valance is limited to one foot (1').
   AWNING SIGN: A sign that is painted on or otherwise made part of the awning material. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.) Signage is limited to the vertical portions of the awning; the sides and the front valance. No signage shall protrude beyond the vertical face.
   BACKLIT AWNING SIGN: A sign made of translucent material with illumination from behind. A backlit awning is considered a form of flat sign and is subject to the regulations thereof.
   BALLOON: A temporary sign comprised of an inflated nonporous object filled with air or other gas affixed to a building or lot for the purpose of attracting attention.
   BANNER, PUBLIC EVENT: "Public event banner" means a banner pertaining to festivals or events, as permitted in title 3, chapter 3.50 of this code, which is installed as a temporary sign.
   BANNER, SECURED: "Secured banner" means a temporary sign intended to be hung on a frame, secured at the top and the bottom on all corners, applied to plastic or fabric of any kind, excluding official flags and emblems of political organizations.
   BANNER, UNSECURED: "Unsecured banner" means a temporary sign on plastic or fabric of any kind which is not secured in the manner described in the definition of a "secured banner".
   BENCH SIGN: A sign located on the back of a bench.
   BILLBOARD (OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN): A form of an off premises sign. A freestanding ground sign located on industrial, commercial or residential property if the sign is designed or intended to direct attention to a business, product or service that is not sold, offered or existing on the property where the sign is located. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   BUILDING FACE: Any single side of a building. Signs regulated by building face can be located on a maximum of four (4) faces of a building.
   BUILDING OR HOUSE NUMBERS SIGN: A flat sign which identifies the address of the property.
   BUILDING PLAQUE SIGN: A plaque designating names of buildings, occupants and/or date of erection and other items such as architect, contractor, or others involved in the building's creation, cut into or attached to a building surface and measuring no more than four (4) square feet in area, with a maximum six inch (6") projection from the building.
   BUILDING SECURITY SIGN: A sign indicating the existence of an electronic or staffed security system on the site or warning against trespass on the site.
   BUILDING SIGN: Any sign attached to a building and which is not supported by, or attached to, the ground. Examples of building signs include: awning sign; backlit awning sign; building or house numbers sign; building plaque sign; flat sign; marquee sign; nameplate sign; projecting building sign; roof sign; wall sign; window sign.
   CANOPY: A structure constructed of fabric or other material placed so as to extend outward from the building, providing a protective shield for doors, windows and other openings, with supports extending to the ground as well as attached to the building.
   CANOPY, DRIVE-THROUGH: "Drive-through canopy" means a freestanding roof structure over drive-through facilities such as a gasoline pump island.
   CANOPY, DRIVE-THROUGH, SIGN: "Drive-through canopy sign" means a flat sign that is painted or attached to a drive-through canopy which does not extend above or below the canopy facade.
   CANOPY SIGN: A sign that is painted or otherwise made part of the canopy material. Signage is limited to the vertical portions of the canopy; the sides and the front valance. No signage shall protrude beyond the vertical face.
   CLEARANCE (Of A Sign): The smallest vertical distance between the grade beneath the sign and the bottom of the sign, including framework and embellishments, extending over that grade.
   CONSTRUCTION SIGN: A temporary sign identifying the contractor, architect, designer or other affiliated organization responsible for the construction of a new project.
   DEVELOPMENT ENTRY SIGN: A permanent sign used to identify the main entrance of a development of at least ten (10) acres containing multiple lots and/or multiple (principal) buildings.
   DIRECTIONAL OR INFORMATIONAL SIGN (PRIVATE): An on premises sign designed to guide vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic by using such words as "entrance", "exit", "parking", "one-way" or similar directional instruction, and which may include the identification of the building or use, but may not include any advertising message.
   DIRECTORY SIGN: A sign on which the names and locations of occupants or the use of a building or property are identified, but which does not include any advertising message.
   ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY: The copy of a sign containing an electronically generated message such as a public service, time, temperature and date, or a message center or reader board, where different copy changes of a public service or commercial nature are shown on the same lamp bank or message facility. The term "electronic changeable copy" shall not be defined as a type of "animated sign" if the message displayed is fully readable within three (3) seconds. Electronic changeable copy shall be considered, for the intents of this chapter, a sign face type rather than a sign type.
   EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: A sign made legible in the absence of daylight by devices external to the sign which reflect or project light upon it.
   FLAG, CORPORATE: "Corporate flag" means a flag identifying the name and/or logo of the business or corporation on the premises where the flag is displayed.
   FLAG, OFFICIAL: "Official flag" means a flag of a government or governmental agency.
   FLAG, PENNANT: Any geometric shaped cloth, fabric, or other lightweight material normally fastened to a stringer which is secured or tethered so as to allow movement of the sign caused by movement of the atmosphere. A sign, with or without a logo, made of flexible materials suspended from one or two (2) corners, used in combination with other such signs to create the impression of a line.
   FLAT SIGN: A sign erected parallel to and attached to the outside wall of a building and extending not more than twenty four inches (24") from such wall, with messages or copy on the face only. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   FREESTANDING SIGN: A sign supported by one or more upright poles or braces placed in or upon the ground surface and not attached to any building. Examples of freestanding signs are a monument sign and a pole sign.
   GARAGE/YARD SALE SIGN: A temporary sign on residential property and used to identify a garage or yard sale on the premises.
   GAS PRICE SIGN: An on premises sign advertising the price of gasoline other than the information attached to the gasoline pump.
   GAS PUMP SIGN: Price, gallons, octane and other customary information relating to gasoline sales appearing on a gasoline pump.
   GOVERNMENT SIGN: Any temporary or permanent sign erected and maintained for any official governmental purpose.
   HEIGHT (Of A Sign): The largest vertical distance between the highest point of the sign and the grade of the land beneath the sign. When the land slopes down from the street and the sign is located at the setback line, the height is measured from the adjacent street (top of curb).
   HEIGHT, SIGN FACE: "Sign face height" means the maximum vertical distance between the top and the bottom of a sign face.
   HISTORICAL MARKER: A type of memorial sign limited in content to the identification of an historical building or structure or the site of an historical event.
   ILLEGAL SIGN: Any sign erected after the effective date hereof which does not comply with the provisions of these sign regulations, or a sign that was illegal prior to the adoption of said ordinance, that has not been subsequently legalized.
   INTERIOR SIGN: A sign located within the building oriented to the interior space of the building.
   INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: A sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outlines internally illuminated by electric lights, luminous tubes or other means as a part of the sign proper.
   KIOSK: A structure which is used for the posting of temporary signs.
   LETTER SIGN: A type of flat sign consisting of letters placed directly on the building face.
   LOGO: A business trademark or symbol.
   MARQUEE: A permanent roofed structure which extends outward from the face of the building and is designed to meet all provisions of the current Salt Lake City adopted building code and other specifications as outlined in this chapter. Where specifications as outlined in this chapter are different from the provisions of the Salt Lake City adopted building code, the more restrictive shall apply.
   MARQUEE SIGN: A sign attached to a marquee. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   MEMORIAL SIGN: A sign acknowledging a person, place, event or structure.
   MONUMENT SIGN: A freestanding sign whose sign face extends to the ground or to a base. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   NAMEPLATE SIGN: A sign indicating the name and/or occupation of a person or persons residing on the premises or legally occupying the premises, or indicating a home occupation legally existing on the premises.
   NEIGHBORHOOD IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign located in the public right of way which identifies the name of a particular neighborhood.
   NEON PUBLIC PARKING SIGN: A standardized parking identification/entry sign as shown in figure 21A.46.020 of this section that is approved under contract with the Salt Lake City transportation division. The sign may be attached to a building as a projecting sign or stand alone as a freestanding sign.
   NEW DEVELOPMENT SIGN: A temporary sign used to identify a new development being constructed.
   NONCONFORMING SIGN: Any sign or structure or portion thereof which was lawfully erected in compliance with applicable regulations of the city and maintained prior to April 12, 1995, and which fails to conform to the sign regulations of this chapter and all other applicable standards and restrictions of this title.
   OFF PREMISES SIGN: A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is erected.
   ON PREMISES SIGN: A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold or offered on the premises on which the sign is erected.
   OPEN AIR MALL: A building or buildings that are designed to function like a traditional shopping mall, but do not have a ceiling or roof.
   OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN: See definition of "Billboard (Outdoor Advertising Sign)".
   PARK BANNER SIGN: A banner hung from either an existing light pole standard or on a pole erected specifically for the purpose of accommodating a banner. A park banner sign includes verbiage and/or design that relates to either a permanent venue within a park or provides a means of identifying the specific park itself. A "park banner sign" does not include any banner that contains verbiage or symbols that relate to or otherwise identify a temporary event.
   POLE SIGN: A freestanding sign other than a monument sign, erected and maintained on a mast(s) or pole(s) and not attached to any building. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   POLITICAL SIGN: A temporary sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office or soliciting votes in support of or against any proposition or issue at any general, primary, special, school or any other election decided by ballot or a temporary sign expressing political opinion.
   PORTABLE SIGN: A temporary sign not permanently anchored or secured to either a building or the ground, but usually anchored or secured to a trailer, vehicle (where the primary purpose of the vehicle is to advertise) or frame capable of being moved from place to place.
   PREMISES: A lot with its appurtenances and buildings that functions as a unit.
   PROJECTING BUILDING SIGN: A sign attached to a building or other structure whose sign face is displayed perpendicular or at an angle to the building wall.
   PROJECTING BUSINESS STOREFRONT SIGN: A sign attached to a building or other structure whose sign face is displayed perpendicular or at an angle to the building wall. Said signs shall contain only the name of the business and/or associated corporate logo.
   PROJECTING PARKING ENTRY SIGN: A sign attached to a building or other structure whose sign face is displayed perpendicular or at an angle to the building wall. Said signs shall contain only the words or symbol signifying the entry to a parking lot or structure.
   PUBLIC SAFETY SIGN: A sign designed to warn people of potentially dangerous or hazardous situations. Forms of public safety signs include: traffic safety signs, electrical hazard warnings, geologic hazard markers, etc.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN: A temporary sign related to the property upon which it is located and offering such property for sale or lease.
   ROOF SIGN: A sign erected on the roof of a building and constructed so as to appear as an extension of the building facade. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   SHOPPING CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A pole, monument or flat sign used to identify a shopping center development consisting of two (2) or more stores. A shopping center identification sign may include electronic or other changeable copy.
   SIGN: An object, device or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images. The term "sign" shall include the sign structure, supports, lighting system and any attachments, ornaments or other features used to attract attention. The term "sign" does not include the flag or emblem of any nation, organization of nations, state, county, city; or works of art which in no way identify a product or business logo.
   SIGN FACE: That part of the sign that is or can be used to identify, to advertise, to communicate information, or for visual representation which attracts the attention of the public for any purpose. The term "sign face" includes any background or surrounding material, panel, trim or ornamentation, color and direct or self-illumination that differentiates the sign from the building, structure, backdrop surface or object upon or against which it is placed. The term "sign face" does not include any portion of the support structure for the sign; provided, that no message, symbol or any of the previously described elements of a sign face is placed on or designed as part of the support structure. See subsection 21A.46.070W of this chapter.
   SIGN FACE AREA: The surface of the sign face. (See figure 21A.46.020 at the end of this section.)
   SIGN GRAPHICS: Any lettering, numerals, figures, designs, symbols or other drawings or images used to create a sign.
   SIGN MAINTENANCE: The maintenance of a sign in a safe, presentable and good condition including the replacement of defective parts, repainting, cleaning, and other acts required for the maintenance of the sign.
   SIGN MASTER PLAN AGREEMENT: An agreement outlining sign criteria to be used on private property but not oriented to a public street. The criteria should include, but is not limited to, the discussion of types, sizes and materials of construction of signs.
   SIGN STRUCTURE OR SUPPORT: Any structure that supports or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative cover.
   SNIPE SIGN: A sign for which a permit has not been obtained which is attached to a public utility pole, service pole, supports for another sign or fences, trees, etc.
   SPECIAL EVENT SIGN: A temporary sign accessory to a use that identifies special events or activities. A special event sign shall not include real estate signs, garage/yard sale signs or other types of accessory signs.
   STADIUM: A confined but open air facility designed to accommodate athletic events or other large gatherings.
   STOREFRONT: A face of a building fronting on a street or having public pedestrian access.
   TEMPORARY SIGN: Any exterior sign, banner, pennant, valance or advertising display constructed of paper, cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other light materials, with or without light frames, intended to be displayed for a short period of time. Examples of temporary signs include: an A-frame sign; balloon; secured banner; unsecured banner; public event banner; garage/yard sale sign; political sign; real estate sign; special event sign.
   VEHICULAR SIGN: A sign on a vehicle which is visible from the public right-of-way where the primary purpose of the vehicle is not to advertise a product or to direct people to a business.
   VENDING MACHINE SIGN: Any sign fastened to or painted to a vending machine which directly relates to the product contained in the machine.
   VINTAGE SIGN: An on-premises sign with unique identifying characteristics that contributes to the historical or cultural character of the neighborhood, City, or region and designated as provided in section 21A.46.125 of this chapter.
   VISIBLE: Capable of being seen, whether or not any item of information is legible, without visual aid, by a person of normal visual acuity.
   WALL SIGN: A sign that is painted on a building wall containing the name of the business and/or its logo.
   WINDOW SIGN: A sign inside of or attached to the interior of a transparent glazed surface (window or door) oriented to the outside of the building. A display window that does not include signs shall not be considered a sign.
FIGURE 21A.46.020
(Ord. 44- 23, 2023: Ord. 45-18, 2018: Ord. 61-11, 2011: Ord. 63-06 § 2, 2006: Ord. 79-05 § 1, 2005: Ord. 67-04 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2004: Ord. 13-04 § 21, 2004: Ord. 61-00 §§ 1, 2, 2000: Ord. 53-00 § 1, 2000: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
   A.   Sign Permit Required: Except where exempted by the provisions of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, locate or modify any on or off premises sign within the city contrary to any provisions of this chapter without first obtaining a sign permit from the building official. No sign shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, located or modified until the site plan for such sign has been approved and a sign permit issued by the building official. Such permits shall be issued only to State of Utah licensed contractors unless specifically exempted by the State of Utah.
   B.   Application Requirements: All applications for sign permits shall be accompanied by a site plan and an elevation drawing. The site plan shall be in duplicate on a minimum eight and one-half by eleven inch (8 1/2 x 11") paper. The site plan information shall be drawn to scale and dimensioned, and shall convey sufficient information so that the zoning administrator can determine whether the proposed sign will conform with the provisions of this chapter and the applicable provisions of the Salt Lake City building code.
      1.   Site Plan Drawing Requirements: The site plan drawing shall show the size of the sign and its location with relationship to the following features of the site:
         a.   Property lines;
         b.   Existing and proposed buildings or other structures;
         c.   Barrier curbs;
         d.   Parking areas;
         e.   Landscaped areas; and
         f.   "Clear view" areas on corners, driveways or intersections.
      2.   Elevation Drawing Requirements: Specifically, the elevation drawing shall show the following information:
         a.   Type of sign;
         b.   Sign location in relation to nearest property line;
         c.   Sign face design if an on premises sign;
         d.   Sign height;
         e.   Sign face area; and
         f.   Illumination specification.
   C.   Sign Permit Fee Required: The sign permit applicant shall pay the fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule.
   D.   Plan Checking Fee: A plan checking fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be paid to the building official for every sign permit issued. Where plans are incomplete, or changed so as to require additional plan checking, an additional plan checking fee may be charged at the rate shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule.
   E.   Inspection Tag Fee: An inspection tag fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be paid to the building official for each inspection tag issued.
   F.   Double Fee Required: In the event that work is started prior to obtaining a permit, the fee for a sign permit may be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of this chapter in the execution of the work, nor from any other penalties prescribed herein.
   G.   Expiration Of Application: An application for which no permit is issued within thirty (30) days following the date of application shall expire and plans submitted for checking may thereafter be destroyed by the zoning administrator. The zoning administrator may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding a total of ninety (90) days from the date of application upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan checking fee.
   H.   Insurance Required For Structures And Signs Overhanging Public Property: No structure or sign overhanging public property shall be erected, reerected, located or relocated or enlarged or modified structurally, or change ownership, without first receiving the approval of the city property manager and submitting a certificate of insurance as specified by the Salt Lake City attorney's office. Information concerning insurance requirements is available at the office of the zoning administrator.
   I.   Permission Required For Signs And Marquees On Or Over Public Right Of Way: Except for portable signs authorized pursuant to section 21A.46.055 of this chapter, signs, marquees and other structures encroaching on or over the public sidewalk or on or over a public right of way shall obtain permission from the city pursuant to the city's rights of way encroachment policy. (Ord. 44-23, 2023: Ord. 24-11, 2011)
21A.46.040: EXEMPT SIGNS:
The following signs and sign related activities are exempt from all regulations in this chapter, subject to the following provisions:
   A.   Building Or House Numbers Sign: One building or house numbers sign per street address as long as the sign is not more than two (2) square feet in area.
   B.   Building Plaque Sign: One building plaque sign per address.
   C.   Building Security Sign: Building security signs whose sign faces are no more than one square foot in area and limited to no more than four (4) building security signs per lot.
   D.   Flag, Official: An official flag which does not project over a property line.
   E.   Gas Pump Sign: Gas pump sign.
   F.   Gasoline Price Signs: Gasoline price signs not exceeding fifty (50) square feet as long as they comply with all other applicable provisions of this title. These are permitted in addition to the maximum size limits listed in the sign regulations tables for each zoning district.
   G.   Interior Sign: Interior sign.
   H.   Political Sign: Political signs with a face of sixteen (16) square feet or less subject to maintaining a five foot (5') setback.
   I.   Public Event Banner 1 : Public event banner.
   J.   Public Safety Signs: As long as they are no more than six (6) square feet in area.
   K.   Routine Maintenance Of Sign: Routine sign maintenance or changing of lettering or parts of signs designed to be regularly changed.
   L.   Vending Machine Sign: Vending machine sign.
   M.   Murals: All or any portion of painted artwork which would not constitute a sign under this chapter.
   N.   Portable Signs: Portable signs as authorized pursuant to section 21A.46.055 of this chapter. (Ord. 5-05 § 2, 2005: Ord. 78-03 § 2, 2003: Ord. 53-00 § 2, 2000: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)



1. For provisions governing street banners, see section 21A.46.170 of this chapter.
Signs legally existing on or before April 12, 1995, shall be exempt from the sign permit fee. All signs listed in section 21A.46.040 of this chapter, except gasoline price signs which are in compliance with all provisions of this chapter, are exempt from permits and permit fees. Nameplates, garage sale and real estate signs, which are in compliance with all provisions of this chapter, are also exempt from permits and permit fees. (Ord. 35-99 § 76, 1999: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
   A.   Signs within open-air malls, stadiums, or other enclosed spaces that do not have a roof but are otherwise physically confined and separated from the public street right-of-way are required to obtain sign permits and pay fees to ensure public safety and compliance with the City's Building Code. Such signs are subject to Sign Ordinance regulations unless a sign master plan agreement was specifically considered as part of a planned development as outlined in Chapter 21A.55 of this title or was specifically authorized through the design review process as outlined in Chapter 21A.59 of this title. The sign master plan agreement shall only be authorized for signage within the open-air mall or stadium that is not oriented to the public street. Signage oriented to a public street or to a surface parking lot is specifically not exempt from Sign Ordinance requirements and not subject to modification through a sign master plan agreement.
   B.   Pole Signs on School Property: Pole signs on property used for K-12 public school or K-12 private school are allowed regardless of the zoning district. Pole signs on K-12 public school or K-12 private school property are permitted provided such signs comply with the following requirements:
      1.   The maximum number of signs permitted is one pole sign;
      2.   The maximum height of a freestanding pole sign is fifteen feet (15'), except that pole signs on the property along a collector or arterial street may be a maximum height of twenty five feet (25');
      3.   There is no minimum setback requirement; however, all portions of the sign must be located on school property. No portion of the sign may overhang onto the public right-of-way.
      4.   The sign will be allowed to have a maximum of three sign faces. For pole signs located on school properties, the sign face is the total sign area of each side of the sign. A sign face may include multiple separate sign panels;
      5.   The total combined sign face areas of a pole sign shall not exceed one hundred eighty (180) square feet, except that pole signs on the property along a collector or arterial street may have a maximum total combined sign face area of five hundred forty (540) square feet;
      6.   No sign may be used as an off premises sign; and
      7.   The pole sign is subject to all other requirements as stated in this chapter and all applicable zoning overlay requirements. (Ord. 26-23, 2023: Ord. 14-19, 2019)