Types Of Signs Permitted
Maximum Area Per Sign Face
Maximum Height
Number Of Signs Permitted
Types Of Signs Permitted
Maximum Area Per Sign Face
Maximum Height
Number Of Signs Permitted
Construction sign
8 square feet
4 feet1
1 per dwelling
Development entry sign2
40 square feet
8 feet1
1 per entry
Garage/yard sale sign
6 square feet
4 feet1
1 per dwelling
Monument sign2
60 square feet
8 feet
1 per street frontage
1 square foot
6 feet
1 per dwelling
New development sign
160 square feet maximum per sign; 200 square feet total
10 feet1
1 per public street frontage
Political sign
8 square feet
4 feet1
No limit
Private directional sign
8 square feet
4 feet1
No limit
Public safety sign
8 square feet
6 feet
No limit
Real estate sign
8 square feet
4 feet1
1 per dwelling
Special event sign
16 square feet
6 feet1
1 per building
   1.   A 5 foot setback is required.
   2.   Shall have a 5 foot setback, unless integrated into the fence structure. Height requirements for fence apply.
      4.   Illumination: Signs for residential uses shall not be internally illuminated, except for new development signs and development entry signs.
   G.   Sign Regulations For The EI Extractive Industries District:
      1.   Purpose: Sign regulations for the EI District are intended to provide for appropriate identification for mining/extractive industries. The principal need for signage in this district is the identification of the use, including entry into the site.
      2.   Applicability: Regulations in subsection G3 of this section shall apply to all lots within the EI District.
      3.   Sign Type, Size And Height Standards:
Types Of Signs Permitted
Maximum Area Per Sign Face
Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1
Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type
Limit On Combined Number Of Signs2
Types Of Signs Permitted
Maximum Area Per Sign Face
Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs1
Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type
Limit On Combined Number Of Signs2
Construction sign
32 square feet
8 feet
1 per street frontage
Development entry sign
20 square feet per linear foot of street frontage; 100 square feet maximum
8 feet
1 per street frontage
Flat sign
2 square feet per linear foot of building frontage
See note 1
1 per building frontage
1 per building frontage
Monument sign
60 square feet
8 feet
1 per street frontage
Pole sign
50 square feet
30 feet
1 per street frontage
Political sign
16 square feet
4 feet
No limit
Private directional sign
8 square feet
4 feet
No limit
Public safety sign
8 square feet
6 feet
No limit
Real estate sign
32 square feet
8 feet
1 per street frontage
Wall sign
1 square foot per linear foot of building frontage; not to exceed 60 square feet
See note 1
1 per building frontage
1 per building frontage
Window sign
25% of total frontage window area per building
See note 1
No limit
   1.    For limits on height of building signs, see subsection 21A.46.070J of this chapter.
   2.    The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined.
      4.   Supplementary Regulations:
         a.   Sign Setbacks: A pole sign shall be set back thirty feet (30') from the property line with a six foot (6') maximum projection into the setback. All other freestanding signs shall be set back not less than five feet (5') from any property line. (Ord. 44-23, 2023: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 56-14, 2014: Ord. 75-12, 2012: Ord. 19-11, 2011: Ord. 80-05 § 1 (Exh. A), 2005: Ord. 73-02 §§ 13, 14 (Exh. F), 2002: Ord. 53-00 § 5, 2000: Ord. 14-00 §§ 13, 14, 2000: Ord. 35-99 §§ 81-83, 1999: Ord. 44-98 § 2, 1998: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
21A.46.125: VINTAGE SIGNS:
   A.   The purpose of this section is to promote the retention, restoration, reuse, and reinstatement of nonconforming signs that represent important elements of Salt Lake City's heritage and enhance the character of a corridor, neighborhood, or the community at large.
   B.   Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this title:
      1.   An application for designation of vintage sign status as well as for the reinstatement of, modifications to, or relocation of a vintage sign shall be processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 21A.08 and section 21A.46.030 as well as the following:
Application: In addition to the general application requirements for a sign, an application for vintage sign designation or modification shall require:
         a.   Detailed drawings and/or photographs of the sign in its current condition, if currently existing;
         b.   Written narrative and supporting documentation demonstrating how the sign meets the applicable criteria;
         c.   Detailed drawings of any modifications or reinstatement being sought;
         d.   Detailed drawings of any relocation being sought; and
         e.   Historic drawings and/or photographs of the sign.
      2.   The zoning administrator shall designate an existing sign as a vintage sign if the sign:
         a.   Was not placed as part of a Localized Alternative Signage Overlay District and has not been granted flexibility from the base zoning through a planned development agreement or by the historic landmark commission;
         b.   Is not a billboard as defined in section 21A.46.020 of this chapter;
         c.   Retains its original design character, or that character will be reestablished or restored, based on historic evidence such as drawings or photographs; and,
         d.   Meets at least four (4) of the following criteria:
            (1)   The sign was specifically designed for a business, institution, or other establishment on the subject site;
            (2)   The sign bears a unique emblem, logo, or another graphic specific to the city, or region;
            (3)   The sign exhibits specific characteristics that enhance the streetscape or identity of a neighborhood;
            (4)   The sign is or was characteristic of a specific historic period;
            (5)   The sign is or was integral to the design or identity of the site or building where the sign is located; or
            (6)   The sign represents an example of craftsmanship in the application of lighting technique, use of materials, or design.
      3.   A designated vintage sign may:
         a.   Be relocated within its current site.
         b.   Be modified to account for changing uses within its current site. These modifications shall be in the same style as the design of the original sign including:
            (1)   Shape and form,
            (2)   Size,
            (3)   Typography,
            (4)   Illustrative elements,
            (5)   Use of color,
            (6)   Character of illumination, and
            (7)   Character of animation.
         c.   Be restored or recreated, and reinstated on its original site.
         d.   Be relocated to a new site for use as a piece of public art, provided that the original design and character of the sign is retained, or will be restored, and it advertises a business no longer in operation. Vintage signs may only be relocated for use as public art to sites in the following districts: D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, G-MU, CSHBD1, CSHBD2, FB-UN2, FB-MU11, FB-SC, FB-SE, MU-8, TSA.
         e.   Be relocated and reinstalled on the business's new site, should the business with which it is associated move, provided that the business's new location is within the same contiguous zoning district as the original location.
      4.   Once designated, a vintage sign is exempt from the calculation of allowed signage on a site. (Ord. 38-24, 2024: Ord. 75-23, 2023: Ord. 64-21, 2021: Ord. 45-18, 2018)
   A.   Purpose: Large scale land uses (such as a shopping center, an office park, a special purpose district use such as the airport, or large institutions such as universities or medical centers having a multibuilding campus) have common design elements that can be complemented and enhanced through the use of special signage. Localized alternative sign overlay districts allow for the creation of special sign regulations to meet the needs of these situations.
   B.   Applicability: These regulations shall be applicable to sites two (2) acres or larger in the following districts:
      RP District
      CG District
      CS District
      A District
      UI District
      BP District
      I District
      PL District
      PL-2 District
These regulations shall also apply to stadiums, arenas, convention centers, live performance theaters, and ancillary uses to the aforementioned on sites larger than two (2) acres, in the following districts:
      D-1 District
      D-2 District
      D-3 District
      D-4 District
   C.   Submission Of Overlay District Regulations: In order to give effect to the purpose set forth in subsection A of this section, a localized alternative sign overlay district pertaining only to a particular center, campus or district may be proposed as an alternative to the sign regulations that would otherwise be applicable under this chapter.
   D.   Effect Of Overlay District: If a localized alternative sign overlay district is established, the sign standards and limitations established within that district shall govern.
   E.   Application Procedure: Persons seeking to establish a localized alternative sign overlay district pursuant to this section shall submit the regulations proposed for the overlay district to the Zoning Administrator, together with any additional material the Zoning Administrator requests. This shall be considered an amendment to this title and zoning map and review and approval shall follow normal amendment procedures pursuant to chapter 21A.50 of this title. Following adoption of the overlay district by the City Council, the regulations of the district shall apply uniformly to all properties located within the boundaries of the overlay district.
   F.   Changes To Approved Localized Alternative Sign Overlay Districts: An alternative localized sign overlay district which has been properly established may be amended or modified only upon submission and approval of another zoning amendment application pursuant to chapter 21A.50 of this title. (Ord. 63-17, 2017: Ord. 73-02 § 15, 2002: Ord. 28-01 § 1, 2001: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)
   A.   Applicability: The regulations in this section shall apply to all nonconforming signs with the following exceptions:
      1.   Vintage signs shall be regulated by Section 21A.46.125 of this chapter.
      2.   Billboards shall be regulated by Section 21A.46.160 of this chapter.
   B.   Modifications: A sign permit may be issued for modifications to a nonconforming sign provided the modifications do not increase the level of nonconformity of such sign. This includes changes to dimensional standards, location, or the replacement of any part of the sign structure. This provision does not apply in the case of:
      1.   Any modification that is necessary due to a government action that results in the relocation or alteration of a sign, including signs that would become nonconforming due to the government action, are permitted.
   C.   Maintenance: Nonconforming signs shall be maintained as defined in Section 21A.46.020, including the temporary removal of the sign for repairs and other routine maintenance. The sign shall be reinstalled in the same location and in the same manner or relocated to a location that increases the level of conformity.
   D.   Sign Removal:
      1.   The sign face identifying a discontinued use on the property shall be removed from the property when the use is discontinued.
      2.   Nonconforming sign structures may remain on the property but shall be re-used to advertise on-site goods or services within one year or will be considered abandoned. An abandoned sign shall be removed in accordance with Subsection 21A.46.150.E with the following exception:
         a.   The zoning administrator may extend the one-year period if the property owner provides evidence that the property was marketed for occupancy at least once every calendar year.
   E.   Restoration of Signs:
      1.   Voluntarily Removed Signs: Unless authorized by Subsections 21A.46.140.B or 21A.46.140.C above, a nonconforming sign voluntarily removed from the property by the property owner or property owner's representative shall not be restored unless it is restored to conform with the regulations of this title.
      2.   Involuntarily Destroyed Signs: If a nonconforming sign is involuntarily destroyed in whole or in part due to fire or other calamity, the sign may be restored to its original condition with respect to size, setback, height, and other nonconforming dimensional standards of the zoning district in which the sign is located, provided such work is started within one year, unless a longer time frame is approved by the building official, after such calamity. (Ord. 44-23, 2023: Ord. 45-18, 2018: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995)