A.   Standards: All small wind energy systems shall comply with the following requirements. If there is any conflict between the provisions of this section and any other requirements of the zoning, site development, and subdivision ordinances, the zoning administrator shall determine which requirements apply to the project in order to achieve the highest level of neighborhood compatibility.
      1.   Setback: The base of the tower shall be set back from all property lines, public rights of way, and public utility lines a distance equal to the total extended height plus five feet (5'). If the small wind energy system is on a roof, the total extended height is equal to the roof height and tower height. A tower may be allowed closer to a property line than its total extended height if the abutting property owner(s) grants written permission and the installation poses no interference with public utility lines or public road and rail rights of way. Guywires and other support devices shall be set back at least five feet (5') from all property lines.
      2.   Tower Height: Where the total extended height meets the sound and setback requirements of this section (see subsection A1 of this section), there shall be no specific height limitation, except as imposed by federal aviation administration (FAA) regulations per subsection A10 of this section.
      3.   Sound: Sound produced by the turbine under normal operating conditions, as measured at the property line of any adjacent property improved with a dwelling unit at the time of the issuance of the zoning certificate, shall not exceed fifty five (55) dBA for any period of time. The fifty five (55) dBA sound level may be exceeded during short term events out of the owner's control such as utility outages and/or severe windstorms.
      4.   Appearance, Color, And Finish: Colors permitted include grays, browns, greens, tans and other earth tones. Bright, luminescent, or neon colors are prohibited.
      5.   Clearance: The blade tip or vane of any small wind energy system shall have a minimum ground clearance of fifteen feet (15') as measured at the lowest point of the arc of the blades. Blades on small wind energy systems in residential districts shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of tower height. All portions of the system shall maintain a clearance from power utility lines as required by the Utah high voltage line safety act.
      6.   Signage Prohibited: All signs on a wind generator, tower, building, or other structure associated with a small wind energy system visible from any public road, other than the manufacturer's or installer's identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner identification, shall be prohibited.
      7.   Lighting: No illumination of the turbine or tower shall be allowed unless required by the federal aviation administration (FAA).
      8.   Access: No foot pegs, rungs, or other climbing aids shall be allowed below twelve feet (12') on a freestanding tower. For lattice or guyed towers, sheets of metal or wood or similar barriers shall be fastened to the bottom tower section such that it cannot readily be climbed.
      9.   Requirement For Engineered Drawings: Building permit applications for small wind energy systems shall be accompanied by standard drawings of the wind turbine structure and stamped engineered drawings (by an engineer licensed by the state of Utah) of the tower, base, footings, and/or foundation as provided by the manufacturer.
      10.   Compliance With FAA Regulations: No small wind energy system shall be constructed, altered, or maintained so as to project above any of the imaginary airspace surfaces described in FAR part 77 of the FAA guidance on airspace protection or other current FAA regulations governing airspace protection.
      11.   Compliance With Building And Electrical Codes: Small wind energy systems and all associated components shall comply with all applicable building and electrical codes adopted by Salt Lake City and the state of Utah.
      12.   Utility Notification: No small wind energy system shall be installed until evidence has been submitted to the city that the relevant electric utility company has been informed of the customer's intent to install an interconnected customer owned generator. Off grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
      13.   Abandonment: If a wind turbine is inoperable for six (6) consecutive months the owner shall be notified by Salt Lake City that they must, within six (6) months of receiving the notice, restore their system to operating condition or remove the wind turbine from the tower. If the owner(s) fails to restore their system to operating condition within the six (6) month time frame, then the owner shall be required, at his expense, to remove the wind turbine from the tower for safety reasons.
      14.   Off Street Parking Or Loading Requirements: A small wind energy system shall not remove or encroach upon required parking or loading areas for other uses on the site or access to such parking or loading areas.
      15.   Exceptions: Small wind energy systems are prohibited in the open space OS and natural open space NOS zoning districts. (Ord. 20-11, 2011)