All mechanical equipment shall be located as follows:
   A.   Front and Corner Side Yards and Double Frontage Lots: Only allowed if located within four feet (4') of the principal building and screened by vegetation, a solid wall or fence so the equipment is not visible and at least ten feet (10') from the front and corner side yard property lines.
   B.   Side Yards: setback at least four feet (4') from a side property line. If the equipment is adjacent to a driveway, parking stall, or accessory structure on an abutting parcel, the setback may be reduced to two feet (2').
   C.   Rear Yards: setback at least four feet (4') from a rear property line. If the equipment is adjacent to a driveway, parking stall, or accessory structure on an abutting parcel, the setback may be reduced to two feet (2').
   D.   Prohibited Areas: in addition to the yard requirements above, mechanical equipment is prohibited to be located on the roof of an accessory structure, with the exception of exhaust fans and mechanical vents serving the accessory building in which case the fans or vents shall be at least ten feet (10') from a property line. (Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 64-21, 2021)