A. Purpose: The regulations of this section are intended to allow for drive-through facilities by reducing the negative impacts they may create. Of special concern are noise from idling cars and voice amplification equipment, lighting, and queued traffic interfering with on site and off site traffic and pedestrian flow. The specific purposes of this section are to:
1. Reduce noise, lighting, and visual impacts on abutting uses, particularly residential uses;
2. Promote safer and more efficient on site vehicular and pedestrian circulation;
3. Reduce conflicts between queued vehicles and traffic on abutting streets.
B. Applicability And Permit Requirements:
1. These regulations shall apply to all new drive-through facilities, any rebuild or replacement of an existing structure containing a drive-through facility or modification to an existing building that includes altering the location of an existing drive-through window, expands the floor area by twenty five percent (25%) or more of the gross floor area or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is less and/or the parking requirement increases as required by this title. The complete replacement of a building containing a nonconforming drive-through is subject to chapter 21A.38, "Nonconforming Uses And Noncomplying Structures", of this title.
2. Drive-through facilities may be authorized when listed on the tables of permitted and conditional uses set forth in part III of this title, specific district regulations for residential, commercial, manufacturing, downtown, gateway, and special purpose districts when developed in accordance with the standards of this section.
C. Additional Application Materials Required: In addition to the site plan and standard application requirements as set forth in chapter 21A.58 of this title, an applicant for a business with drive-through facilities shall submit a site plan that includes: a parking and circulation plan, driveway locations, placement of audio equipment (if this type of equipment will be used) and a litter cleanup plan. A litter cleanup plan shall address litter cleanup on site and off site and shall include, but not be limited to, a litter pick up schedule and a map of the cleanup area.
D. Standards:
1. Stacking Lane Standards: These standards ensure that there is adequate on site maneuvering and circulation areas, ensure that stacking vehicles do not impede traffic on abutting streets, and that stacking lanes will not have nuisance impacts on abutting residential lots.
a. Gasoline Pumps: A minimum of thirty six feet (36') of stacking lane is required between a curb cut and the nearest gasoline pump;
b. Other Drive-Through Facilities:
(1) Primary Facilities: A minimum of one hundred twenty feet (120') for a single stacking lane or sixty feet (60') per lane when there is more than one stacking lane, is required for all other drive-through facilities. A stacking lane is measured back to the point of service or final service window. Stacking lanes do not have to be linear.
(2) Accessory Facilities: A stacking lane is not required for accessory facilities where vehicles do not routinely stack up while waiting for the service. Examples are window washing, air compressor, and vacuum cleaning stations;
c. Stacking Lane Design And Layout: Stacking lanes must be designed so that they do not interfere with parking and vehicle circulation; and
d. Stacking Lanes Identified: All stacking lanes must be clearly identified, through the use of means such as striping, landscaping, and signs.
2. Traffic Circulation Requirements:
a. Only one driveway providing vehicular access to and from the drive-through window or service area shall be provided from any street;
b. The driveway providing access to the service windows shall be at least fifty feet (50') from the back of the curb of an intersecting street measured to the centerline of the proposed driveway;
c. Internal traffic circulation patterns on the lot shall be adequate to keep traffic from backing into a street or blocking access to any required parking spaces located on the lot; and
d. A traffic study addressing both on site and off site traffic and circulation impacts may be required as part of a permit application for a drive-through facility.
3. Noise Levels: Noise emitted from drive-through service windows and related features (such as remote ordering equipment at outdoor menu boards at fast food restaurants) shall not exceed the levels as established by the Salt Lake Valley Health Department. Noise generating equipment includes, but is not limited to, items such as speakers, mechanical car washes, vacuum cleaners, and exterior air compressors.
4. Air Quality: Drive-through facilities shall post Idle Free signs pursuant to title 12, chapter 12.58 of this Code.
5. Accessibility:
a. Direct pedestrian entry through the front of the building shall be provided from public streets and sidewalks to the building entrance. Crossing driveways, stacking lanes or parking areas shall be avoided.
b. Well articulated pedestrian routes and zones shall be provided on the site, linking building entrances and parking areas.
c. Decorative paving, or similar material, complemented by landscaping, shall be used where appropriate to delineate these linkages.
E. Findings Required For Approval: The approval of a drive- through facility shall require that the review authority first make all of the following findings:
1. The proposed location of the drive-through facility will not result in adverse impacts upon the vicinity after giving consideration to a litter cleanup plan, the hours of operation, noise and light generation, traffic circulation, and the site plan;
2. The proposed parking and circulation plan will provide adequate area for safe stacking and maneuvering of vehicles, and the site design will provide adequate buffering of the use from adjoining land uses;
3. When a drive-through use adjoins any residentially used or residentially zoned property, a minimum six foot (6') high masonry wall or solid fence shall be erected and maintained along such property line;
4. The site plan meets the accessibility standards required in this section. (Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 53-23, 2023: Ord. 46-17, 2017: Ord. 60-14, 2014)
"Outdoor dining", as defined in chapter 21A.62 of this title, shall be allowed in any zoning district where restaurant or retail uses are allowed and for any nonconforming food serving land use subject to the provisions of this section:
A. Where allowed:
1. Within the buildable lot area;
2. Within a required or provided front or corner side yard;
3. Within a required side yard provided: the outdoor dining is setback a minimum of ten feet (10') when abutting a residential zoning district that does not permit restaurants or retail uses. Properties separated by an alley are not considered abutting for the purpose of this section.
4. Within a required rear yard provided the outdoor dining is setback a minimum of ten feet (10') when abutting a residential zoning district that does not permit restaurants or retail uses. Properties separated by an alley are not considered abutting for the purpose of this section.
5. Within a public right of way or an abutting public property subject to all applicable lease agreements, applicable regulations, and the outdoor dining design guidelines.
B. All outdoor dining shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. All applicable requirements of chapter 21A.48 and section 21A.36.020 of this title are met.
2. All required business, health and other regulatory licenses for the outdoor dining have been secured.
3. A detailed site plan demonstrating the following:
a. All the proposed outdoor dining activities will be conducted on private property owned or otherwise controlled by the applicant and that none of the activities will occur on any publicly owned rights-of-way unless separate approval for the use of any such public rights-of-way has been obtained from the city;
b. The main entry has a control point as required by state liquor laws.
4. The proposed outdoor dining complies with all conditions pertaining to any existing variances, conditional uses or other approvals granted for property.
5. Live music will not be performed, nor loudspeakers played in the outdoor dining area unless the decibel level is within conformance with the Salt Lake City noise control ordinance, chapter 9.28 of this code. Live music and loudspeakers are prohibited outside between the hours of ten o’clock (10:00) p.m. and seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. when the property is within a radius of six hundred sixty feet (660') of a residential zoning district found in chapter 21A.24 of this code.
6. Outdoor dining shall be considered an expansion of the use for the purpose of determining if additional parking is required as stated in chapter 21A.44 (Parking).
7. Smoking shall be prohibited within the outdoor dining area and within twenty five feet (25') of the outdoor dining area. ((Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 64-21, 2021: Ord. 58-41, 2014)
Storage of flammable liquids shall be permitted as accessory to a permitted or conditional use subject to the following conditions:
A. Storage facilities shall not be located in any required landscaped area;
B. Storage facilities shall not be located in a manner that will interfere with parking and vehicular circulation areas; and
C. The location and size of flammable liquid storage facilities shall be subject to Salt Lake City fire department approval. (Ord. 26-95 § 2(20-7), 1995)
All antennas shall comply with the following regulations and all other ordinances of the city and any pertinent regulations of the federal communications commission and the federal aviation administration:
A. TV Antennas: TV antennas shall be permitted in any zoning district, subject to the following restrictions:
1. In residential districts, one rooftop antenna shall be permitted per dwelling;
2. In nonresidential districts, more than one rooftop TV antenna shall be permitted per structure;
3. The maximum dimension, whether height, length or diameter, of any TV antenna shall not exceed ten feet (10'); and
4. Each TV antenna shall be located on that portion of a hip, gable or gambrel roof which does not face a public street. On flat roofs an antenna shall be located to minimize public view.
B. Satellite Dish Antennas: Satellite dish antennas shall be permitted in any zoning district, provided that they meet the criteria set forth below:
1. Residential Districts: No more than one satellite dish antenna may be installed per dwelling unit.
a. A ground mounted satellite dish antenna in residential districts shall not be larger than sixty six inches (66") in diameter and the maximum height of the dish and support structure shall not exceed eight feet (8').
b. Satellite dish antennas eighteen inches (18") or less in diameter shall be allowed on the roof.
2. Nonresidential Districts:
a. Roof, wall or ground mounted satellite dish antennas are permitted.
b. Rooftop antennas shall be screened. Ground mounted antennas shall be located in the rear yard or behind the building.
3. Nameplates Only: No satellite dish shall contain any sign or advertising material, except for an identification nameplate.
C. Communication Towers: Communication towers are permitted in certain nonresidential districts. Refer to the tables of permitted and conditional uses set forth in part III of this title for the applicable district regulations.
D. Amateur Radio Facilities With Surface Area Exceeding ten (10) Square Feet: Any antenna and antenna support having a combined surface area greater than ten (10) square feet or having any single dimension exceeding twelve feet (12') that is capable of transmitting as well as receiving signals and is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission as an amateur radio facility shall be permitted as an accessory use, but only in compliance with the regulations set forth below:
1. Number Limited: No more than one such antenna or antenna support structure with a surface area greater than 10 square feet or any single dimension exceeding twelve feet (12') may be located on any lot.
2. Height Limited: No such antenna and its support structure shall, if ground mounted, exceed seventy five feet (75') in height or, if attached to a building pursuant to subsection D.3 of this section, the height therein specified.
3. Attachment to Buildings Limited: No such antenna or its support structure shall be attached to a principal or accessory structure unless all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a. Height: The antenna and its support structure shall not extend more than twenty feet (20') above the highest point of the building on which it is mounted.
b. Mounting: The antenna and its support structure shall not be attached to or mounted upon any building appurtenance, such as a chimney. The antenna and its support structure shall not be mounted or attached to the front or corner side of any principal building facing a street, including any portion of the building roof facing any street. The antenna and its support structure shall be designed to withstand a wind force of eighty (80) miles per hour without the use of supporting guywires.
c. Grounding: The antenna and its support structure shall be bonded to a grounding rod.
E. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities; Low Power Radio Services Facilities: The purpose of this section is to address planning issues brought on by the rapid growth in demand for low power radio services. This section distinguishes low power radio from other broadcasting type telecommunication technologies and establishes provisions that deal with issues of demand, visual mitigation, noise, engineering, residential impacts, health, safety and facility siting. The requirements of this section apply to both commercial and private low power radio services. Low power radio services facilities include "cellular" or "PCS" (personal communications system) communications and paging systems.
1. Uses: The uses specified in table 21A.40.090E of this section, indicate which facility types are allowed as either a permitted or conditional use within specific zoning districts. Low power radio service facilities may be an accessory use, secondary use or principal use.
a. Administrative Consideration Of Conditional Uses: Applications for low power wireless telecommunication facilities that are listed as conditional uses shall be reviewed according to the procedures set forth in section 21A.54.155 of this title.
TABLE 21A.40.090E
Wall Mount 3
| Roof Mount 3 | Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structure Less Than 2' Wide 3 | Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structure Greater Than 2' Wide 3 | Lattice Tower | |||
District Height Limit But Not To Exceed 60' (Whichever Is Less) | 60' Or Exceeding The Maximum Height Limit Of The Zone | District Height Limit But Not To Exceed 60' (Whichever Is Less) | 60' Or Exceeding The Maximum Height Limit Of The Zone |
Wall Mount 3
| Roof Mount 3 | Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structure Less Than 2' Wide 3 | Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structure Greater Than 2' Wide 3 | Lattice Tower | |||
District Height Limit But Not To Exceed 60' (Whichever Is Less) | 60' Or Exceeding The Maximum Height Limit Of The Zone | District Height Limit But Not To Exceed 60' (Whichever Is Less) | 60' Or Exceeding The Maximum Height Limit Of The Zone | ||||
Residential districts: | |||||||
R-1/12,000 | P 1 | ||||||
R-1/7,000 | P 1 | ||||||
R-1/5,000 | P 1 | ||||||
SR-1 | P 1 | ||||||
SR-3 | P 1 | ||||||
R-2 | P 1 | ||||||
RMF-30 | P 1 | ||||||
RMF-35 | P 1 | ||||||
RMF-45 | P | C | |||||
RMF-75 | P | C | |||||
Mixed use - residential/ office districts: | |||||||
RB | P 1 | ||||||
R-MU | P | C | |||||
RO | P 1 | ||||||
Commercial/manufacturing districts: | |||||||
CN | P 1 | ||||||
CB | P | C | |||||
CS | P | P | |||||
CC | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
CSHBD | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
CG | P | P | P | C | C | C | C |
D-1 | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
D-2 | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
D-3 | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
D-4 | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
G-MU | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
M-1 | P | P | P 4 | C 4 | P 4 | C 4 | C 4 |
M-2 | P | P | P | C | P | C | C |
M-1A | P | P | P | C | P | C | C |
Special purpose districts: | |||||||
RP | P | C | |||||
BP | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
AG | P 1 | P 1 | C | C | C | ||
AG-2 | P 1 | P 1 | C | C | C | ||
AG-5 | P 1 | P 1 | C | C | C | ||
AG-20 | P 1 | P 1 | C | C | C | ||
A | P | P | P | P | P | C | C |
PL | P | C | |||||
PL-2 | P | C | |||||
I | P | C | |||||
UI | P | P | C | C | C | ||
OS 2 | C | C | C | C | C | ||
EI | P | P | P | C | C | C | |
MU | P | C | |||||
P Permitted use
C Conditional use
1. Allowed as a permitted use on a residential building consisting of 4 or more attached dwelling units and on nonresidential buildings. Zoning Administrator approval is required to assure compliance to subsection E2a of this section.
2. New telecommunications towers are allowed outside the telecommunication corridor in the OS Zone for public safety, public security, or Salt Lake City Public Utilities Department purposes only.
3. Collocation of a wireless telecommunication facility is allowed per subsection E4 of this section.
4. Prohibited within the Eco-Industrial Buffer Area of the Northwest Quadrant Overlay District.
2. Facility Types: Low power radio services facilities are characterized by the type or location of the antenna structure. There are seven (7) general types of such antenna structures: wall mounted antennas; roof mounted antennas; monopoles with antennas and antenna support structure less than two feet (2') in width; monopoles with antennas and antenna support structure greater than two feet (2') in width; lattice towers; stealth antennas; and utility pole mounted antennas. Standards for the installation of each type of antenna are as follows:
a. Wall Mounted Antenna: The following provisions apply to wall mounted antennas:
(1) Wall mounted antennas shall not extend above the wall line of the building or extend more than four feet (4') horizontally from the face of the building.
(2) Antennas, equipment and the supporting structure shall be painted to match the color of the building or structure of the background against which they are most commonly seen. Antennas and the supporting structures on buildings should be architecturally compatible with the building. Whip antennas are not allowed on a wall mounted antenna structure.
(3) Antennas mounted directly on existing parapet walls, penthouses, or mechanical equipment rooms, with no portion of the antenna extending above the roofline of such structures, shall be considered a wall mounted antenna.
b. Roof Mounted Antenna: The following provisions apply to roof mounted antennas:
(1) Roof mounted antennas shall be allowed on top of existing penthouses or mechanical equipment rooms and shall not extend more than eight feet (8') above the existing roofline of the penthouse or mechanical equipment room.
(2) For antennas not mounted on a penthouse or mechanical equipment room, the antennas shall be mounted at least five feet (5') from the exterior wall of a building. For antennas mounted between five (5) and ten feet (10') from the exterior wall, the maximum height of a roof mounted antenna is directly proportional to the distance the antenna is set back from the exterior wall up to a maximum height of ten feet (10') above the roofline of the building to which the antenna is attached. Antennas shall be mounted at least five feet (5') behind any parapet wall. For antennas mounted between five (5) and ten feet (10') behind a parapet wall, the maximum height of the antenna is directly proportional to the distance the antenna is set back from the wall up to a maximum of ten feet (10') as measured from the top of the parapet wall. The antennas shall not extend more than fifteen feet (15') above the roofline of the building itself unless approved as a conditional use (see subsection 21A.62.050H of this title).
(3) Roof mounted antennas are permitted only on a flat roof.
c. Monopole With Antennas And Support Structure Less Than Two Feet In Width: The total of each individual antenna structure mounted on a monopole shall not exceed two feet (2') in width. The maximum height of each individual antenna shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height (see subsection 21A.62.050G of this title). In the case of collocation, when there is more than one antenna located on a monopole, all additional antenna structures shall not exceed the above referenced dimensions. No such antenna shall be located within one hundred sixty five feet (165') of a residential zone other than the R-MU district.
d. Monopole With Antennas And Antenna Support Structure Greater Than Two Feet In Width: The maximum visible width of individual antennas and antenna mounting structures on a monopole shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height or thirteen feet (13') in width as viewed looking directly at the monopole at same elevation as the antennas and antenna mounting structure (see subsection 21A.62.050F of this title). In the case of collocation, when there is more than one antenna located on a monopole, all additional antenna structures shall not individually exceed the above referenced dimensions. No such monopole shall be located within three hundred thirty feet (330') of a residential zone other than the R-MU district.
e. Lattice Tower: The maximum visible width of individual antennas and antenna mounting structures on a lattice tower shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height or thirteen feet (13') in width (see subsection 21A.62.050E of this title). No such lattice tower shall be located within three hundred thirty feet (330') of a residential zone.
f. Stealth Antennas: Examples of stealth antennas include, but are not limited to, flagpoles, light pole standards or architectural elements such as dormers, steeples and chimneys. Final determination regarding whether a structure qualifies as a stealth antenna shall be made by the planning director based on these standards. The electrical equipment shall be located in accordance with Subsection E.3 of this section.
(1) Stealth antennas shall be permitted in all zoning districts subject to meeting the provisions contained in Section 21A.36.020, Tables 21A.36.020.B and 21A.36.020.C of this title provided that:
(A) The stealth antenna is substantially disguised as another object or otherwise concealed from view so that the antenna is not readily apparent.
(B) The stealth antenna reasonably conforms to the expected dimensions of the object it is being disguised as if that object were to be located on the subject property.
(C) The stealth antenna shall be located in an area of the property where it is reasonable to expect the object that the antenna is being disguised as to be located.
(D) A stealth antenna shall not exceed the maximum building height of the zoning district except for any allowed height encroachment authorized in 21A.36.020C Height Exceptions.
(2) Antennas Located Within Existing Structures Where There is No Exterior Evidence of the Antennas: Antennas located within an existing structure constructed prior to the effective date hereof shall be a permitted use in all zoning districts provided that:
(A) There shall not be any exterior evidence of the antenna or support structure.
(B) The electrical equipment structure shall be located within the existing structure or be located and/or screened where it is not visible from public rights of way or neighboring properties, or in compliance with the location requirements as noted in Subsection E.3 of this section.
(3) Additional Provisions for Stealth Antennas in the PL Public Lands District. In addition to the standards in Subsections (1) and (2) above, a stealth antenna as a stand-alone structure is permitted up to a height of seventy five (75) feet when located on property that is used for public safety purposes subject to complying with the following provisions:
(A) Shall be disguised as art or a tree;
(B) If disguised as art, the pole that supports the antennas shall be wrapped or painted as art and all antennas shall be substantially hidden from view as part of the art.
(C) If disguised as a tree, the pole shall be painted brown or green and the synthetic tree branches shall be either pyramidal or columnar shape to form a common tree shape. Antennas shall be painted to match the design of the tree branches and pole.
(D) The stealth antenna must comply with the minimum yard setbacks of the PL zoning district as provided in Subsection 21A.32.070.E.2.
(E) Installation of the stealth antenna shall not require the removal of an existing tree to accommodate the antenna structure.
g. Utility Pole Mounted Antenna: Antennas on utility poles and associated electrical equipment shall be allowed subject to the following standards:
(1) Antennas:
(A) The antennas shall be located either on an existing utility pole or on a replacement pole in the public right-of-way, or in a rear yard utility easement.
(B) On an existing pole, the antennas shall not extend more than ten feet (10') above the top of the pole.
(C) The antennas, including the mounting structure, shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in diameter to be considered a permitted use. Antennas with an outside diameter greater than thirty inches (30") shall be a conditional use.
(D) Antennas located in the public right-of-way shall be a permitted use and shall comply with the standards listed above.
(E) Conditional use approval is required for antennas located in a rear yard utility easement in all residential, CN Neighborhood Commercial, PL Public Lands, PL-2 Public Lands, CB Community Business, I Institutional, and OS Open Space Zoning Districts. Antennas located in a rear yard utility easement in all other zoning districts shall be a permitted use and shall comply with the standards listed above.
(2) General Provisions:
(A) The application shall include the signature of the authorized agent of the owner of the utility pole.
(B) Antennas and equipment boxes on the utility poles shall be painted to match the pole to which it is attached to minimize visual impacts.
(C) Generators or noise producing venting systems shall not be used.
(D) Lighting for aircraft is prohibited except where required by Federal law.
(E) Electrical and utility cables between the utility pole and electrical boxes shall be placed underground.
(F) Facilities in the public right-of-way shall be subject to any applicable franchise fees or lease agreements required by the City.
3. Electrical Equipment:
a. Electrical Equipment Located In The Public Right-Of-Way, Front Yard Or Side Yard: Electrical equipment in the public right-of- way shall either be attached directly to the utility pole or placed underground.
If the electrical equipment is attached to the pole, the boxes shall not be larger than thirty six inches (36") in height, twelve inches (12") deep and no wider than twenty inches (20"). No more than five (5) such boxes shall be mounted on the utility pole to which it is attached (excluding the power meter and network interface box). The boxes shall be stacked vertically, one above the other, and shall be at least ten feet (10') above the ground. The power meter and network interface box may be installed below the ten foot (10') level.
Electrical equipment in the required front or side yard shall be placed underground.
Electrical equipment placed underground or on a utility pole in the public right-of-way shall comply with the requirements of the Salt Lake City Engineering and Transportation Divisions.
b. Electrical Equipment Located on Private Property: Electrical equipment shall be subject to the following standards:
(1) Located in a rear yard, interior side yard, or within the building area of the lot.
(2) If located in a zoning district without a require front or corner side yard setback, the equipment shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from the front or corner side yard property line.
(3) Located a minimum of four feet (4') from a side or rear property line unless located in an enclosed structure or a vault where the equipment will not be visible.
(4) If the equipment is located next to a public trail, park, open space, or other public space other than a street, the equipment shall be screened by a masonry wall or solid fence so the equipment is not visible.
(5) The electrical equipment and any structure associated with the electrical equipment is subject to the maximum lot coverage of the underlying zoning district.
4. Collocation: Collocation of a wireless telecommunication facility on a previously approved wireless telecommunication service facility such as an existing building, structure, or antenna support structure, is allowed as a permitted use, provided:
a. No increase in the height of the existing wireless telecommunication support structure is proposed;
b. All aspects of the collocation improvements must be located within the previously approved fenced (lease) area;
c. Compliance with the corresponding provisions set forth in this subsection E.
5. Height Limit: The height limit for monopoles and lattice towers shall be limited as per table 21A.40.090E of this section.
6. Location And Minimum Setbacks: Monopoles with antennas and antenna support structure less than two feet (2') in width, monopoles with antennas and antenna support structure greater than two feet (2') in width and lattice towers shall be allowed only in the rear yard area of any lot. These structures shall not be located in a required landscaped area, buffer area or required parking area.
7. Area Limitations For Wall And Roof Mounted Antennas: A combination of both roof and wall mounted antennas are allowed on a building. The total area for all wall and roof mounted antennas and supporting structures combined shall not exceed the lesser of sixty (60) square feet or five percent (5%) of the gross square footage of each exterior wall of a building. The total area is the sum of each individual antenna face and the visible portion of the supporting structure as viewed when looking directly at the face of the building. The total area for a roof mounted antenna shall apply to the closest exterior wall (see subsection 21A.62.050J of this title).
8. Roof And Wall Mounted Antennas On Noncomplying Buildings That Exceed The Maximum Height Limit Of The Zoning District: If a building exceeds the maximum allowable height of the zoning district, roof or wall mounted antennas may be attached to the portion of the building that extends above the maximum height limit of the zoning district, if said antenna is listed as a permitted use in table 21A.40.090E of this section.
9. Additional Conditional Use Requirements: In addition to conditional use standards outlined in chapter 21A.54 of this title, the following shall be considered by the Planning Commission:
a. Compatibility of the proposed structure with the height and mass of existing buildings and utility structures;
b. Whether collocation of the antenna on the other existing structures in the same vicinity such as other towers, buildings, water towers, utility poles, etc., is possible without significantly impacting antenna transmission or reception;
c. The location of the antenna in relation to existing vegetation, topography and buildings to obtain the best visual screening;
d. Whether the spacing between monopoles and lattice towers creates detrimental impacts to adjoining properties.
10. Accessory Buildings To Antenna Structures: Accessory buildings to antenna structures must comply with the required setback, height and landscaping requirements of the zoning district in which they are located. Monopoles shall be fenced with a six foot (6') chainlink fence and the climbing pegs removed from the lower twenty feet (20') of the monopole. All power lines on the lot leading to the accessory building and antenna structure shall be underground.
11. Historic District: Any antenna proposed for a location within a historic district or on landmark site is subject to approval through the Historic Landmarks Commission as contained in chapter 21A.34 of this title.
12. Permission Required For Antennas And Mounting Structures On Or Over A Public Right-Of-Way: Antennas and mounting structures encroaching on or over the public sidewalk or on or over a public right-of-way shall be subject to obtaining permission from the City pursuant to the City's rights-of-way encroachment policy.
13. Location On City Owned Property Or Land Zoned As Open Space: Telecommunication facilities proposed to be located on City owned property or on any property located within an Open Space Zoning District or subject to the City's open space lands program must obtain approvals from appropriate agencies governing such properties.
14. Nonmaintained Or Abandoned Facilities: The building official may require each nonmaintained or abandoned low power radio services antenna to be removed from the building or premises when such an antenna has not been repaired or put into use by the owner, person having control or person receiving benefit of such structure within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of nonmaintenance or abandonment is given to the owner, person having control or person receiving the benefit of such structure. (Ord. 3-25, 2025: Ord. 73-22, 2022: Ord. 64-21, 2021: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 59-17, 2017: Ord. 46-17, 2017: Ord. 55-11, 2011: Ord. 10-10 § 12, 2010: Ord. 73-02 §§ 9 (Exh. D) - 11, 2002: Ord. 81-01 § 1, 2001: Ord. 11-01 § 1, 2001: Ord. 14-00 § 7, 2000: Ord. 3-00 § 1, 2000: Ord. 93-99 §§ 1 - 4, 1999: Ord. 35-99 §§ 60 - 62, 1999: amended during 5/96 supplement: Ord. 5-96 § 1, 1996: Ord. 26-95 § 2(20-8), 1995)