A. The governing authority shall provide suitable premises and facilities to be used as an animal shelter where impounded small animals can be adequately kept. They shall purchase and supply food and supply humane care for impounded animals.
B. The governing authority shall provide for the painless and humane destruction of dogs and other animals required to be destroyed by this title or by the laws of the state.
C. The governing authority may furnish, when necessary, medical treatment for such animals as may be impounded pursuant to this title. (Prior code § 100-1-24)
The public facility of the animal services office shall be open to the public during regular business hours on all days other than Sundays and legal holidays, and such hours shall be posted on the main entrance. The facility shall be open to the public for a minimum of forty eight (48) hours per week during weeks without a legal holiday, and open for a minimum of forty (40) hours per week during weeks with a legal holiday, with the exception of the week of Thanksgiving. (Ord. 1-06 § 18, 2006: Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Ord. 88-86 § 5, 1986: prior code § 100-2-8)
The animal services director shall place all animals taken into custody in a designated animal impound facility. The following animals may be taken into custody by animal services and impounded without filing a complaint or obtaining a prior order from a court of competent jurisdiction:
A. Any animal being kept or maintained contrary to the provisions of this title;
B. Any animal running at large contrary to the provisions of this title;
C. Any animal which is by this title required to be licensed and is not licensed. An animal not wearing a tag shall be presumed to be unlicensed for purposes of this section;
D. Sick or injured animals whose owner cannot be located, or whose owner requests impoundment and agrees to pay a reasonable fee for the services rendered;
E. Any abandoned animal;
F. Animals which are not vaccinated for rabies in accordance with the requirements of this title;
G. Any animal to be held for quarantine;
H. Any vicious animal;
The impounding facility shall keep a record of each animal impounded, which includes the following information:
A. Complete description of the animal, including tag numbers and other forms of identification;
B. The manner and date of impound;
C. The location of the pick up and name of the officer picking up the animal;
D. The manner and date of disposal;
E. The name and address of the redeemer or purchaser;
F. The name and address of any person relinquishing an animal to the impound facility;
G. All fees received;
H. All expenses accruing during impoundment. (Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: prior code § 100-1-21)
A. Animals shall be impounded for a minimum of five (5) business days before further disposition, except as otherwise provided herein. Reasonable effort shall be made to notify the owner of any animal wearing a license or other identification during that time. Notice shall be deemed given when sent to the last known address of the listed owner. Any animal voluntarily relinquished to the animal control facility by the owner thereof for destruction or other disposition need not be kept for the minimum holding period before release or other disposition as herein provided.
B. 1. All dogs and cats, except for those quarantined or confined by court order, held longer than the minimum impound period, and all dogs and cats voluntarily relinquished to the impound facility, may be euthanized or sold, as the animal services director shall direct. Any healthy dog or cat may be sold to any person or to any institution engaged in scientific research and desiring to purchase such animal for a price to be determined by the director, but not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00) per animal, plus license and any rabies vaccination that is required.
2. All persons purchasing any dog or cat from the impound facility shall, at the time of purchase, execute an agreement on forms provided by the impound facility. Such agreement shall include payment of a sterilization deposit of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) as set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule and shall provide that the purchaser will have the dog or cat so purchased spayed or neutered within thirty (30) days of the date of purchase of such dog or cat (or for a young animal within 30 days after the animal achieves 6 months in age), and that the purchaser will file with the animal services director written verification from a licensed veterinarian that such dog or cat has been spayed or neutered prior to the date of written verification. The agreement shall also provide that sale or transfer of the purchased dog or cat by the purchaser shall not release the purchaser from the obligation to have the animal spayed or neutered, nor from the obligation to file the written verification, as provided hereinabove. In lieu of the aforementioned written verification from a licensed veterinarian, the purchaser may file a truthful affidavit with the animal services director prior to the required date of written verification certifying that the dog or cat so purchased from the impound facility has died prior to the required deadline, and prior to being spayed or neutered.
3. Failure of the purchaser of a dog or cat from the impound facility to file the written verification from a licensed veterinarian prior to the required deadline, or in the alternative, failure of the purchaser to file a truthful affidavit prior to the required deadline shall constitute a violation of this title.
C. Any licensed animal impounded and having or suspected of having serious physical injury or contagious disease requiring medical attention may, in the discretion of the animal services director or designee, be released to the care of a veterinarian with the consent of the owner.
D. When, in the judgment of the animal services director, it is determined that an animal should be euthanized for humane reasons or to protect the public from imminent danger to persons or property, such animal may be euthanized without regard to any time limitations otherwise established herein and without court order.
E. The director of animal services may euthanize an animal upon the request of an owner without transporting the animal to animal services facilities. An appropriate fee shall be charged the owner for the euthanasia and any subsequent disposal of the carcass done by the office of animal services. (Ord. 21-14, 2014)
A. Redemption Requirements: The owner of any impounded animal, or such owner's authorized representative, may redeem such animal before disposition, provided he or she pays the fees and charges as listed below, according to the amounts shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule:
1. The impound fee;
2. The daily board charge;
3. Veterinary costs incurred during the impound period, including rabies vaccination;
4. License fee, if required;
5. A transportation fee if transportation of an impounded animal by specialized equipment was required. The director of animal services shall propose to the city council a fee schedule for such transportation fees. The city council may consider including such fees on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule;
6. Any other expenses incurred to impound an animal in accordance with state or local laws;
7. Any unpaid or past due animal services fees and fines incurred by the owner.
B. Removal Of Dead Animals: The following service charge shall be levied for removal of dead animals from an owner's property; no fee shall be charged for dead animals brought to the animal shelter provided the owner resides within the city:
1. Dogs, licensed: No fee;
2. Dogs (unlicensed), all cats, small domestic animals, small livestock, and all other small privately owned animals: As shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule;
3. Large livestock, and all other large, privately owned animals: The owner shall arrange removal by a private dead animal hauler.
Whenever any dog or cat is voluntarily relinquished by the owner thereof to the animal services facility for destruction or other disposition as provided by subsection 8.04.340A of this chapter, or its successor subsection, the fee shall be paid by such owner as shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, for each dog or cat and/or for each litter under four (4) months of age of dogs or cats so relinquished. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)
Any dog or cat adopted from the office of animal services shall be sterilized within the time established in the adoption agreement. Any person who fails to comply with the requirement for sterilization of an animal under this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (Ord. 69-99 § 3, 1999)
A. It is unlawful for any person to take or permit any dog, whether loose or on a leash or in arms, in or about any establishment or place of business where food or food products are sold or displayed, including, but not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, meat markets, and fruit or vegetable stores.
B. It is unlawful for any person keeping, harboring or having charge or control of any dog to allow such dog to be within the following described watershed areas:
1. All of the Big Cottonwood Canyon watershed area lying east of the Salt Lake City water intake, which intake is located east of Wasatch Boulevard in the mouth of such canyon;
2. All of the Parley's Canyon watershed area lying north and/or east of the Salt Lake City Mountain Dell Reservoir Dam;
3. All of the City Creek Canyon watershed area lying to the north and/or to the east of the city's City Creek treatment plant sludge beds;
4. All of the Little Cottonwood Canyon watershed area extending one thousand feet (1,000') on either side of Little Cottonwood Creek east from the Little Cottonwood Creek radial gate intake structure, which structure is located approximately six hundred feet (600') west of Wasatch Boulevard east to Wasatch Boulevard, and all of the watershed area in said canyon lying east of Wasatch Boulevard, including the town of Alta. Dogs licensed in the town of Alta may be maintained by their owners within the city limits of that community.
5. Any other watershed area so designated by ordinance or otherwise legally appointed, either now existing or to be defined in the future.
6. This section shall not apply to dogs provided for in subsection 8.04.090B1 or B2 of this chapter, or its successor subsection, nor shall it apply to dogs owned by persons who are legal residents of the aforementioned watershed areas and which have been issued a permit by the Salt Lake Valley health department. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: Ord. 88-86 § 2, 1986: prior code § 100-1-13)