Whenever any dog or cat is voluntarily relinquished by the owner thereof to the animal services facility for destruction or other disposition as provided by subsection 8.04.340A of this chapter, or its successor subsection, the fee shall be paid by such owner as shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, for each dog or cat and/or for each litter under four (4) months of age of dogs or cats so relinquished. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)
Any dog or cat adopted from the office of animal services shall be sterilized within the time established in the adoption agreement. Any person who fails to comply with the requirement for sterilization of an animal under this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (Ord. 69-99 § 3, 1999)
A. It is unlawful for any person to take or permit any dog, whether loose or on a leash or in arms, in or about any establishment or place of business where food or food products are sold or displayed, including, but not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, meat markets, and fruit or vegetable stores.
B. It is unlawful for any person keeping, harboring or having charge or control of any dog to allow such dog to be within the following described watershed areas:
1. All of the Big Cottonwood Canyon watershed area lying east of the Salt Lake City water intake, which intake is located east of Wasatch Boulevard in the mouth of such canyon;
2. All of the Parley's Canyon watershed area lying north and/or east of the Salt Lake City Mountain Dell Reservoir Dam;
3. All of the City Creek Canyon watershed area lying to the north and/or to the east of the city's City Creek treatment plant sludge beds;
4. All of the Little Cottonwood Canyon watershed area extending one thousand feet (1,000') on either side of Little Cottonwood Creek east from the Little Cottonwood Creek radial gate intake structure, which structure is located approximately six hundred feet (600') west of Wasatch Boulevard east to Wasatch Boulevard, and all of the watershed area in said canyon lying east of Wasatch Boulevard, including the town of Alta. Dogs licensed in the town of Alta may be maintained by their owners within the city limits of that community.
5. Any other watershed area so designated by ordinance or otherwise legally appointed, either now existing or to be defined in the future.
6. This section shall not apply to dogs provided for in subsection 8.04.090B1 or B2 of this chapter, or its successor subsection, nor shall it apply to dogs owned by persons who are legal residents of the aforementioned watershed areas and which have been issued a permit by the Salt Lake Valley health department. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: Ord. 88-86 § 2, 1986: prior code § 100-1-13)
A. Any owner or person having charge, care, custody or control of an animal or animals causing a nuisance as defined below shall be in violation of this title and subject to the penalties provided herein.
B. The following shall be deemed a nuisance: Any animal which:
1. Causes damages to the property of anyone other than its owner;
3. Causes unreasonable fouling of the air by odors;
4. Causes unsanitary conditions in enclosures or surroundings;
5. Defecates on any public sidewalk, park or building, or on any private property without the consent of the owner of such private property, unless the person owning, having a proprietary interest in, harboring or having care, charge, control, custody or possession of such animal shall remove any such defecation to a proper trash receptacle, and shall carry the appropriate instrument(s) for the removal and disposal of such waste;
6. Barks, whines or howls, or makes other disturbing noises in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion;
7. Molests passersby or chases passing vehicles;
8. Attacks people or other domestic animals whether or not such attack results in actual physical harm to the person or animal to whom or at which the attack is directed;
9. Is offensive or dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare by virtue of the number and/or type of animal kept or harbored; or
10. Otherwise acts so as to constitute a nuisance or public nuisance under the provisions of title 76, chapter 10, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, or its successor. (Ord. 13-16, 2016)
Any owner or person having charge, care, custody or control of any female dog in heat shall, in addition to restraining such dog from running at large, cause such dog to be constantly confined in a building or secure enclosure so as to prevent it from attracting by scent or coming into contact with other dogs and creating a nuisance, except for planned breeding. (Prior Code § 100-1-12)
A. With the exception set forth in subsection B of this section, it is unlawful for the owner or person having charge, care, custody, or control of any animal to allow such animal at any time to run at large. The owner or person charged with responsibility for an animal found running at large shall be strictly liable for a violation of this section, regardless of the precautions taken to prevent the escape of the animal and regardless of whether or not such owner or person knows that the animal is running at large. Any violation of this section shall constitute a civil violation and will be penalized pursuant to the criteria set forth in sections 8.15.020, 8.15.025, and 8.15.027 of this title.
B. 1. Dogs shall be permitted to run off leash only in areas of parks and public spaces specifically designated in City ordinance as "off leash areas" or "off leash trails", and clearly identified by signage as such. Said areas shall be as follows:
a. Designated areas of Memory Grove Park known as the Freedom Trail section;
b. The Municipal ballpark, also known as Herman Franks Park, except for the fenced youth baseball diamonds and playground area;
c. Designated areas of Jordan Park;
d. Designated areas of Lindsey Gardens;
e. Designated areas of Parleys Historic Nature Park, as set forth in title 15, chapter 15.10 of this Code, or its successor;
f. Designated areas of Pioneer Park;
g. Designated areas of Cottonwood Park;
h. Designated areas of Fairmont Park;
i. Designated areas of Rotary Glen Park;
j. Designated areas and hours at Wasatch Hollow Park;
k. Designated areas and hours at Warm Springs Park;
l. Designated areas and hours at Parley's Way Park; and
m. Designated areas and hours at Jefferson Park.
2. While in such areas dogs shall at all times remain under control of the dog's owner or custodian. "Under control" means that a dog will respond on command to its owner or custodian.
C. 1. The foregoing notwithstanding, the relevant department may conduct additional experiments in other areas of the City for possible future legislative enactment designating such areas as "off leash areas" or "off leash trails". The process must be a community friendly process directed at serving the interests of Salt Lake City residents. If the location is in an area represented by an active recognized neighborhood organization, the request must be forwarded to that organization for comment and recommendation. Each new off-leash site must pass through a twelve (12)-month test period before it can be permanently established. At the conclusion of the test period, the relevant department director will review public and administration input and make a final recommendation to the Mayor or the Mayor's designee and the Council on whether to make the off-leash designation official by ordinance. Within thirty (30) days after it receives the department director's recommendation, the Council may take any of the following actions: a) request and review any additional information from the administration; b) consider objections to the proposed off-leash site; or c) convene to receive additional public input. If the Council does not take any of those actions within that thirty (30)-day period, the Mayor or the Mayor's designee may, without further Council involvement, designate the proposed off-leash site as an off leash area. If, after taking any of those actions, the Council determines that the proposed off leash area should not be designated, the Council Chair shall promptly direct the Mayor not to designate that area as off leash, and the Mayor shall not designate that area as off leash unless the City successfully repeats the designation process described in this subsection C1. Any off leash areas designated in the future under this process will not be codified in this Code.
2. No domesticated animal, on or off-leash, shall be permitted inside areas of parks and public spaces specifically prohibited by City ordinance. The areas identified below will be closed for habitat and nature preservation and/or public safety issues and must be clearly identified by signage as closed. Said areas shall be as follows:
a. Wasatch Hollow Preserve - North gate entry and trails on the north end of the Preserve;
b. I Street Bike Park;
c. 900 South Bike Park;
d. Fred & Ila Rose Fife Wetlands Preserve - 952 South 1100 West;
e. BMX Bike Park at Parleys Historic Nature Park;
f. Parleys Historic Nature Park as described in section 15.10.060 of this Code; and
g. Allen Park.
3. From time to time, and for reasons of public safety or the protection of wildlife or other sensitive resources, the relevant department director may specifically designate certain areas as closed to domesticated animals, for up to a maximum of fourteen (14) days, by clearly identifying the area by signage as closed. It is unlawful for any person to take domesticated animals into such areas whether loose, on a leash, or in arms. The relevant department director will provide notice of this closure to the City Council in writing in advance of the closure or, in cases of emergency, within a reasonable time after the closure. (Ord. 41-21, 2021: Ord. 21-19, 2019)