A. The animal services director shall:
1. Enforce this title and perform other responsibilities pursuant thereto;
2. Supervise the municipal animal shelter(s) under his or her jurisdiction;
3. Keep adequate records of all animals impounded and all monies collected;
4. See that all animals and animal holding facilities in his or her jurisdiction are licensed, controlled and permitted in accordance with any applicable ordinance and/or regulations;
5. Establish, in cooperation with the Salt Lake Valley health department and other interested governmental agencies, adequate measures for rabies immunization and control.
B. Each animal services officer shall:
1. Enforce this chapter in all respects pertaining to animal services within the city, including the care and impounding of animals and prevention of cruelty to animals;
2. Carry out all duties prescribed or delegated by the director. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: prior code § 100-1-4)
A permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after it is issued by the office of animal services or other authorized entity, and shall be renewable upon application therefor. Renewal applications shall not be available until thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the current permit. A permit may only be issued after the appropriate fee has been paid. Application shall be accompanied by the fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. Licenses may be issued for multiple years in accordance with fees shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule.
A. The permit and license fee schedule may be modified from time to time as deemed appropriate by the director of animal services or other authorized manager, and upon approval by the Salt Lake City council.
B. Permits are not transferable from one owner to another, nor from one site to another. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)
A. Required: All dogs and cats shall be licensed each year, except as otherwise provided herein, to a person of the age of eighteen (18) years or older. However, no license shall be required for cats maintained within a feral cat colony.
B. Deadline: Any person owning, possessing or harboring any dog or cat shall obtain a license for such animal within thirty (30) days after the animal reaches the age of four (4) months, or, in the case of a dog or cat over four (4) months of age, or in the case of a new city resident, within thirty (30) days of the acquisition of the animal or the commencement of residency. However, if an animal is fostered pursuant to a pet rescue permit and is held pending adoption, then the time period in which the pet rescue permit holder must obtain a license for such animal will be expanded from thirty (30) days to ninety (90) days. The animal services director may waive late fees or extend licensing deadlines in individual cases, as appropriate.
C. Application: License applications shall be submitted to the office of animal services, by utilizing a standard form which requests name, address and telephone number of the applicant; breed, sex, color and age of the animal; previous license information; rabies and sterilization information; and the number, location or other identification applicable to a tattoo or implanted microchip of the animal. The application shall be accompanied by the prescribed license fee and by a rabies vaccination certificate current for a minimum of six (6) months beyond the date of application. A license shall not be issued for a period that exceeds the expiration date of the rabies vaccination. Rabies vaccinations shall be given by a licensed veterinarian with a vaccine approved by the current compendium of animal rabies control.
D. License Fees:
1. License fees shall be as set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. Penalties for failing to properly license dogs and cats shall be as set forth in the penalty schedule in section 8.15.027 of this title.
2. No dog or cat shall be licensed as spayed or neutered without veterinary verification that such surgery was performed.
E. License Vendors: The animal services director may contract with veterinary hospitals, veterinarians, pet shops, animal grooming parlors, and similar institutions or individuals for the issuance of license application forms. License fees and requirements for licensure with such vendors shall be the same as if the application was issued directly by the office of animal services.
F. Dog And Cat Limits: There is no limitation on the numbers of dogs and cats that can be owned by a resident, provided that all dogs and cats are properly licensed and cared for. Dog and cat owners must abide by all applicable sections of this title including, but not limited to, licensing, proper care and maintenance, medical attention, and animal cruelty. Owners are required to prevent their animals from causing, and shall abate, any nuisances caused by animals including, but not limited to, noise and odor.
G. Senior Citizen Provisions: In lieu of the annual license fees provided above, a person sixty (60) years of age or older on the date of license application may, upon proof of age, obtain a dog or cat license for an unsterilized dog or cat for a reduced fee as specified in the city's consolidated fee schedule. A person sixty (60) years of age or older may obtain a license for the life of a spayed or neutered dog or cat for a onetime nontransferable fee as specified in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, but such person shall nevertheless obtain a license without fee thereafter for verification of rabies vaccination. This subsection shall not be construed to relieve any person from meeting all licensing requirements not specifically exempted, including late fees and required vaccinations, nor is any license issued hereunder transferable to any other animal or owner other than that for which the license was issued. (Ord. 8-15, 2015)