Any permit issued pursuant to sections 8.04.130 through this section and section 8.04.200 of this chapter, or their successor sections, shall automatically expire on the December 31 immediately following the date of issue. Within two (2) months prior to the expiration of the permit, the permittee shall apply for a renewal of the permit and pay the required fee. Any application made after December 31, except an application for a new establishment opening subsequent to that date, shall be accompanied by a late application fee in addition to the regular permit fee. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)
The mayor may adopt by reference rules and regulations governing the operation of kennels, catteries, groomeries, pet shops, riding stables, and veterinary clinics or structures, buildings, pens, cages, runways or yards required for the animal sought to be kept, harbored or confined on such premises; the manner in which food, water and sanitation facilities will be provided to such animals; measures relating to the health of such animals, the control of noise and odors, and the protection of persons or property on adjacent premises; and other such matters the Mayor may deem necessary. Such rules and regulations shall, upon publication of an adopting ordinance, have the effect of law, and a violation of such rules and regulations shall be deemed a violation of this title and grounds for revocation of a permit issued by the Office of Animal Services. (Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Prior Code § 100-1-29)
A. It is unlawful for any person to display, offer for sale, deliver, barter, auction, give away, transfer, or sell any live dog, cat, or rabbit at any pet shop, retail business or other commercial animal establishment located within the City unless the dog, cat, or rabbit was obtained from:
1. An animal shelter;
2. An animal control agency;
3. A humane society; or
4. A non-profit rescue organization.
B. All pet shops, retail businesses, or other commercial animal establishments selling dogs, cats, or rabbits shall maintain a certificate of source for each animal and shall make it available upon request to any animal control officer, law enforcement officer, Code compliance official or other individual charged with enforcing the provisions of this section. For purposes of this section, a certificate of source is defined as any document from an animal shelter, animal control agency, humane society, or non-profit rescue organization that identifies such entity as the source from which the dog, cat, or rabbit was obtained by the pet shop, retail business or other commercial establishment at issue.
C. This section shall not apply to the display, offer for sale, delivery, bartering, auction, giving away, transfer, or sale of dogs, cats or rabbits from the premises on which they were bred and reared.
D. Nothing in this section shall prevent the owner, operator, or employees of a pet shop, retail business, or other commercial animal establishment located in the City from providing space and appropriate care for animals owned by an animal shelter, animal control agency, humane society, or non-profit rescue organization; and maintaining those animals at the pet shop, retail business or other commercial animal establishment for the purpose of public adoption. (Ord. 61-18, 2018)
All establishments required to be permitted under this title shall be subject to periodic inspections, and the inspector shall make a report of such inspection with a copy to be delivered to the establishment and filed with the Animal Services Office. (Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Ord. 88-86 § 4, 1986: Prior Code § 100-1-28(6))
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this title, when the inspecting officer finds unsanitary or other conditions in the operation of pet rescue residences, kennels, catteries, groomeries, veterinary clinics or hospitals, riding stables, pet shops, or any similar establishments, which, in such officer's judgment, constitute a substantial hazard to the animal(s) and/or the public health, such officer may, without warning or hearing, issue a written notice to the permit or registration holder or operator citing such condition and specifying the corrective action to be taken. Such order shall state that the permit or registration is immediately suspended, and all operations are to be immediately discontinued. Any person to whom such an order is issued shall comply immediately therewith. Any animals at such facility may be confiscated by the Animal Services Office and impounded or otherwise provided for according to the provisions of this title. (Ord. 53-12, 2012)
A. Any person having knowledge of any individual or animal having been bitten by an animal of a species subject to rabies shall report the incident immediately to the Office of Animal Services or to the Salt Lake Valley Health Department.
B. The owner of an animal that bites a person, and any person bitten by an animal, shall report the bite to the Office of Animal Services or the Valley Health Department within twenty four (24) hours of the bite, regardless of whether or not the biting animal is of a species subject to rabies.
C. A physician (or other medical personnel) who renders professional treatment to a person bitten by an animal shall report the fact that such physician (or personnel) has rendered professional treatment to the Office of Animal Services or the Valley Health Department within twenty four (24) hours of his or her first professional attendance. He or she shall report the name, sex, phone number and address of the person bitten as well as the type and location of the bite. If known, he or she shall give the name and address of the owner of the animal that inflicted the bite, and any other facts that may assist the Office of Animal Services in ascertaining the immunization status of the animal.
D. Any person treating an animal bitten, injured or mauled by another animal shall report the incident to the Office of Animal Services. The report shall contain the name, phone number and address of the owner of the wounded, injured or bitten animal, the name, phone number and address of the owner and description of the animal which caused the injury, and the location of the incident.
E. Any person not conforming with the requirements of this section shall be in violation of this title. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2006: Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Prior Code § 100-1-18)