A. 1. It is unlawful for any person to operate or maintain a kennel, cattery, pet shop, groomery, riding stable, veterinary clinic or hospital or any similar establishment unless such person first obtains a regulatory permit from the office of animal services, in addition to all other required licenses and permits.
2. All applications for permits to operate such establishments shall be submitted, together with the required permit fee, on a printed form provided by the animal services office to that office. Before the permit is issued, approval shall be granted by the Salt Lake Valley health department, the appropriate zoning authority, any applicable business licensing authority, and the animal services office.
B. A pet rescue permit for foster animals may be authorized for owners of dogs and cats to keep dogs or cats in a residential area, provided:
1. Such animals are pending adoption from a local city or county operated animal shelter or a section 501(c)(3), United States internal revenue code, humane society shelter; and
2. Such animals are awaiting adoption; and
3. Approval is granted by the appropriate zoning authority, Salt Lake Valley health department, and office of animal services; and
4. Adequate confinement areas are provided; and
5. Other provisions of this title are complied with, and no animal or premises is deemed to be a nuisance; and
6. The holder of a pet rescue permit assumes all responsibility for the animal regarding licensing, care, liability and oversight.
C. Holders of a pet rescue permit shall be subject to all requirements and regulations of this chapter pertaining to commercial establishments. (Ord. 2-12, 2012)
Research facilities where bona fide medical or related research is being conducted, humane shelters, and other animal establishments operated by state or local government, or which are licensed by federal law, and licensed veterinarian hospitals and clinics, are excluded from the licensing requirements of this title. (Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Ord. 88-86 § 3, 1986: prior code § 100-1-28(5))
A. A valid permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each establishment, and the permit shall be considered as appurtenant to the premises and not transferable to another location.
B. The permittee shall notify the office of animal services within thirty (30) days of any change in this establishment or operation which may affect the status of his or her permit. In the event of a change in ownership of the establishment, the permittee shall notify the office of animal services immediately. Permits shall not be transferable from one owner to another. (Ord. 69-99 § 6, 1999: Ord. 88-86 § 3, 1986: prior code § 100-1-28(2))
Any permit issued pursuant to sections 8.04.130 through this section and section 8.04.200 of this chapter, or their successor sections, shall automatically expire on the December 31 immediately following the date of issue. Within two (2) months prior to the expiration of the permit, the permittee shall apply for a renewal of the permit and pay the required fee. Any application made after December 31, except an application for a new establishment opening subsequent to that date, shall be accompanied by a late application fee in addition to the regular permit fee. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)