There is created the Salt Lake City business advisory board, which body shall consist of eleven (11) appointed voting members and up to five (5) nonvoting members. Voting membership shall consist of residents of the city or of nonresidents who have an ownership interest in a business within the city. No more than two (2) members of the board shall be from the same profession or occupation. Other individuals, representing organizations with continuing interest and involvement in business within the city may be appointed nonvoting members, including, for example, but not limited to, the Salt Lake area chamber of commerce, the Downtown Alliance, and the Downtown Retail Merchants Association. The director of economic development, or his/her designee, shall be an ex officio member of the board with no voting privileges. (Ord. 49-16, 2016)
A. Each member's term of office shall expire on the applicable last Monday in December.
B. All appointments of nonvoting members of the board shall be made by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council for a one year term. Each nonvoting member's term of office shall expire on the applicable last Monday in December. Nonvoting members shall be limited to no more than four (4) consecutive terms. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
A person, to be eligible to be appointed as a member of the board, shall meet the following prerequisites:
A. Be not less than twenty one (21) years of age;
B. Be a resident of Salt Lake City or a nonresident of the city who has an ownership interest in a business within the city. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
The board shall have the following powers and duties:
A. Determine and establish such rules and regulations for the conduct of the board as the members shall deem advisable; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with this chapter or its successor, or other city, state or federal law;
B. Recommend the adoption and alteration of all rules, regulations and ordinances which it shall, from time to time, deem in the public interest and for the purposes of carrying out the objects of this chapter; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with this chapter or its successor, or other city, state or federal law;
C. Advise and make recommendations to the city administration and the city council on business related issues which may include, but not be limited to:
1. Business license fee rates;
2. Proposed planning and zoning changes;
3. Development of a strategic plan to encourage business growth in the city; and
4. Measures to enhance business activities, such as the downtown economic development study and the neighborhood business master plan;
D. Serve as a coordination body and resource for organizations interested in business issues affecting the city. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)