A. Functions: The fire department shall be responsible throughout the city for the protection of life and property from damage or loss due to fire, through measures including, but not limited to:
1. The development and administration of public education and fire prevention programs;
2. Fire safety;
3. Fire and safety inspections of buildings and proposed building plans;
4. Fire rescue and emergency medical and other emergency services, except that 911 communication and dispatch services shall be provided by the 911 communications bureau as provided in section 2.08.110 of this chapter;
5. Hazardous material investigation;
6. Fire suppression; and
7. Postinvestigation of fires for possible arson.
B. Duties: The chief of the fire department shall be the appointing power and have the command over all the officers, members and employees of the department. It shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department, subject to the approval of the mayor, to make and adopt such rules and regulations for the administration and operation of the department as in his/her judgment shall be necessary for the good of the service. (Ord. 38-16, 2016)
A. Functions: The department of public services shall have charge of and be responsible for the division of fleet management, the division of facilities, the division of compliance, the division of streets, and the division of city engineering:
1. The operation of the crossing guard program;
2. The operation and maintenance of streets, parkways, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic signals, and similar public ways and facilities;
3. Maintenance and repair of all city owned buildings within the city; and
4. Enforcement of parking ordinances and regulations.
B. City Engineer: The position of city engineer shall be assigned to the department of public services under the administrative direction of the director of public services. The city engineer shall be a registered professional engineer of the state and shall be responsible for the review, supervision and acceptance of all engineering and architectural design, and construction work required by or for the city, except as assigned in this code to other departments or offices of the city; the coordination and supervision of all construction work done within the public rights of way of the city; and the records of public improvements as prescribed by state statute. The duties may be delegated by the city engineer as deemed prudent and appropriate; such delegation may include the department of public utilities (for recording and maintaining engineering records relating to the water and sewer services and its engineering functions) and the department of airports. (Ord. 31-21, 2021: Ord. 38-16, 2016)
A. Functions: The police department, by and through its sworn officers, shall be responsible for preserving the public peace; preventing crime; detecting and arresting criminal offenders; protecting the rights of persons and property; regulating and controlling motorized and pedestrian traffic; training sworn personnel; providing and maintaining police records; and communications systems, except that 911 communications and dispatch services shall be provided by the 911 communications bureau as provided in section 2.08.110 of this chapter. Emergency management shall be housed in the police department.
B. Duties: The chief of the police department shall be the appointing power and have command over all the officers, members and employees in the department. It shall be the duty of the chief, subject to the approval of the mayor, to make and adopt such rules and regulations for the operation and administration of the department, as, in the chief's judgment, shall be necessary for the good of the service.
C. Early Warning System: The chief of the police department, taking into account the recommendations of the civilian review board and the civilian review board's administrator pursuant to chapter 2.72 of this title, shall develop an early warning system whereby the police department administration shall be notified by the police department's internal affairs unit if a police officer has exhibited a pattern of generating complaints with the internal affairs unit. This early warning system shall be activated regardless of the subsequent disposition of such complaint. When the early warning system is activated for a particular police officer, the chief of police shall review the circumstances and, where appropriate in his or her judgment, require such officer to receive counseling, testing, or training. The police department shall document the pattern of behavior of the police officer, the review by the chief of police, and the assigned counseling, testing, or training of such officer. (Ord. 38-16, 2016)
A. Functions: The department of public utilities shall have charge of and be responsible for:
1. The acquisition, transportation, storage, treatment and distribution of all irrigation, raw and potable water for the city and its designated service areas, including, but not limited to:
a. All farms and watershed lands, so far as the same affect the water supply of the city;
b. All water sources from which the domestic supply is or may be taken;
c. All reservoirs, conduits, tanks, and water mains, city fire hydrants located within the city, and appurtenant equipment and properties;
d. All irrigation gates, dams, flumes, ditches, canals, reservoirs and related facilities necessary for the proper control and distribution of irrigation water for which the city is acting as distributing agent, or in connection with any water exchange agreements to which the city is a party; and
2. Keeping records of the location of all principal gates, dams, flumes, ditches, canals and reservoirs and water rights owned by the city, which records shall show the nature of construction, the length and capacity of the principal canals and ditches, and such other information as may be necessary to enable a proper understanding of the city's rights from an examination thereof; and
3. The ownership, operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer utility system for the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater generated within the city, including the facilities necessary therefor; and
4. The ownership, operation and maintenance of a stormwater sewer utility system for the collection and disposal of stormwater and floodwaters generated or collected within the city; and
5. The ownership, operation and maintenance of a street lighting utility system for providing lighting within the city's right of way.
B. Water Boards, Miscellaneous: The director of the department of public utilities shall represent the city, if consistent with law, on the various water or sewer boards, commissions and similar administering bodies on which the city is entitled to sit by virtue of state law, contractual agreement or bylaws of such bodies.
C. Enterprise Funds: The water, sanitary sewer, stormwater sewer, and street lighting divisions of the department of public utilities shall be operated as separate enterprise funds. The collection, accounting and expenditure of each shall be in accordance with existing fiscal policies of the city. (Ord. 38-16, 2016)
A. Functions: The 911 communications bureau shall have charge of and be responsible for operating as a primary public safety answering point 911 center for the city and dispatching the appropriate agencies for response. The 911 communications bureau shall be staffed twenty four (24) hours per day every day of the year.
B. Administration: Pursuant to Utah code section 10-3b-202(1)(d)(i)(B), the mayor may create the administrative offices for the 911 communications bureau. (Ord. 38-16, 2016)