For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"FACILITY FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS." Includes any ramp, handrail, elevator, door, specially treated surfaces, and similar design, convenience, or device which facilitates the health, safety, or comfort of a handicapped person.
"HANDICAPPED PERSON." Any person confined through disease or disability to a wheelchair.
"PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS." Any building, structure, or improved area which is used primarily by the general public as a place of gathering or amusement including theaters, restaurants, hotels, and stadiums. All public accommodations are public buildings.
"PUBLIC BUILDINGS." Any building, structure, or improved area owned or leased by the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions thereunder or any building, structure, or improved area used primarily by the general public as a place of gathering or amusement, including but limited to theaters, restaurants, hotels, and stadiums. All public accommodations are public buildings.
"REMODEL." With respect to an existing public building to construct an addition, make substantial repairs, or substantially alter the appearance, design, or layout.
(Ord. 389, passed 1-2-74)
It shall be the duty of the Village Board of Trustees or their designated representative to be sure that all plans and specifications for reconstruction of every public building within the corporate limits of the village or which is under the jurisdiction of the village as provided by state statutes meets the minimum requirements provided by this chapter. It shall be the duty of the Village Board of Trustees or their designated representative to see to it that any public building which is within the corporate limits of the village or which is under the jurisdiction of the village pursuant to state statutes, if remodeled, meets the minimum requirements provided for by this chapter.
(Ord. 389, passed 1-2-74)