Alarm Systems
1062.01   Definitions.
1062.02   Permit required.
1062.03   Permit application.
1062.04   Permit term.
1062.05   Permit fees.
1062.06   Permit issuance.
1062.07   Inspections and tests.
1062.08   Operation without permit.
1062.09   False alarms.
1062.10   False alarm charges.
1062.11   Automatic protection devices; restrictions on keying.
1062.12   Automatic protection devices; operational requirements.
1062.13   Audible local alarms.
1062.14   Installation and maintenance standards.
1062.15   Unlawful use of emergency 9-1-1 lines.
1062.16   Revocation and suspension of permits.
1062.17   Notice and hearing on revocation or suspension.
1062.18   Appeals.
1062.99   Penalty.
   Police Department - see ADM. Ch. 250
   Fire alarms - see ADM. 252.08; B. & H. 1420.04 (BOCA § 918.4.2)
   False alarms - see ADM. 252.14; GEN. OFF. 664.02