(a)   No automatic protection device that is installed after the effective date of this chapter by any person on premises of any kind in the Village shall be keyed to an emergency 9-1-1 line or a primary trunk line.
   (b)   After the effective date of this chapter, any alarm agent who installs automatic protection devices in the Village for the purpose of sending recorded emergency messages directly to the Police Department shall first obtain necessary instructions, including a designated telephone number, from the Chief of Police, with the type of messages, in order to key such devices to a special trunk line into the Department.
   (c)   Within thirty days after the effective date of this chapter, all automatic protection devices in the Village that were keyed on that date to an emergency 9-1-1 line or a primary trunk line shall be disconnected therefrom. The owner or lessee of any such device shall be responsible for its disconnection.
   (d)   An alarm user or lessee of an automatic protection device who has it disconnected as required by subsection (c) hereof may authorize an alarm agent to key the automatic protection device to a special trunk line into the Police Department, provided that the device meets operational requirements, as set forth in this chapter, and a permit is secured for such connection.
(Ord. 775. Passed 1-25-93.)