General Provisions
   31.001   Scope
   31.002   Appointments
   31.003   Terms of office
   31.004   Assignment of duties
   31.005   Removal from office
   31.006   Records to be open for inspection
   31.007   Moneys received
   31.008   Oath
   31.009   Bond
   31.010   Physical examination
   31.011   Salaries
   31.012   Authority of enforcement
   31.013   Termination of office
   31.014   Municipal retirement fund
   31.025   Municipal officers
Commencement of Terms
   31.030   Commencement of terms of elected municipal officers
   31.035   Election
   31.036   Duties
   31.037   Appointment of officers
   31.038   Designation of officers' duties
   31.039   Mayor pro tem
   31.040   Acting mayor
   31.041   Formal occasions
   31.042   Bond; oath; salary
City Council
   31.055   Election and duties
   31.056   Oath; salary
City Clerk
   31.065   Election
   31.066   Bond; salary
   31.067   Money collected
   31.068   Signatures
   31.069   Accounts
   31.070   Records
   31.071   Custodian of city seal
   31.072   Custodian of documents
   31.073   Indexes
   31.074   Additional duties
   31.075   Vacancies
City Treasurer
   31.090   Election and term of office
   31.091   Bond; salary
   31.092   General duties
   31.093   Deposit of funds
   31.094   Records of money received
   31.095   Books and accounts
   31.096   Monthly reports
   31.097   Funds collected
   31.098   Register of warrants
   31.099   Special assessments
City Attorney
   31.110   Appointment
   31.111   Suits and actions
   31.112   Legal advisor to city
   31.113   Drafting ordinances and contracts
   31.114   City Council may retain other counsel
City Collector
   31.135   Office created
   31.136   Appointment
   31.137   Bond
   31.138   Duties
   31.139   Reports
Director of Public Works
   31.155   Office created
   31.156   Reserved
   31.157   Duties
Health Officer
   31.170   Creation of office; appointment
   31.171   Duties
   31.172   Analysis of suspected tainted food
   31.173   Inspections
Purchasing Agent
   31.190   Creation of office; appointment
   31.191   Limitations on purchases
Deputy City Clerk
   31.205   Creation of office; appointment
Zoning Board of Appeals
   31.215   Compensation for public hearings attended
Abuse Policy
   31.225   Drug and alcohol abuse policy adopted by reference