General Provisions
153.001 Purpose
153.002 Definitions
153.003 Minimum requirements
Zone Regulations
153.015 Zones and boundaries
153.016 R8 Residential Zone
153.017 R6 Residential Zone
153.018 R5 Residential Zone
153.019 R4 Residential Zone
153.020 R20 Residential Zone
153.021 Community shopping
153.022 Business Zone
153.023 Industrial Zone
General Requirements
153.035 Height and area exceptions and supplements
153.036 Nonconforming uses
153.037 Stream buffer areas required
153.038 Political signs
153.039 Internet cafés
153.050 Plat to be approved by Board of Commissioners
153.051 Approval procedure
Mobile Home Parks
153.065 Application for permit to construct or expand park
153.066 Information to be included in park plan
153.067 Planning Board review
153.068 Access
153.069 Water and sewer
153.070 Review of plan by electrical inspector
153.071 Deficiencies to be corrected before proceeding with development
153.072 Construction permit
153.073 Operating license
153.074 Development in stages
153.075 Identification signs
153.076 Maintenance of improvements
153.077 Utility and sanitary requirements
153.078 Street lights
153.079 Inspections
153.080 Mobile home moving permits
153.095 Zoning permits
153.096 Zoning Enforcement Officer
153.097 Board of Adjustment
153.098 Planning Board
153.099 Changes and amendments
153.999 Penalty
In order to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health and the general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; to conserve the value of buildings and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the corporate area, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan, there is hereby adopted and established an official zoning plan of the town. This zoning plan is adopted pursuant to the authority vested in the town by its charter and G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 19.
(1993 Code, § 91.001) (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)