(A) Stream buffer. A minimum of 60-foot vegetative buffer is required along all perennial surface waters indicated on the most recent versions of USGS 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographical maps. A Town representative shall be responsible for determination if surface waters are perennial or intermittent. Desirable artificial stream bank or shoreland stabilization is permitted.
(B) Development in buffers. No new development shall be allowed in the buffer, except water dependent structures and public projects such as road crossings, utility extensions and greenways where no practical alternative exists. These activities should minimize built-upon surface area, direct runoff away from the surface water and maximize the utilization of stormwater best management practices (BMPs).
(C) Effective date. This section shall become effective on the date of adoption.
(Res. passed 4-30-2001)
(A) Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to preserve the legibility and usefulness of necessary signs, to prevent commercial signs from conflicting with or obscuring signs related to the public safety or convenience, to ensure that signs do not become a public hazard or nuisance by reason of their size, placement number or condition and to protect and enhance the overall appearance of the community.
(B) Location.
(1) No sign shall be erected or constructed so as to interfere with visual clearance along any street or at any intersection.
(2) Non-governmental signs shall not be attached to or painted on power poles, light poles, telephone poles, traffic signs or other objects not intended to support a sign. Signs shall not be placed on trees.
(C) Condition. All signs shall be maintained in a legible and safe condition. Any sign in a deteriorated, rusting or unsafe condition shall be in violation of this section and the Town Administrator shall order that such sign be repaired or removed. Wherever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of a building or the public, the Town Administrator shall order that such sign be made safe or removed within ten days.
(D) Prohibited signs.
(1) Signs that obstruct any window, door, fire escape, stairway, ladder or opening intended to provide light, air, entrance or exit for any building as required by law are prohibited.
(2) Signs that obstruct sight distances at intersections or along public rights-of-way are prohibited.
(3) Signs that use the words “stop” or “danger,” or which are a copy or imitation of or for any reason are likely to be confused with any sign displayed by public authority are prohibited.
(E) Illumination. All lighted signs shall have their lighting directed in such a manner as to illuminate only the face of the sign and shall be shielded so that the source of the light is not visible and does not create a hazard or nuisance for motorists or nearby residents. All lighted signs shall meet North Carolina Electrical Codes.
(F) Campaign signs.
(1) Campaign signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area.
(2) All campaign signs shall be removed within ten days after the election for which they were made.
(G) Outdoor advertising.
(1) Freeways. Off-premises outdoor advertising signs shall be allowed only on U.S. 117 Bypass.
(2) All other highways. Outdoor advertising shall be allowed in all commercial zones including Highway Business, Industrial and Community Shopping.
(3) Spacing of signs. No outdoor advertising sign shall be located closer than 750 feet from any other outdoor advertising sign as measured along the same side of a road or highway.
(4) Total area. The maximum area for the face of any outdoor advertising sign shall be 400 square feet. The area shall be calculated by using the smallest rectangle which will encompass the entire sign face. Any extensions to the sign or any advertising message or copy on the sign structure, including the name of the outdoor advertising company on the border or trim, shall be included as part of the sign’s total area.
(5) Height. The maximum height of an outdoor advertising sign shall be 50 feet and shall be measured as the vertical distance from the ground below the sign to the highest part of the sign.
(6) Sign size.
(a) The maximum vertical height of the outdoor advertising sign face shall be ten and one-half feet.
(b) The maximum horizontal length of the outdoor advertising sign face shall be 40 feet.
(7) Separation from other uses. The minimum distance between outdoor advertising signs and existing churches, schools or public institutions shall be no less than 500 feet. The minimum distance between outdoor advertising signs and existing residences shall be 300 feet, however, if written permission is obtained from the owner of affected residence(s) within the 300 foot minimum distance, allowing the outdoor advertising sign to be placed closer than 300 feet, then such permission to place the sign may be granted by the town as long as all other requirements of this section have been met.
(8) Setback. All parts of each outdoor advertising sign shall be set back no less than 15 feet from any highway right-of-way line.
(9) General requirements.
(a) Color of structure. A freestanding sign structure, including the back, shall be painted in a neutral color to blend in with the background environment of the site.
(b) Illumination. Outdoor advertising signs may be illuminated in accordance with the following requirements.
1. Lighting shall be directed to the face of the sign and shall be shielded so that the source of the light is not visible and does not created a hazard or nuisance for motorists or nearby residents.
2. No flashing, rotating or intermittent illumination shall be permitted.
3. Any illuminated sign shall meet the requirements of the North Carolina Building Code (Vol. 4) as amended.
(10) Number and arrangement of signs. Outdoor advertising signs may be of single face, double-faced back-to-back or V-type design. If signs on the same structure face opposite directions, they shall be considered one sign.
(11) Obstructions. Regardless of the requirements of this section, no outdoor advertising sign shall obscure or interfere with official traffic signs, signals or devices or create a traffic hazard.
(12) Structural requirements. All outdoor advertising signs shall be of unipole design.
(H) Variances. The Town Planning Board, in instances where practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result from the strict application of these regulations, may modify or waive certain provisions if such modification or waiver preserves the purpose and intent of these regulations and will not negatively affect the public safety and welfare of the residents of the town.
(Ord. passed 12-3-2012)
(A) Selling and/or consuming alcoholic beverages are prohibited in internet cafés.
(B) Persons under the age of 18 are prohibited from the premises.
(C) All internet cafes shall be located at least one 100 feet from any school, church or residential use structure (the structure must have had utilities turned on in the past 12 months to be considered a use), measured from principle building to principle building.
(D) The permitted hours of operation for the internet cafés shall be: Monday through Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
(E) All uses meeting the definition of “internet café” as defined in § 153.002 of this chapter that were legitimately established prior to July 22, 2011 (this is the date the first one came to town) shall cease operations and close or be brought into compliance with the provisions of this code of ordinances by June of 2013 (date six months from when the ordinance was adopted).
(F) Internet cafes shall be operated only on the ground floor of a building and plate glass windows shall be in those parts of the building facing any street, so that a clear and unobstructed view of the interior may be had from the street.
(G) No curtains, screens, blinds, partitions or other obstructions shall be placed between the entrance to the room where computers or gaming terminals are stationed and the real walls of the room so that a clear view of the interior may be had from the street.
(H) Adequate lighting shall be provided inside the internet café as well as the immediate exterior of the building.
(I) The establishment must be a minimum of 500 feet from any other organization containing electronic gaming terminals.
(J) The establishment may contain no more than 30 gaming or computer monitors.
(K) After the commencement of business operations, the Town Board of Commissioners will have the right to require and may require onsite security on any individual internet café business where there are police reports and/or other police related problems.
(L) All games and software must be in compliance at all times with applicable laws of the state.
(Ord. passed 12-3-2012)
When more than three residential lots are to be subdivided and sold out of any one tract during any calendar year on an existing street or secondary road or any residential lots are to be subdivided and sold on a newly dedicated street, a plat of said subdivision shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to acceptance for recording by the Register of Deeds and prior to the issuance of any building permits therein.
(1993 Code, § 91.050) (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
Approval shall follow the following procedure.
(A) The developer or subdivider shall submit five copies of the proposed plat and any supplementary materials to the Chairperson of the Planning Board at least seven days prior to the meeting of the Planning Board.
(B) The proposed plat shall be checked against the requirements of this chapter.
(C) The Planning Board may request the assistance of any of the following persons or agencies in determining its recommendation on any subdivision:
(1) The District Engineer of the North Carolina Department of Transportation;
(2) The County Health Director;
(3) The County School Superintendent and Board of Education;
(4) The Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District;
(5) The County Industrial Development Commission; and
(6) Such other agencies and officials as the Planning Board may deem necessary or desirable.
(D) If improvements to the property are required, such as streets, drainage, water and sewer systems, and the like, the recommendation of the Planning Board and final approval by the Board of Commissioners is required before any such improvements may be begun.
(E) If the Planning Board should disapprove the proposed plat, the reasons for such action shall be stated and recommendations made on the basis of which the proposed subdivision would be approved.
(F) Failure on the part of the Planning Board to act within 60 days after the proposed plat is submitted shall be deemed approval.
(G) Once a recommendation has been made by the Planning Board or once 60 days has expired after submission, the Board of Commissioners shall consider the proposed subdivision at its next regularly scheduled meeting. At that time, final approval and disapproval shall be decided by the Board of Commissioners, unless final determination is postponed to another meeting.
(H) (1) All subdivision lots not located on existing paved streets or secondary roads shall be located on a properly drained and paved street. If the subdivision is to be located in part or in whole within the town limits, the developer shall also install water and sewer lines to serve each lot.
(2) The water and sewer lines shall be installed in accordance with specifications established by the Board of Commissioners. If more than ten residential lots are to be subdivided out of any tract which is contiguous with the town limits, the developer shall also install water and sewer lines to serve each lot. The water and sewer lines shall be installed in accordance with specifications established by the Board of Commissioners.
(3) The Board of Commissioners shall determine which of these improvements must be completed prior to the issuance of any building permits. If any of the improvements are to be completed after the final approval of the subdivision and the issuance of building permits, the developer shall post a bond with adequate security or guarantees satisfactory to the Board of Commissioners in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the installation of the required improvements, whereby said improvements may be completed without cost to the town in the event of default by the developer.
(4) No building permit shall be issued on any lot on any subdivision until the final plat has been approved by the Board of Commissioners and until all improvements have been made or the bond posted as provided herein.
(I) All plats submitted for approval shall include the layout of all lots with the area of each lot, all street rights-of-way, all other rights-of-way and easements, all building setback lines required by this chapter and such other information as the Planning Board may deem necessary and appropriate.
(J) Proposed street names shall be subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners.
(1993 Code, § 91.051) (Ord. passed 4-6-81)