   When more than three residential lots are to be subdivided and sold out of any one tract during any calendar year on an existing street or secondary road or any residential lots are to be subdivided and sold on a newly dedicated street, a plat of said subdivision shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to acceptance for recording by the Register of Deeds and prior to the issuance of any building permits therein.
(1993 Code, § 91.050)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
   Approval shall follow the following procedure.
   (A)   The developer or subdivider shall submit five copies of the proposed plat and any supplementary materials to the Chairperson of the Planning Board at least seven days prior to the meeting of the Planning Board.
   (B)   The proposed plat shall be checked against the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   The Planning Board may request the assistance of any of the following persons or agencies in determining its recommendation on any subdivision:
      (1)   The District Engineer of the North Carolina Department of Transportation;
      (2)   The County Health Director;
      (3)   The County School Superintendent and Board of Education;
      (4)   The Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District;
      (5)   The County Industrial Development Commission; and
      (6)   Such other agencies and officials as the Planning Board may deem necessary or desirable.
   (D)   If improvements to the property are required,  such as streets,  drainage,  water  and  sewer  systems,  and  the  like,  the recommendation of the Planning Board and final approval by the Board of Commissioners is required before any such improvements may be begun.
   (E)   If the Planning Board should disapprove the proposed plat, the reasons for such action shall be stated and recommendations made on the basis of which the proposed subdivision would be approved.
   (F)   Failure on the part of the Planning Board to act within 60 days after the proposed plat is submitted shall be deemed approval.
   (G)   Once a recommendation has been made by the Planning Board or once 60 days has expired after submission, the Board of Commissioners shall  consider the proposed subdivision at its next regularly scheduled meeting.  At that time, final approval and disapproval shall be decided by the Board of Commissioners, unless final determination is postponed to another meeting.
   (H)   (1)   All subdivision lots not located on existing paved streets or secondary roads shall be located on a properly drained and paved street.  If the subdivision is to be located in part or in whole within the town limits, the developer shall also install water and sewer lines to serve each lot. 
      (2)   The water and sewer lines shall be installed in accordance with specifications  established  by  the  Board  of Commissioners.  If more than ten residential lots are to be subdivided out of any tract which is contiguous with the town limits,  the developer shall also install water and sewer lines to serve each lot. The water and sewer lines shall be installed in accordance with specifications established by the Board of Commissioners. 
      (3)   The Board of Commissioners shall determine which of these improvements must be completed prior to the issuance of any building permits.  If any of the improvements are to be completed after the final approval of the subdivision and the issuance of building permits, the developer shall post a bond with adequate security or guarantees satisfactory to the Board of Commissioners in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the installation of the required improvements, whereby said improvements may be completed without cost to the town in the event of default by the developer.
      (4)   No building permit shall be issued on any lot on any subdivision until the final plat has been approved by the Board of Commissioners and until all improvements have been made or the bond posted as provided herein.
   (I)   All plats submitted for approval shall include the layout of all lots with the area of each lot, all street rights-of-way, all other rights-of-way and easements, all building setback lines required by this chapter and such other information as the Planning Board may deem necessary and appropriate.
   (J)   Proposed street names shall be subject to approval by the Board of Commissioners.
(1993 Code, § 91.051)  (Ord. passed 4-6-81)
   Prior to the placement of more than two mobile homes on any property in single ownership or prior to the construction of any new mobile home park or court or prior to the expansion of any existing mobile home park or court, the developer shall make application to the Building Inspector for a permit to construct or expand such a park. The application shall be accompanied by five copies of the proposed park plan.  Such application must be received at least seven days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board. If the property is not already zoned for mobile homes, the application for a zoning change shall include the information required in this chapter.
(1993 Code, § 91.065)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
   The park plan shall be drawn to a scale of 50 feet to one inch or larger and shall include the following:
   (A)   The name of the park, the names and addresses of the owner or owners and the designer or surveyor;
   (B)   Date, scale and approximate north arrow;
   (C)   Boundaries of the tract shown with bearings and distances;
   (D)   Site plan showing streets, driveways, open areas, recreation areas, parking spaces, service buildings, watercourses, water and sewer easements, mobile home spaces and all structures to be located on the site;
   (E)   Vicinity map showing the location of the park and the surrounding land usage;
   (F)   Names and all adjoining property owners;
   (G)   The proposed plan for providing gas, surface water drainage, street lights, electrical power, water supply, solid waste and sewage disposal facilities for each lot and structure contained in the park; and
   (H)   Land contours with vertical intervals of not less than two feet for all mobile home parks with 25 mobile home spaces or more.
(1993 Code, § 91.066)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
   (A)   The Building Inspector shall transmit the proposed park plan to the Chairperson of the Planning Board for review at its next meeting.
   (B)   (1)   The Planning Board shall review the proposed plan to determine if it is in accordance with the above requirements and the applicable zoning requirement. If the Planning Board should disapprove the proposed park plan, the reasons for such action and recommended changes shall be given to the developer or his or her agent.
      (2)   After the Planning Board has approved conditionally the proposed park plan, one approved copy shall be sent to the Building Inspector and one approved copy shall be given to the developer or his or her agent.  The developer or his or her agent shall then obtain approval from the County Health Department and the County Electrical Inspector.
(1993 Code, § 91.067)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
§ 153.068  ACCESS.
   (A)   The proposed access to the park shall conform to the standards of the State Department of Transportation.
   (B)   The developer or his or her agent must obtain approval of the District Highway Engineer of the State Department of Transportation  prior  to  beginning construction.
   (C)   If the District Highway Engineer requires any change in access, the developer or his or her agent shall resubmit the proposed plan to the Planning Board for its further approval prior to beginning construction.
(1993 Code, § 91.068)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
§ 153.069  WATER AND SEWER.
   (A)   If town water and sewer is to be provided to the mobile home park, it shall be designed and constructed so as to be compatible with the existing town system of water distribution and sewage disposal. Any extension of lines from existing town lines shall be at the expense of the developer, including any lift stations or other requirements which may be required by the town.
   (B)   If a community water or sewer system is to be provided, the County Health Department and if necessary, the Division of Health (Department of Human Resources) and the Environmental Management Commission, shall review the plan and determine if it is in accordance with their health  standards and regulations in  the following particulars:
      (1)   Source of water and water distribution system;
      (2)   Sanitary sewage disposal and treatment system;
      (3)   Adequate lot size, if septic tanks are to be used for sewage disposal and treatment; and
      (4)   Adequate facilities for solid waste storage, collection and disposal.
(1993 Code, § 91.069)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
   The County Electrical Inspector shall review the proposed park plan to determine if the proposed electrical distribution system is in accordance with electrical codes adopted by the county.
(1993 Code, § 91.070)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)