The County Health Department, the County Electrical Inspector and the Building Inspector are hereby authorized to make such inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this chapter. It shall be the duty of the owners or occupants of mobile home parks to give these persons and agencies free access to such premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. The person to whom an operating license for the mobile home park is issued shall operate the parking compliance with this chapter and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. The park owner or operator shall notify the park occupants of all applicable provisions of this chapter and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this chapter.
(1993 Code, § 91.079) (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
(A) In order to protect the town against the nonpayment of ad valorem taxes on mobile homes and the nonpayment of water and utility bills, it is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed any mobile home situated within the town limits without first obtaining a moving permit from the Town Clerk. The moving permit shall be conspicuously displayed near the license tag on the rear of the mobile home at all times during its transportation. Permits required by this section may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours.
(B) In order to obtain a permit as provided herein, persons shall be required to:
(1) Pay all taxes, water and utility bills due to be paid by the owner to the town; or
(2) Show proof to the Town Clerk that all taxes, water and utility bills have been paid.
(C) In addition to complying with the provisions above, the owners of mobile homes shall also furnish the following information to the Town Clerk:
(1) The name and address of the owner;
(2) The address or location of the premises from which the mobile home is to be moved;
(3) The address or location of the place to which the mobile home is to be moved; and
(4) The name and address of the carrier who is to transport the mobile home.
(D) No permit required by this chapter shall be issued by the Town Clerk unless and until all taxes and water and utility bills due to be paid by the owner to the town, including any penalties or interest thereon, have been paid. Any taxes which have not yet been computed, but which will become due during the current calendar year shall be determined as in the case of prepayments.
(E) The permit shall be in substantially the following form:
MOVING PERMIT Town of Pikeville Permit Number _______________ State of North Carolina Date of Issuance ______________ Permission is hereby granted to _________________________________________ (Name & address of owner) _________________________________________ (Name & address of carrier) to remove the following described mobile home: _______________________________ (Make, model, size, serial number, etc.) _________________________________________ From: _________________________________________ (Address) To: _________________________________________ (Address) This permit is issued in accordance with an ordinance of the Town of Pikeville entitled “An Ordinance to Require Moving Permits to Move Mobile Homes” adopted on the 3rd day of December, 1979. _________________________________________ (Signed) Town Clerk Town of Pikeville |
(F) Any person required by this section to obtain a moving permit who fails to do so or who fails to properly display the same shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment or both, as set forth in § 153.999. This penalty shall be in addition to any penalties imposed for failure to list property for taxation and interest for failure to pay taxes, utility and water bills as provided by the ordinances of this town and the laws of this state. Further, any person who transports a mobile home from a location in the town other than a manufacturer or retailer of mobile homes without having properly displayed thereon the moving permit required by this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment or both, as set forth in § 153.999. Any law enforcement officer of the town, the county or the state who apprehends any person violating the provisions of this section shall detain such person until satisfactory arrangements have been made to meet the requirements of this section.
(G) In the absence of the Town Clerk, the Mayor or any Town Commissioner is authorized to act in his or her stead.
(H) For the purpose of this section, MOBILE HOME means any structure that:
(1) Is designed, constructed and intended for use as a dwelling house, office, place of business or similar place of habitation; and
(2) Is capable of being transported from place to place on wheels attached to its frame.
(Ord. passed 4-6-1981) Penalty, see § 153.999
(A) No land within the zoning jurisdiction of the town shall be used or occupied and no structure within the zoning jurisdiction of the town shall be erected, moved, extended or enlarged, nor shall any excavation or filling of any lot for the construction of any building be commenced until a zoning permit shall have been issued by the Zoning Enforcement.
(B) Each application to the Zoning Enforcement Officer for a zoning permit shall be accompanied by the following information:
(1) The actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon;
(2) The size of the building to be erected and its location on the lot;
(3) The location of any existing structures on the lot;
(4) The number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate, if any;
(5) The dimensions and location of off-street parking facilities;
(6) The use of said land or structures; and
(7) Any other information the Zoning Enforcement Officer may require which will aid in determining conformance with this chapter.
(C) Upon certification that the intended use of the land is in conformity with provisions of this chapter, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall issue a buildingzoning permit upon the payment of a fee to be computed as follows.
(1) A minimum fee of $5 shall be charged for all permits. The minimum fee shall apply to all permits up to $5,000.
(2) For all permits in excess of $5,000, the fee shall be $1 per 1,000 to the nearest thousand.
(D) A record of all zoning permits shall be kept on file in the office of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(E) Any zoning permit issued shall become invalid if the work authorized by it has not been commenced within six months of the date of issuance or if the work authorized by it is suspended or abandoned for a period of one year.
(F) (1) No land or building shall be used or occupied until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, stating that the building or proposed use complies with the provisions of this chapter. A certificate of occupancy, either for the whole or a part of a building, shall be applied for before such structure is occupied. It shall be issued within ten days after the erection or alteration of such building or part, shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(2) No previously unoccupied structure shall be occupied until the certificate of occupancy is issued.
(G) If the zoning permit or occupancy certificate is denied by the Zoning Enforcement Officer because of nonconformity with the provisions of this chapter, the applicant may appeal the action of the Zoning Enforcement Officer to the Board of Adjustment.
(1993 Code, § 91.090) (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)
The Town Administrator shall be the Zoning Enforcement Officer and is authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter. If the Zoning Enforcement Officer finds that any of the provisions of this chapter are being violated, he or she shall notify in writing the person responsible for such violation, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering the action necessary to correct it. He or she shall also take any other action authorized by this chapter to ensure compliance with or to prevent violation of its provisions.
(1993 Code, § 91.091) (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)