§ 153.022  BUSINESS ZONE.
   Within the Business Zone, as indicated on the zoning map, no lot, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected which is intended or designed for any other than one or more of the following specified purposes.
   (A)   Uses permitted.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the R8 and R6 Residential Zones;
      (2)   Offices, restaurants, banks, theaters, retail stores and retail stores conducting incidental and secondary wholesale departments;
      (3)   Public buildings or other public use and public utility uses;
      (4)   Signs constructed and placed in accordance with the ordinances of the town;
      (5)   Newspaper or printing plants, radio and television stations;
      (6)   Dry-cleaning and pressing plants, laundries;
      (7)   Freezer lockers, cold storage plants, produce markets;
      (8)   Billiard or pool rooms, bowling alleys, dance halls and other forms of public amusements;
      (9)   Wholesale and storage warehouses and building materials supply and sales warehouses or yards necessarily incidental to a permitted use in this zone;
      (10)   Automobile, truck, tractor and implement sales and service. Automobile repair garages and parking lots;
      (11)   Taxicab, bus and motor freight terminals;
      (12)   Hotels, motels, tourist homes;
      (13)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily and necessarily incident to the above specified uses; and
      (14)   In general, business not creating or likely to create either smoke, odor, gas, dust, noise or vibration harmful to abutting property in this zone.
   (B)   Area and yard regulations.
      (1)   Buildings erected in the Business Zone for dwelling purposes exclusively shall comply with the requirements of the R6 Residential Zone.
      (2)   Where a building is erected for mixed use, namely, for both dwelling and business purposes, each story of such building used in any part for dwelling purposes shall, be more than two rooms in depth, be provided with two side yards, one on each side of the building, neither of which shall be less than six feet in width; provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to the street side of a corner lot.
      (3)   Where a lot abuts upon the side of a lot zoned residential, there shall be a side yard of not less than ten feet in width.
(1993 Code, § 91.022)  (Ord. passed 4-6-1981)  Penalty, see § 153.999