Within the Community Shopping Zone, as indicated on the zoning map, no lot, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected which is intended or designed for any other than one or more of the following specified purposes.
   (A)   Uses permitted.
      (1)   Agriculture, including the sale, storage and processing of products;
      (2)   Auto parts and supplies, new;
      (3)   Bakeries;
      (4)   Banks and financial institutions, including loan and finance companies;
      (5)   Barber and beauty shops;
      (6)   Churches;
      (7)   Clubs and lodges;
      (8)   Convenience stores;
      (9)   Drug stores;
      (10)   Dry cleaners, laundries and laundromats;
      (11)   Electric, radio and television repair shops;
      (12)   Floral and gift shops;
      (13)   Food stores and meat markets;
      (14)   Hardware, paint and floor covering stores;
      (15)   Health and medical facilities;
      (16)   Internet cafés;
      (17)   Motels;
      (18)   Offices, business, professional and public;
      (19)   Public safety and utility facilities;
      (20)   Restaurants;
      (21)   Sale and repair of new and used automobiles and other services incident to the operation of an automobile dealership;
      (22)   Service stations; and
      (23)   Signs constructed and placed in accordance with the ordinances of the town.
   (B)   Prohibited uses and structures.
      (1)   The use of any property in this zone as a used car junkyard;
      (2)   The use of any property in this zone for the sale or storage of used motor vehicles or equipment parts; and
      (3)   All other structures and uses not specifically permitted in the above list of permitted uses.
   (C)   Area and yard regulations.
      (1)   Buildings erected in the Community Shopping Zone for dwelling purposes exclusively shall comply with the requirements of the R6 Residential Zone.
      (2)   Where a building is erected for mixed use, namely for both dwelling and shopping purposes, each story of such building used in any part for dwelling purposes shall, if more than two rooms in depth, be provided with two side yards, one on each side of the building, neither of which shall be less than six feet in width.
      (3)   There are no minimum lot requirements in this zone.
      (4)   Where a Community Shopping Zone abuts a residential district, there shall be a side or rear yard, as the case may be, of at least ten feet in width.  This yard shall be planted with evergreen trees and shrubbery to act as a buffer strip.  Maintenance shall be provided by the property owner at all times.
   (D)   Off-street parking and loading.
      (1)   Required off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot as the use for which provided or within a distance of 300 feet from the lot provided that such parking space land is owned by the same owner as the use lot. Each application for zoning certificate shall include information as to the location and dimensions of off-street parking and loading space and the means of ingress and egress. Each automobile parking space shall not be less than 200 square feet exclusive of access drives and maneuvering space.
      (2)   For motels built within this zone, one space shall be provided for each sleeping unit and one space for each employee.
      (3)   For all other uses permitted within this zone, one space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of gross floor area of the structure.
      (4)   Every building or structure used for trade or business shall provide space for the loading and unloading of vehicles. These spaces shall be designed so that the vehicles loading and unloading shall not rest upon or across any public street right-of-way. All off-street loading spaces shall be at least 12 feet wide, 30 feet long and have an overhead clearance of 14 feet. Adequate means of ingress and egress must also be provided. Retail and wholesale establishments shall provide one off-street loading and unloading space for the first 2,500 square feet of gross floor space and one additional space for each additional 20,000 square feet of gross floor space.
(1993 Code, § 91.021)  (Ord. passed 2-6-2006; Ord. passed 12-3-2012)  Penalty, see § 153.999