1-7-1: Village Manager
1-7-1-1: Office Established
1-7-1-2: Appointment
1-7-1-3: Term of Office
1-7-1-4: Powers, Duties and Functions
1-7-1-5: Dual Offices and Employment Prohibited
1-7-1-6: Conflict of Interest Prohibited
1-7-1-7: Compensation
1-7-1-8: Resignation
1-7-1-9: Removal, Dismissal
1-7-1-10: Bond
1-7-1-11: Oath of Office
1-7-2: Village Treasurer
1-7-2-1: Creation; Appointment
1-7-2-2: Bond; Oath
1-7-2-3: General Duties
1-7-2-4: Warrants
1-7-2-5: Special Assessments; Application
1-7-2-6: Books and Accounts
1-7-2-7: Reports
1-7-2-8 Disposition of Moneys
1-7-2-9: Records to Successor
1-7-2-10: Assistant Village Treasurer
1-7-3: Village Finance Director
1-7-3-1: Creation; Appointment
1-7-3-2: Powers and Duties
1-7-3-3: Salary
1-7-3-4: Resignation or Removal From Office
1-7-4: Director of Building Department
1-7-4-1: Creation; Appointment
1-7-4-2: Powers and Duties
1-7-5: Village Fire Safety Inspector
1-7-5-1: Creation
1-7-5-2: Appointment
1-7-5-3: Compensation
1-7-5-4: Powers, Functions and Duties
1-7-5-5: Dismissal
1-7-6: Village Budget Officer
1-7-6-1: Creation
1-7-6-2: Appointment
1-7-6-3: Powers and Duties
1-7-6-4: Oath
1-7-6-5: Bond
1-7-6-6: Compensation
1-7-7: Deputy Clerk
1-7-7-1: Creation
1-7-7-2: Appointment
1-7-7-3: Powers and Duties
1-7-7-4: Compensation