The Village Finance Director shall have the power and duty to encourage and establish efficient planning, budgeting, auditing, reporting, accounting, and other fiscal management procedures for all Village officers including, but not limited to the Village Clerk's office, and all departments, commissions and boards and, in addition, the following specific powers and duties:
   He shall devote his full time and attention to the discharge of his duties prescribed in this Section and all other applicable ordinances of the Village.
   2.   He shall be directly responsible to the Village Manager as provided for in this Chapter.
   3.   He shall compile an annual budget for use by the President and Board of Trustees in preparation of an annual budget ordinance. The annual budget shall be submitted to the President and Board of Trustees and shall be in a form and manner as directed by the President and Board of Trustees.
   4.   Subject to subsection 2 of this Section, he shall be directly responsible for the receipt, collection, return or disbursement of the Village revenues. This shall include but not be limited to all matters relating to business licenses and fees and building permits and fees.
   5.   He shall, for the purpose of aiding in the preparation of the annual budget ordinance, review of budget estimates and control of budgeted funds, have custody and control of all books, documents and records of all Village officers, departments, commissions, and boards that relate to moneys received by the Village (including Village departments, commissions and boards), and paid out by the Village (including Village departments, commissions and boards), debts and accounts receivable, amounts owed by or to the Village (including Village departments, commissions and boards).
   6.   Every Village officer, department, employee, the Recreation Board or any other commissions and boards of the Village shall, at such times as directed and in form acceptable to the Village Finance Director, prepare and submit to the Village Finance Director an estimate of the amount of money required for each activity or function to be carried on during the current fiscal year, and such other documentation or statements of financial condition which the Village Finance Director may require.
   7.   He shall submit to the Board of Trustees, and the Village Administrative Coordinator, any additional or supplemental information which he may have, or they may request, concerning matters upon which he is required to report.
   8.   He shall develop and execute a comprehensive long range audit and cash flow program.
   9.   He shall develop a purchasing and disbursement procedure to be followed by all persons authorized to make purchases and handle disbursements on behalf of the Village, and he shall establish and maintain such procedures as shall insure that no expenditures are made by the Village, Village departments, commissions or boards except as authorized by the budget.
   10.   He shall act in an advisory capacity in financial matters to the President and Board of Trustees and shall perform such other fiscal functions and provide such other information concerning the financial affairs of the Villages may be required by the President and Board of Trustees.
   11.   He shall assist the independent auditors of the Village and shall assist and work cooperatively with the President and Board of Trustees.
(Amd. Ord. 5455, 11-18-19)